Uladzislau Lasitsa ba8e9a52b6
Timelion y-axis label not displayed (#80007)
* Moved flot in ui-shared-deps and leavt only one version.

* Removed unneeded import

* use commonJS so we can execute code between loading specific modules

* prefix i18n keys with flot.

* Fix Internationalization

* remove duplicate pie plugin

Co-authored-by: spalger <>
Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2020-10-14 16:58:35 +03:00

163 lines
5 KiB

/* @notice
* Pretty handling of logarithmic axes.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* Created by Arne de Laat
* Set axis.mode to "log" and make the axis logarithmic using transform:
* axis: {
* mode: 'log',
* transform: function(v) {v <= 0 ? Math.log(v) / Math.LN10 : null},
* inverseTransform: function(v) {Math.pow(10, v)}
* }
* The transform filters negative and zero values, because those are
* invalid on logarithmic scales.
* This plugin tries to create good looking logarithmic ticks, using
* unicode superscript characters. If all data to be plotted is between two
* powers of ten then the default flot tick generator and renderer are
* used. Logarithmic ticks are places at powers of ten and at half those
* values if there are not to many ticks already (e.g. [1, 5, 10, 50, 100]).
* For details, see
(function($) {
function log10(value) {
/* Get the Log10 of the value
return Math.log(value) / Math.LN10;
function floorAsLog10(value) {
/* Get power of the first power of 10 below the value
return Math.floor(log10(value));
function ceilAsLog10(value) {
/* Get power of the first power of 10 above the value
return Math.ceil(log10(value));
// round to nearby lower multiple of base
function floorInBase(n, base) {
return base * Math.floor(n / base);
function getUnicodePower(power) {
var superscripts = ["⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹"],
result = "",
str_power = "" + power;
for (var i = 0; i < str_power.length; i++) {
if (str_power[i] === "+") {
else if (str_power[i] === "-") {
result += "⁻";
else {
result += superscripts[str_power[i]];
return result;
function init(plot) {
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function (plot) {
$.each(plot.getAxes(), function(axisName, axis) {
var opts = axis.options;
if (opts.mode === "log") {
axis.tickGenerator = function (axis) {
var ticks = [],
end = ceilAsLog10(axis.max),
start = floorAsLog10(axis.min),
tick = Number.NaN,
i = 0;
if (axis.min === null || axis.min <= 0) {
// Bad minimum, make ticks from 1 (10**0) to max
start = 0;
axis.min = 0.6;
if (end <= start) {
// Start less than end?!
ticks = [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1,
1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6,
1e7, 1e8, 1e9];
else if (log10(axis.max) - log10(axis.datamin) < 1) {
// Default flot generator incase no powers of 10
// are between start and end
var prev;
start = floorInBase(axis.min, axis.tickSize);
do {
prev = tick;
tick = start + i * axis.tickSize;
} while (tick < axis.max && tick !== prev);
else {
// Make ticks at each power of ten
for (; i <= (end - start); i++) {
tick = Math.pow(10, start + i);
var length = ticks.length;
// If not to many ticks also put a tick between
// the powers of ten
if (end - start < 6) {
for (var j = 1; j < length * 2 - 1; j += 2) {
tick = ticks[j - 1] * 5;
ticks.splice(j, 0, tick);
return ticks;
axis.tickFormatter = function (value, axis) {
var formatted;
if (log10(axis.max) - log10(axis.datamin) < 1) {
// Default flot formatter
var factor = axis.tickDecimals ? Math.pow(10, axis.tickDecimals) : 1;
formatted = "" + Math.round(value * factor) / factor;
if (axis.tickDecimals !== null) {
var decimal = formatted.indexOf(".");
var precision = decimal === -1 ? 0 : formatted.length - decimal - 1;
if (precision < axis.tickDecimals) {
return (precision ? formatted : formatted + ".") + ("" + factor).substr(1, axis.tickDecimals - precision);
else {
var multiplier = "",
exponential = parseFloat(value).toExponential(0),
power = getUnicodePower(exponential.slice(2));
if (exponential[0] !== "1") {
multiplier = exponential[0] + "x";
formatted = multiplier + "10" + power;
return formatted;
init: init,
name: "log",
version: "0.9"