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= Dashboard and visualizations
**_Visualize your data with dashboards._**
The best way to understand your data is to visualize it. With dashboards, you can turn your data from one or more <<index-patterns, index patterns>> into a collection of panels
that bring clarity to your data, tell a story about your data, and allow you to focus on only the data that's important to you.
image:images/dashboard_ecommerceRevenueDashboard_7.15.0.png[Example dashboard]
Panels display your data in charts, tables, maps, and more, which allow you to compare your data side-by-side to identify patterns and connections. Dashboards support several types of panels to display your data, and several options to create panels.
| <<aggregation-reference,Editors>>
| Use one of the editors to create visualizations of your data. Each editor varies in capabilities for all levels of analysts.
| <<maps,Maps>>
| Create beautiful displays of your geographical data.
| <<xpack-ml-anomalies,Anomaly swim lane>>
| Display the results from machine learning anomaly detection jobs.
| <<xpack-ml-anomalies,Anomaly chart>>
| Display an anomaly chart from the *Anomaly Explorer*.
| <<logs-app,Log stream>>
| Display a table of live streaming logs.
| <<add-controls,Tools>>
| Add interactive filters with *Controls* panels.
| <<add-text,Text>>
| Add context to your panels with *Text*.
== Create dashboards
Dashboards provide you with the space where you add panels of your data.
=== Minimum requirements
To create dashboards, you must meet the minimum requirements.
* If you need to set up {kib}, use[our free trial].
* Make sure you have {ref}/getting-started-index.html[data indexed into {es}] and an <<index-patterns,index pattern>>.
* When the read-only indicator appears, you have insufficient privileges
to create or save dashboards, and the options to create and save dashboards are not visible. For more information,
refer to <<xpack-security-authorization,Granting access to {kib}>>.
=== Open the dashboard
Begin with an empty dashboard, or open an existing dashboard.
. Open the main menu, then click *Dashboard*.
. On the *Dashboards* page, choose one of the following options:
* To start with an empty dashboard, click *Create dashboard*.
When you create a dashboard, you are automatically in edit mode and can make changes to the dashboard.
* To open an existing dashboard, click the dashboard *Title* you want to open.
When you open an existing dashboard, you are in view mode. To make changes to the dashboard, click *Edit* in the toolbar.
=== Create and add panels
You create panels using the editors, which you can access from the dashboard toolbar or the *Visualize Library*, or add panels that are saved in the *Visualize Library*, or search results from <<save-your-search,*Discover*>>.
To create panels from the dashboard toolbar, use one of the following options:
* *Create visualization* &mdash; Opens the drag-and-drop editor, which is the recommended way to create visualization panels.
* *All types* &mdash; Opens the menu for all of the editors and panel types.
To create panels from the *Visualize Library*:
. Open the main menu, then click *Visualize Library*.
. Click *Create visualization*, then select an editor.
To add existing panels from the *Visualize Library*:
. In the dashboard toolbar, click *Add from library*.
. Click the panel you want to add to the dashboard, then click *X*.
When a panel contains a saved query, both queries are applied.
When you add search results from *Discover* to dashboards, the results are not aggregated.
=== Save and add panels
Consider where you want to save and add the panel in {kib}.
==== Save to the Visualize Library
To use the panel on other dashboards and *Canvas* workpads, save the panel to the *Visualize Library*. When panels are saved in the *Visualize Library*, image:dashboard/images/visualize-library-icon.png[Visualize Library icon] appears in the panel header.
If you created the panel from the dashboard:
. In the editor, click *Save to library*.
. Enter the *Title* and add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>.
. Make sure that *Add to Dashboard after saving* is selected.
. Click *Save and return*.
If you created the panel from the *Visualize Library*:
. In the editor, click *Save*.
. On the *Save* window, enter the *Title*.
. Choose one of the following options:
* To save the panel to a dashboard and the *Visualize Library*, select *Add to library*, add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>, then click *Save and go to Dashboard*.
* To save the panel only to the *Visualize Library*, select *None*, add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>, then click *Save and add to library*.
==== Save to the dashboard
Return to the dashboard and add the panel without specifying the save options or adding the panel to the *Visualize Library*.
If you created the panel from the dashboard:
. In the editor, click *Save and return*.
. Add an optional title to the panel.
.. In the panel header, click *No Title*.
.. On the *Customize panel* window, select *Show panel title*.
.. Enter the *Panel title*, then click *Save*.
If you created the panel from the *Visualize Library*:
. Click *Save*.
. On the *Save* window, enter the *Title*.
. Choose one of the following options:
* If you want to add the panel to an existing dashboard, select *Existing*, select the dashboard from the dropdown, then click *Save and go to Dashboard*.
* If you want to add the panel to a new dashboard, select *New*, then click *Save and go to Dashboard*.
To add unsaved dashboard panels to the *Visualize Library*:
. Open the panel menu, then select *More > Save to library*.
. Enter the panel title, then click *Save*.
== Add context to panels
To provide context to your dashboard panels, add *Text* panels that display important information, instructions, images, and more. You create *Text* panels using GitHub-flavored Markdown text.
