Spencer 5c327a12dd
[ci/getCheckoutInfo] retry fetching upstream changes to calculate mergeBase (#69320)
Co-authored-by: spalger <>
2020-06-16 13:45:20 -07:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

def call(branchOverride) {
def repoInfo = [
branch: branchOverride ?: env.ghprbSourceBranch,
targetBranch: env.ghprbTargetBranch,
if (repoInfo.branch == null) {
if (!(params.branch_specifier instanceof String)) {
throw new Exception(
"Unable to determine branch automatically, either pass a branch name to getCheckoutInfo() or use the branch_specifier param."
// strip prefix from the branch specifier to make it consistent with ghprbSourceBranch
repoInfo.branch = params.branch_specifier.replaceFirst(/^(refs\/heads\/|origin\/)/, "")
repoInfo.commit = sh(
script: "git rev-parse HEAD",
label: "determining checked out sha",
returnStdout: true
if (repoInfo.targetBranch) {
// Try to clone fetch from Github up to 8 times, waiting 15 secs between attempts
retryWithDelay(8, 15) {
script: "git fetch origin ${repoInfo.targetBranch}",
label: "fetch latest from '${repoInfo.targetBranch}' at origin"
repoInfo.mergeBase = sh(
script: "git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD",
label: "determining merge point with '${repoInfo.targetBranch}' at origin",
returnStdout: true
print "repoInfo: ${repoInfo}"
return repoInfo
return this