Brian Seeders 27d23c4184 Jenkins pipeline with parallel cigroups (#45285)
* Pipeline

* WIP some work for parallelization with ciGroups

* Fix xpack kibana install dir, and add some debugging

* Attempt to quick fix a few tests

* Revert "Revert "Revert "[ci] compress jobs for CI stability" (#44584)""

This reverts commit 078ac2897f.

* Recombine test groups, and try runbld again

* Mostly cleanup, and fix failed_tests reporting to hopefully work for both pipeline and non-pipeline

* Fix typo in shell script

* Remove some debug code

* Add support for changing es transport.port during testing via TEST_ES_TRANSPORT_PORT

* Fix test that uses hard-coded es transport port and add it back in to parallel groups

* Disable checks reporter again for now

* Set env var for TEST_ES_TRANSPORT_PORT in pipeline

* Update Jenkinsfile for shorter testrunner labels

* Fix another hard-coded transport port

* Fix a new test with hard-coded URLs

* Jenkinsfile cleanup and fix one of the groups

* Fix double slash

* Testing vault credentials on jenkins server

* Add a non-existent credential

* Revert "Add a non-existent credential"

This reverts commit 0dc234c465a5483b1a994cb510a182fef766e9cc.

* Try github-checks-reporter again

* github-checks-reporter should only run for elastic/kibana, forks won't work

* Clean up some debug code

* Changing names around to try to make BlueOcean UI a little better

* Add more stages

* Make some changes to stage structure to mirror a nested example from CloudBees

* Handle TODOs, and some cleanup in Jenkinsfile

* Pass GIT_BRANCH when started without GHPRB, fix branch check

* Fix mailer problem and add code that ensures all tests are in cigroups back in

* Test adding worker/job name to junit report paths

* Remove some duplication from ci_setup scripts

* Fix unit test that uses junit path

* Don't reinstall node every time setup_env is run

* Fix yarn install logic

* Fix another unit test that uses junit output dir

* Download latest ES snapshot after kibana builds

* Make sure junit reports are always processed

* Add two failing tests for testing purposes

* Add support to Jenkinsfile for kibana build e-mails

* Remove some debug code for email sending

* Change JOB env handling in junit paths and move it to a sub-directory

* Revert "Add two failing tests for testing purposes"

This reverts commit 5715203e26922a93483feb0ebb8bb3fdcc3daf8c.

