Tyler Smalley afe785b43a
[build] Creates Linux aarch64 archive (#69165)
- Updates Linux Chromium builds to accept architecture argument (defaults to x64) for arm64 support.
  - Example: `python ~/chromium/build_chromium/ 312d84c8ce62810976feda0d3457108a6dfff9e6 arm64`
- Updates all Chromium builds to include architecture in filename. 
  - `` _(new)_
  - `` > ``
- Moves Chromium install from data directory to `x-pack/plugins/reporting/chromium`
- Moves Chromium download cache from `x-pack/plugins/reporting/.chromium` to `.chromium`
- Installs Chromium during build (closes #53664)
- Updates build to be architecture aware (x64 and aarch64)
- Removed Chromium debug logs, they were not helpful and can not be written inside the Kibana root. If we were to keep them, we would need to write to `logging.dist`.

Signed-off-by: Tyler Smalley <>
2020-07-09 19:42:48 -07:00

112 lines
4.3 KiB

import subprocess, os, sys, platform, zipfile, hashlib, shutil
from build_util import runcmd, mkdir, md5_file, script_dir, root_dir, configure_environment
# This file builds Chromium headless on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
# Verify that we have an argument, and if not print instructions
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
print('python {chromium_version}')
print('python 68.0.3440.106')
print('python 4747cc23ae334a57a35ed3c8e6adcdbc8a50d479')
# The version of Chromium we wish to build. This can be any valid git
# commit, tag, or branch, so: 68.0.3440.106 or
# 4747cc23ae334a57a35ed3c8e6adcdbc8a50d479
source_version = sys.argv[1]
# Set to "arm" to build for ARM on Linux
arch_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) >= 3 else 'x64'
print('Building Chromium ' + source_version + ' for ' + arch_name)
# Set the environment variables required by the build tools
print('Configuring the build environment')
# Sync the codebase to the correct version, syncing master first
# to ensure that we actually have all the versions we may refer to
print('Syncing source code')
os.chdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'chromium/src'))
runcmd('git checkout master')
runcmd('git fetch origin')
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('git checkout ' + source_version)
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('gclient runhooks')
# Copy build args/{Linux | Darwin | Windows}.gn from the root of our directory to out/headless/,
platform_build_args = os.path.join(script_dir, platform.system().lower(), '')
print('Generating platform-specific args')
print('Copying build args: ' + platform_build_args + ' to out/headless/')
shutil.copyfile(platform_build_args, 'out/headless/')
print('Adding target_cpu to args')
f = open('out/headless/', 'a')
f.write('\rtarget_cpu = "' + arch_name + '"')
runcmd('gn gen out/headless')
# Build Chromium... this takes *forever* on underpowered VMs
print('Compiling... this will take a while')
runcmd('autoninja -C out/headless headless_shell')
# Optimize the output on Linux x64 and Mac by stripping inessentials from the binary
# ARM must be cross-compiled from Linux and can not read the ARM binary in order to strip
if platform.system() != 'Windows' and arch_name != 'arm64':
print('Optimizing headless_shell')
shutil.move('out/headless/headless_shell', 'out/headless/headless_shell_raw')
runcmd('strip -o out/headless/headless_shell out/headless/headless_shell_raw')
# Create the zip and generate the md5 hash using filenames like:
base_filename = 'out/headless/chromium-' + source_version[:7].strip('.') + '-' + platform.system().lower() + '_' + arch_name
zip_filename = base_filename + '.zip'
md5_filename = base_filename + '.md5'
print('Creating ' + zip_filename)
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
def archive_file(name):
"""A little helper function to write individual files to the zip file"""
from_path = os.path.join('out/headless', name)
to_path = os.path.join('headless_shell-' + platform.system().lower() + '_' + arch_name, name)
archive.write(from_path, to_path)
# Each platform has slightly different requirements for what dependencies
# must be bundled with the Chromium executable.
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', ''))
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', ''))
if arch_name == 'arm64':
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', ''))
elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', 'libEGL.dll'))
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', 'libEGL.dll.lib'))
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', 'libGLESv2.dll'))
archive_file(os.path.join('swiftshader', 'libGLESv2.dll.lib'))
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
archive_file(path.join('Helpers', 'chrome_crashpad_handler'))
print('Creating ' + md5_filename)
with open (md5_filename, 'w') as f: