Stacey Gammon 87a5b22626
API DOCS Step 3/3 (#92929)
* update api_docs from gitignore

* api doc files

* Update api_welcome.mdx

* Pretty print json

* Add new lines and extra frontmatter to warn github viewers

* update api_docs with new lines and frontmatter

* Remove all apis tagged @internal and add tests

* Update docs with all internal APIs removed

* fix typescript error in test fixtures

* Update core.json

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2021-03-02 22:02:17 -05:00

1706 lines
62 KiB

"id": "savedObjectsTaggingOss",
"client": {
"classes": [],
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApi",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsTaggingApi",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApi.client",
"type": "Object",
"label": "client",
"description": [
"\nThe client to perform tag-related operations on the server-side"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 25,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.ITagsClient",
"text": "ITagsClient"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApi.cache",
"type": "Object",
"label": "cache",
"description": [
"\nA client-side auto-refreshing cache of the existing tags. Can be used\nto synchronously access the list of tags."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 30,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.ITagsCache",
"text": "ITagsCache"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApi.ui",
"type": "Object",
"label": "ui",
"description": [
"\nUI API to use to add tagging capabilities to an application"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 34,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi",
"text": "SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 21,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi",
"description": [
"\nReact components and utility methods to use the SO tagging feature\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getTag",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTag",
"signature": [
"(tagId: string) => ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.Tag",
"text": "Tag"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"\nReturn a Tag from an ID\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "tagId",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 68,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 68,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.hasTagDecoration",
"type": "Function",
"label": "hasTagDecoration",
"signature": [
"(object: ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
") => object is ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.TagDecoratedSavedObject",
"text": "TagDecoratedSavedObject"
"description": [
"\nType-guard to safely manipulate tag-enhanced `SavedObject` from the `savedObject` plugin.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "object",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 75,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 75,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getSearchBarFilter",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getSearchBarFilter",
"signature": [
"(options?: ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.GetSearchBarFilterOptions",
"text": "GetSearchBarFilterOptions"
" | undefined) => ",
"description": [
"\nReturn a filter that can be used to filter by tag with `EuiSearchBar` or EUI tables using `EuiSearchBar`.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.GetSearchBarFilterOptions",
"text": "GetSearchBarFilterOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 89,
"link": ""
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 89,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getTableColumnDefinition",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTableColumnDefinition",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nReturn the column definition to be used to display the tags in a EUI table.\nThe table's items must be of the `SavedObject` type (or at least have their references available\nvia the `references` field)\n"
"children": [],
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 105,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.convertNameToReference",
"type": "Function",
"label": "convertNameToReference",
"signature": [
"(tagName: string) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"\nConvert given tag name to a {@link SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference | reference }\nto be used to search using the savedObjects `_find` API. Will return `undefined`\nif the given name does not match any existing tag."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "tagName",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 112,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 112,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.parseSearchQuery",
"type": "Function",
"label": "parseSearchQuery",
"signature": [
"(query: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.ParseSearchQueryOptions",
"text": "ParseSearchQueryOptions"
" | undefined) => ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.ParsedSearchQuery",
"text": "ParsedSearchQuery"
"description": [
"\nParse given query using EUI's `Query` syntax, and return the search term and the tag references\nto be used when using the `_find` API to retrieve the filtered objects.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "query",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"The query to parse"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 157,
"link": ""
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.ParseSearchQueryOptions",
"text": "ParseSearchQueryOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"see {@link ParseSearchQueryOptions}"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 157,
"link": ""
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 157,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getTagIdsFromReferences",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTagIdsFromReferences",
"signature": [
"(references: (",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
")[]) => string[]"
"description": [
"\nReturns the object ids for the tag references from given references array"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 163,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 162,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getTagIdFromName",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTagIdFromName",
"signature": [
"(tagName: string) => string | undefined"
"description": [
"\nReturns the id for given tag name. Will return `undefined`\nif the given name does not match any existing tag."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "tagName",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 170,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 170,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.updateTagsReferences",
"type": "Function",
"label": "updateTagsReferences",
"signature": [
"(references: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[], newTagIds: string[]) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"description": [
"\nReturns a new references array that replace the old tag references with references to the\nnew given tag ids, while preserving all non-tag references."
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 177,
"link": ""
"type": "Array",
"label": "newTagIds",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 178,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 176,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.components",
"type": "Object",
"label": "components",
"description": [
"\n{@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent | React components} to support the tagging feature."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 184,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent",
"text": "SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 62,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent",
"description": [
"\nReact UI components to be used to display the tagging feature in any application.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.TagList",
"type": "Function",
"label": "TagList",
"description": [
"\nDisplays the tags for given saved object."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 196,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.TagListComponentProps",
"text": "TagListComponentProps"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.TagSelector",
"type": "Function",
"label": "TagSelector",
"description": [
"\nWidget to select tags."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 200,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.TagSelectorComponentProps",
"text": "TagSelectorComponentProps"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelector",
"type": "Function",
"label": "SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelector",
"description": [
"\nComponent to be used with the `options` property of the `SavedObjectSaveModal` or `SavedObjectSaveModalOrigin`\nmodals from the `savedObjects` plugin. It displays the whole field row and handles the 'stateless' nature\nof props passed to inline components"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 206,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps",
"text": "SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 192,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.ITagsCache",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ITagsCache",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"id": "def-public.ITagsCache.getState",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getState",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.Tag",
"text": "Tag"
"description": [
"\nReturn the current state of the cache"
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 44,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.ITagsCache.getState$",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getState$",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.Tag",
"text": "Tag"
"description": [
"\nReturn an observable that will emit everytime the cache's state mutates."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 49,
"link": ""
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 40,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.TagListComponentProps",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "TagListComponentProps",