* Fix junit report path in test

* Don't send kibana emails on build abort

* Address PR feedback, formatting and use built-in url formatting library

* Fix path formatting for functional test

* Add email sending back in to Jenkinsfile

* Fix another unit test with path problem
2019-09-11 11:58:28 -07:00

269 lines
7.6 KiB

stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a little bit
timeout(time: 180, unit: 'MINUTES') {
timestamps {
ansiColor('xterm') {
catchError {
'kibana-intake-agent': legacyJobRunner('kibana-intake'),
'x-pack-intake-agent': legacyJobRunner('x-pack-intake'),
'kibana-oss-agent': withWorkers('kibana-oss-tests', { buildOss() }, [
'oss-ciGroup1': getOssCiGroupWorker(1),
'oss-ciGroup2': getOssCiGroupWorker(2),
'oss-ciGroup3': getOssCiGroupWorker(3),
'oss-ciGroup4': getOssCiGroupWorker(4),
'oss-ciGroup5': getOssCiGroupWorker(5),
'oss-ciGroup6': getOssCiGroupWorker(6),
'oss-ciGroup7': getOssCiGroupWorker(7),
'oss-ciGroup8': getOssCiGroupWorker(8),
'oss-ciGroup9': getOssCiGroupWorker(9),
'oss-ciGroup10': getOssCiGroupWorker(10),
'oss-ciGroup11': getOssCiGroupWorker(11),
'oss-ciGroup12': getOssCiGroupWorker(12),
'oss-visualRegression': getPostBuildWorker('visualRegression', { runbld './test/scripts/' }),
'oss-firefoxSmoke': getPostBuildWorker('firefoxSmoke', { runbld './test/scripts/' }),
'kibana-xpack-agent': withWorkers('kibana-xpack-tests', { buildXpack() }, [
'xpack-ciGroup1': getXpackCiGroupWorker(1),
'xpack-ciGroup2': getXpackCiGroupWorker(2),
'xpack-ciGroup3': getXpackCiGroupWorker(3),
'xpack-ciGroup4': getXpackCiGroupWorker(4),
'xpack-ciGroup5': getXpackCiGroupWorker(5),
'xpack-ciGroup6': getXpackCiGroupWorker(6),
'xpack-ciGroup7': getXpackCiGroupWorker(7),
'xpack-ciGroup8': getXpackCiGroupWorker(8),
'xpack-ciGroup9': getXpackCiGroupWorker(9),
'xpack-ciGroup10': getXpackCiGroupWorker(10),
'xpack-firefoxSmoke': getPostBuildWorker('xpack-firefoxSmoke', { runbld './test/scripts/' }),
'xpack-visualRegression': getPostBuildWorker('xpack-visualRegression', { runbld './test/scripts/' }),
node('flyweight') {
def withWorkers(name, preWorkerClosure = {}, workerClosures = [:]) {
return {
jobRunner('tests-xl') {
try {
def nextWorker = 1
def worker = { workerClosure ->
def workerNumber = nextWorker
return {
def workers = [:]
workerClosures.each { workerName, workerClosure ->
workers[workerName] = worker(workerClosure)
} finally {
catchError {
catchError {
def getPostBuildWorker(name, closure) {
return { workerNumber ->
def kibanaPort = "61${workerNumber}1"
def esPort = "61${workerNumber}2"
def esTransportPort = "61${workerNumber}3"
]) {
def getOssCiGroupWorker(ciGroup) {
return getPostBuildWorker("ciGroup" + ciGroup, {
]) {
runbld "./test/scripts/"
def getXpackCiGroupWorker(ciGroup) {
return getPostBuildWorker("xpack-ciGroup" + ciGroup, {
]) {
runbld "./test/scripts/"
def legacyJobRunner(name) {
return {
"${name}": {
]) {
jobRunner('linux && immutable') {
try {
runbld '.ci/'
} finally {
catchError {
catchError {
def jobRunner(label, closure) {
node(label) {
def scmVars = checkout scm
]) {
string(credentialsId: 'vault-addr', variable: 'VAULT_ADDR'),
string(credentialsId: 'vault-role-id', variable: 'VAULT_ROLE_ID'),
string(credentialsId: 'vault-secret-id', variable: 'VAULT_SECRET_ID'),
]) {
// scm is configured to check out to the ./kibana directory
dir('kibana') {
// TODO what should happen if GCS, Junit, or email publishing fails? Unstable build? Failed build?
def uploadGcsArtifact(workerName, pattern) {
def storageLocation = "gs://kibana-ci-artifacts/jobs/${env.JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${workerName}" // TODO
// def storageLocation = "gs://kibana-pipeline-testing/jobs/pipeline-test/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${workerName}"
credentialsId: 'kibana-ci-gcs-plugin',
bucket: storageLocation,
pattern: pattern,
sharedPublicly: true,
showInline: true,
def uploadAllGcsArtifacts(workerName) {
ARTIFACT_PATTERNS.each { pattern ->
uploadGcsArtifact(workerName, pattern)
def publishJunit() {
junit(testResults: 'target/junit/**/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true, keepLongStdio: true)
def sendMail() {
def sendInfraMail() {
catchError {
$class: 'Mailer',
notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
recipients: '',
sendToIndividuals: false
def sendKibanaMail() {
catchError {
if(params.NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE && currentBuild.result != 'SUCCESS' && currentBuild.result != 'ABORTED') {
// to: '',
to: '', // TODO switch this out after testing
subject: "${env.PROJECT_NAME} - Build # ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${currentBuild.result}",
body: '${SCRIPT,template="groovy-html.template"}',
mimeType: 'text/html',
def runbld(script) {
sh '#!/usr/local/bin/runbld\n' + script
def bash(script) {
sh "#!/bin/bash -x\n${script}"
def doSetup() {
runbld "./test/scripts/"
def buildOss() {
runbld "./test/scripts/"
def buildXpack() {
runbld "./test/scripts/"