. On the dashboard, click image:images/dashboard_createNewTextButton_7.15.0.png[Create New Text button in dashboard toolbar].
. In the *Markdown* field, enter the text, then click *Update*.
For example, when you enter:
image::images/markdown_example_1.png[Markdown text with links]
The following instructions are displayed:
image::images/markdown_example_2.png[Panel with markdown link text]
Or when you enter:
image::images/markdown_example_3.png[Markdown text with image file]
The following image is displayed:
image::images/markdown_example_4.png[Panel with markdown image]
For detailed information about writing on GitHub, click *Help*.
=== Save and add the panel
Save the panel to the *Visualize Library* and add it to the dashboard, or add it to the dashboard without saving.
To save the panel to the *Visualize Library*:
. Click *Save to library*.
. Enter the *Title* and add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>.
. Make sure that *Add to Dashboard after saving* is selected.
. Click *Save and return*.
To save the panel to the dashboard:
. Click *Save and return*.
. Add an optional title to the panel.
.. In the panel header, click *No Title*.
.. On the *Customize panel* window, select *Show panel title*.
.. Enter the *Panel title*, then click *Save*.
== Arrange panels
Compare the data in your panels side-by-side, organize panels by priority, resize the panels so they all appear immediately on the dashboard, and more.
In the toolbar, click *Edit*, then use the following options:
* To move, click and hold the panel header, then drag to the new location.
* To resize, click the resize control, then drag to the new dimensions.
* To maximize to fullscreen, open the panel menu, then click *More > Maximize panel*.
== Edit panels
To make changes to the panel, use the panel menu options.
. In the toolbar, click *Edit*.
. Open the panel menu, then use the following options:
* *Edit lens* &mdash; Opens *Lens* so you can make changes to the visualization.
* *Edit visualization* &mdash; Opens the editor so you can make changes to the panel.
To make changes without changing the original version, open the panel menu, then click *More > Unlink from library*.
* *Edit panel title* &mdash; Opens the *Customize panel* window to change the *Panel title*.
* *More > Replace panel* &mdash; Opens the *Visualize Library* so you can select a new panel to replace the existing panel.
* *More > Delete from dashboard* &mdash; Removes the panel from the dashboard.
If you want to use the panel later, make sure that you save the panel to the *Visualize Library*.
== Duplicate panels
To duplicate a panel and the configured functionality, use the clone and copy panel options. Cloned and copied panels replicate all of the functionality from the original panel,
including renaming, editing, and cloning.
=== Clone panels
Cloned panels appear next to the original panel, and move the other panels to provide a space on the dashboard.
. In the toolbar, click *Edit*.
. Open the panel menu, then select *Clone panel*.
When cloned panels are saved in the *Visualize Library*, image:dashboard/images/visualize-library-icon.png[Visualize Library icon] appears in the header.
=== Copy panels
Copy panels from one dashboard to another dashboard.
. Open the panel menu, then select *More > Copy to dashboard*.
. On the *Copy to dashboard* window, select the dashboard, then click *Copy and go to dashboard*.
== Search and filter your data
{kib} supports several ways to search your data and apply {es} filters. You can combine the filters with any panel
filter to display the data want to you see.
For more information about {kib} and {es} filters, refer to <<kibana-concepts-analysts,{kib} concepts>>.
To apply a panel-level time filter:
. Open the panel menu, then select *More > Customize time range*.
. Enter the time range you want to view, then click *Add to panel*.
== Apply design options
Apply a set of design options to the entire dashboard.
. If you're in view mode, click *Edit* in the toolbar.
. In the toolbar, *Options*, then use the following options:
* *Use margins between panels* &mdash; Adds a margin of space between each panel.
* *Show panel titles* &mdash; Displays the titles in the panels headers.
* *Sync color pallettes across panels* &mdash; Applies the same color palette to all panels on the dashboard.
== Save dashboards
When you've finished making changes to the dashboard, save it.
If you are saving a new dashboard:
. In the toolbar, click *Save*.
. On the *Save dashboard* window, enter the *Title* and an optional *Description*.
. Add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>.
. To save the time filter to the dashboard, select *Store time with dashboard*.
. Click *Save*.
If you are saving an existing dashboard, click *Save*.
To exit *Edit* mode, click *Switch to view mode*.
== Download panel data
Download panel data in a CSV file. When you download visualization panels with multiple layers, each layer produces a CSV file, and the file names contain the visualization and layer index names.
. Open the panel menu, then select *Inspect*.
. Click *Download CSV*, then select the format type from the dropdown:
* *Formatted CSV* &mdash; Contains human-readable dates and numbers.
* *Unformatted* &mdash; Best used for computer use.
== Share dashboards
To share the dashboard with a larger audience, click *Share* in the toolbar. For detailed information about the sharing options, refer to <<reporting-getting-started,Reporting>>.
== Export dashboards
To automate {kib}, you can export dashboards as NDJSON using the <<saved-objects-api-export, Export objects API>>. It is important to export dashboards with all necessary references.