"description": [
"\nProps type for the {@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.TagList | TagList component}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TagListComponentProps.object",
"type": "Object",
"label": "object",
"description": [
"\nThe object to display tags for."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 218,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 214,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.TagSelectorComponentProps",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "TagSelectorComponentProps",
"description": [
"\nProps type for the {@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.TagSelector | TagSelector component}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TagSelectorComponentProps.selected",
"type": "Array",
"label": "selected",
"description": [
"\nIds of the currently selected tags"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 230,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TagSelectorComponentProps.onTagsSelected",
"type": "Function",
"label": "onTagsSelected",
"description": [
"\ntags selection callback"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 234,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"(ids: string[]) => void"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 226,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.GetSearchBarFilterOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "GetSearchBarFilterOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions for the {@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.getSearchBarFilter | getSearchBarFilter api}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [
"id": "def-public.GetSearchBarFilterOptions.useName",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "useName",
"description": [
"\nIf set to true, will use the tag's `name` instead of `id` for the tag field clause, which is recommended\nfor a better end-user experience.\n\nDefaults to true.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 276,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [
"id": "def-public.GetSearchBarFilterOptions.tagField",
"type": "string",
"label": "tagField",
"description": [
"\nThe tag clause field name to generate the query. Defaults to `tag`.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 282,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 259,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.ParsedSearchQuery",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ParsedSearchQuery",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ParsedSearchQuery.searchTerm",
"type": "string",
"label": "searchTerm",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 289,
"link": ""
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ParsedSearchQuery.tagReferences",
"type": "Array",
"label": "tagReferences",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 290,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ParsedSearchQuery.valid",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "valid",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 291,
"link": ""
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 288,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.ParseSearchQueryOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ParseSearchQueryOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions for the {@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUi.parseSearchQuery | parseSearchQuery api}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [
"id": "def-public.ParseSearchQueryOptions.useName",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "useName",
"description": [
"\nIf set to true, will assume the tag clause is using tag names instead of ids.\nIn that case, will perform a reverse lookup from the client-side tag cache to resolve tag ids from names.\n\nDefaults to true.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 309,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [
"id": "def-public.ParseSearchQueryOptions.tagField",
"type": "string",
"label": "tagField",
"description": [
"\nThe tag clause field name to extract the tags from. Defaults to `tag`.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 315,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 299,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps",
"description": [
"\nProps type for the {@link SavedObjectsTaggingApiUiComponent.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelector | SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelector component}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps.initialSelection",
"type": "Array",
"label": "initialSelection",
"description": [
"\nIds of the initially selected tags.\nChanging the value of this prop after initial mount will not rerender the component (see component description for more details)"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 247,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectSaveModalTagSelectorComponentProps.onTagsSelected",
"type": "Function",
"label": "onTagsSelected",
"description": [
"\ntags selection callback"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 251,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"(ids: string[]) => void"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 242,
"link": ""
"initialIsOpen": false
"enums": [],
"misc": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTagDecoratorTypeGuard",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectTagDecoratorTypeGuard",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/api.ts",
"lineNumber": 55,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"(object: ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
") => boolean"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.TagDecoratedSavedObject",
"type": "Type",
"label": "TagDecoratedSavedObject",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/decorator/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 14,
"link": ""
"signature": [
"SavedObject & { getTags(): string[]; setTags(tags: string[]): void; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": [],
"setup": {
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginSetup",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginSetup",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginSetup.registerTaggingApi",
"type": "Function",
"label": "registerTaggingApi",
"signature": [
"(provider: Promise<",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsTaggingApi",
"text": "SavedObjectsTaggingApi"
">) => void"
"description": [
"\nRegister a provider for the tagging API.\n\nOnly one provider can be registered, subsequent calls to this method will fail.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "provider",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsTaggingApi",
"text": "SavedObjectsTaggingApi"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 21,
"link": ""
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 21,
"link": ""
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 11,
"link": ""
"lifecycle": "setup",
"initialIsOpen": true
"start": {
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginStart",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginStart",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginStart.isTaggingAvailable",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isTaggingAvailable",
"signature": [
"() => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns true if the tagging feature is available (if a provider registered the API)"
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 28,
"link": ""
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectTaggingOssPluginStart.getTaggingApi",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTaggingApi",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "savedObjects",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsTaggingApi",
"text": "SavedObjectsTaggingApi"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"\nReturns the tagging API, if registered.\nThis will always returns a value if `isTaggingAvailable` returns true, and undefined otherwise."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 34,
"link": ""
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/public/types.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 10,
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 12,
"link": ""
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 13,
"link": ""
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 9,
"link": ""
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "TagAttributes",
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"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 17,
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"label": "description",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"source": {
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"lineNumber": 19,
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"children": [
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"id": "def-common.GetAllTagsOptions.asSystemRequest",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.TagAttributes",
"text": "TagAttributes"
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"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
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"source": {
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"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 28,
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.GetAllTagsOptions",
"text": "GetAllTagsOptions"
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"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.GetAllTagsOptions",
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"source": {
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"path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss/common/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 29,
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"signature": [
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.TagAttributes",
"text": "TagAttributes"
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"docId": "kibSavedObjectsPluginApi",
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"source": {
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"source": {
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