Jonathan Budzenski b5b64f4706
Support for multiple Elasticsearch nodes and sniffing (#21928)
* Node sniffing

* update monitoring

* cleaning

* remove tests

* rewrite tests using the proxy

* fix monitoring mocha tests

* fix payload

* return full error

* default interval false

* add sniff settings to monitoring

* add docs for sniff settings

* re-add index search integration test

* catch parse error

* capital

* fix merge

* hapi upgrade

* return

* pass by prefix

* rm empty test fille

* split error handling

* fix merge

* update recent elasticsearch.url references

* prettier vs eslint

* transport.request, include query params

* mega comment

* revert elasticsearchUrl

* safe hosts

* more docs es.url references

* remove unused ml/esServerUrl

* log if both set
2018-12-18 13:22:43 -06:00

133 lines
4.4 KiB

== Running Kibana on Docker
Docker images for Kibana are available from the Elastic Docker registry. The
base image is[centos:7].
A list of all published Docker images and tags is available at[]. The source code is in{branch}[GitHub].
These images are free to use under the Elastic license. They contain open source
and free commercial features and access to paid commercial features.
{xpack-ref}/license-management.html[Start a 30-day trial] to try out all of the
paid commercial features. See the[Subscriptions] page for information about
Elastic license levels.
=== Pulling the image
Obtaining Kibana for Docker is as simple as issuing a +docker pull+ command
against the Elastic Docker registry.
However, version {version} of Kibana has not yet been released, so no Docker
image is currently available for this version.
docker pull {docker-repo}:{version}
Alternatively, you can download other Docker images that contain only features
available under the Apache 2.0 license. To download the images, go to[].
=== Configuring Kibana on Docker
The Docker images provide several methods for configuring Kibana. The
conventional approach is to provide a `kibana.yml` file as described in
{kibana-ref}/settings.html[Configuring Kibana], but it's also possible to use
environment variables to define settings.
==== Bind-mounted configuration
One way to configure Kibana on Docker is to provide `kibana.yml` via bind-mounting.
With +docker-compose+, the bind-mount can be specified like this:
version: '2'
image: {docker-image}
- ./kibana.yml:/usr/share/kibana/config/kibana.yml
==== Environment variable configuration
Under Docker, Kibana can be configured via environment variables. When
the container starts, a helper process checks the environment for variables that
can be mapped to Kibana command-line arguments.
For compatibility with container orchestration systems, these
environment variables are written in all capitals, with underscores as
word separators. The helper translates these names to valid
Kibana setting names.
Some example translations are shown here:
.Example Docker Environment Variables
**Environment Variable**:: **Kibana Setting**
`KIBANA_DEFAULTAPPID`:: `kibana.defaultAppId`
`XPACK_MONITORING_ENABLED`:: `xpack.monitoring.enabled`
In general, any setting listed in <<settings>> or <<settings-xpack-kb>> can be
configured with this technique.
These variables can be set with +docker-compose+ like this:
version: '2'
image: {docker-image}
Since environment variables are translated to CLI arguments, they take
precedence over settings configured in `kibana.yml`.
==== Docker defaults
The following settings have different default values when using the Docker
``:: `kibana`
``:: `"0"`
`elasticsearch.hosts`:: `http://elasticsearch:9200`
`xpack.monitoring.ui.container.elasticsearch.enabled`:: `true`
NOTE: The setting `xpack.monitoring.ui.container.elasticsearch.enabled` is not
defined in the `-oss` image.
These settings are defined in the default `kibana.yml`. They can be overridden
with a <<bind-mount-config,custom `kibana.yml`>> or via
<<environment-variable-config,environment variables>>.
IMPORTANT: If replacing `kibana.yml` with a custom version, be sure to copy the
above defaults to the custom file if you want to retain them. If not, they will
be "masked" by the new file.