James Rodewig 40f2784f37
Rename 'Ingest Node Pipelines' to 'Ingest Pipelines' (#113783)
While Elasticsearch ingest pipelines require a node with the `ingest`
role, we don't need to include `ingest node` in the feature name.

There are no official plans, but the Elasticsearch team has discussed removing
the `ingest` role in the future. This also better aligns the Kibana UI with the
Elasticsearch docs.

The PR also makes some related changes to the Kibana docs.

Relates to
2021-10-05 16:03:11 -04:00

361 lines
9.1 KiB

= Deleted pages
The following pages have moved or been deleted.
== Encrypt TLS communications in {kib}
Refer to {ref}/security-basic-setup-https.html#encrypt-kibana-http[Encrypt HTTP client communications for {kib}].
=== Encrypt traffic between the browser and {kib}
Refer to {ref}/security-basic-setup-https.html#encrypt-kibana-browser[Encrypt traffic between your browser and {kib}].
=== Encrypt traffic between {kib} and {es}
Refer to {ref}/security-basic-setup-https.html#encrypt-kibana-elasticsearch[Encrypt traffic between {kib} and {es}].
== Configuring monitoring in {kib}
See <<monitoring-kibana>>.
== {xpack} Settings in {kib}
For more {kib} configuration settings, see <<settings>>.
== Uptime security
This page has moved. Please see the new section in the {heartbeat-ref}/securing-heartbeat.html[Uptime Monitoring Guide].
== Configure source read-only access
This page has moved. Please see {observability-guide}/configure-settings.html[configure settings].
== Configure source read-only access
This page has moved. Please see {observability-guide}/configure-data-sources.html[configure data sources].
== Extend your use case
This page was deleted. See <<xpack-graph>> and <<xpack-ml>>.
== Dashboard-only mode
Using the `kibana_dashboard_only_user` role is deprecated.
Use <<kibana-feature-privileges,feature privileges>> instead.
== PDF layout modes
This page has moved. Please see <<reporting-getting-started>>.
== Reporting from Kibana
This page has moved. Please see <<reporting-getting-started>>.
== Add sample data
This page has moved. Please see <<get-started>>.
== Coordinate map
This page has moved. Please see <<maps>>.
== Maps
This page has moved. Please see <<maps>>.
== Embedding Visualizations
This page was deleted. See <<development-visualize-index>>.
== Developing Visualizations
This page was deleted. See <<development-visualize-index>>.
== Error reports with Watcher
Watcher error reports have been removed and replaced with Kibana's <<apm-alerts,alerting and actions>> feature.
To create error alerts with new tool, select **Alerts** - **Create threshold alert** - **Error rate**.
More information on this new feature is available in <<apm-alerts>>.
== Role-based access control
This content has moved to the <<development-rbac, Security>> page.
== Cross-Cluster Replication
This content has moved. See
{ref}/ccr-getting-started.html[Set up cross-cluster replication].
== Remote clusters
This content has moved. See
{ref}/ccr-getting-started.html#ccr-getting-started-remote-cluster[Connect to a remote cluster].
== Adding a policy to an index
This content has moved. See
{ref}/set-up-lifecycle-policy.html[Configure a lifecycle policy].
== Creating an index lifecycle policy
This content has moved. See
{ref}/set-up-lifecycle-policy.html[Configure a lifecycle policy].
== Index Lifecycle Policies
This content has moved. See
{ref}/index-lifecycle-management.html[ILM: Manage the index lifecycle].
== Managing index lifecycle policies
This content has moved. See
{ref}/index-lifecycle-management.html[ILM: Manage the index lifecycle].
== Define your index patterns
This content has moved. See
<<get-started, Quick start>>.
== Index management
This content has moved. See {ref}/index-mgmt.html[Index management].
== Filter by field
This content has moved. See <<discover, **Discover**>>.
== View a document in context
This content has moved. See <<discover, **Discover**>>.
== View document data
This content has moved. See <<discover, **Discover**>>.
== View field data statistics
This content has moved. See <<discover, **Discover**>>.
== Known plugins
This content has moved. See <<known-kibana-plugins>>.
== URL drilldown
=== Picking a trigger for a URL drilldown
This page has moved. Refer to <<url-drilldowns>>.
=== URL templating
This page has moved. Refer to <<url_templating-language>>.
=== Variables
This page has moved. Refer to <<url-template-variables>>.
=== Time Series Visual Builder
This page was deleted. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Kibana Keystore has moved from the Data Folder to the Config Folder
This page has been deleted. Refer to link:[Breaking changes in 7.9].
=== Create Visualization
This page has been deleted. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Data Table
This page has been deleted. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Line, Area, and Bar Chart
This page has been deleted. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Add Canvas Elements
This page has been moved. Refer to <<canvas>>.
=== Vega-Lite Tutorial
This page has been moved. Refer to <<vega-tutorial-create-a-stacked-area-chart>>.
=== Heatmap Chart
This page has been moved. Refer to <<types-of-visualizations>>.
=== Interface Overview
This page has been moved. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Featured Visualizations
This page has been moved. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Customize and format visualizations
This page has been moved. Refer to <<dashboard>>.
=== Dashboard Drilldowns
This page has been moved. Refer to <<dashboard-drilldowns>>.
=== Localization for plugins
This page has been moved. PRefer to <<external-plugin-localization>>.
== Visualize
This content has moved. Refer to <<dashboard, **Dashboard**>>.
This content has moved. Refer to <<dashboard, **Dashboard**>>.
== Ingest Pipelines
This content has moved. Refer to {ref}/ingest.html[Ingest pipelines].
== Timelion
This content has moved. Refer to <<timelion>>.
== Tutorial: Use role-based access control to customize Kibana spaces
This content has moved. Refer to <<tutorial-secure-access-to-kibana>>.
== Search your data
This content has moved. Refer to <<kuery-query>>.
== View surrounding documents
This content has moved. Refer to <<discover-view-surrounding-documents>>.
== String field formatters
This content has moved. Refer to <<string-field-formatters>>.
== Embed {kib} content in a web page
This content has moved. Refer to <<embedded-content-authentication>> and <<embed-code>>.
== System dependencies
This content has moved. Refer to <<install-reporting-packages>>.
== Create a graph
This content has moved. Refer to <<xpack-graph>>.
== Graph limitations
This content has moved. Refer to <<graph-troubleshooting>>.
== Getting start with Search Profiler
This content has moved. Refer to <<xpack-profiler>>.
== Profiling a more complicated querying
This content has moved. Refer to <<xpack-profiler>>.
== Rendering pre-captured profiler JSON
This content has moved. Refer to <<xpack-profiler>>.