Dmitry 119199ef41
[coverage] change worker, save json files in original path (#91683)
* [coverage] write data to original path

* [coverage] change worker size
2021-02-17 19:45:06 +01:00

35 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source test/scripts/
if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]]; then
echo " -> Running functional and api tests"
checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack Chrome Functional tests / Group ${CI_GROUP}" \
node scripts/functional_tests \
--debug --bail \
--kibana-install-dir "$KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR" \
--include-tag "ciGroup$CI_GROUP"
echo ""
echo ""
echo " -> Running X-Pack functional tests with code coverage"
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192
echo " -> making hard link clones"
cd ..
cp -RlP kibana "kibana${CI_GROUP}"
cd "kibana${CI_GROUP}/x-pack"
echo " -> running tests from the clone folder"
node scripts/functional_tests --debug --include-tag "ciGroup$CI_GROUP" --exclude-tag "skipCoverage" || true;
echo " -> moving junit output, silently fail in case of no report"
mkdir -p ../../kibana/target/junit
mv ../target/junit/* ../../kibana/target/junit/ || echo "copying junit failed"
echo " -> copying screenshots and html for failures"
cp -r test/functional/screenshots/* ../../kibana/x-pack/test/functional/screenshots/ || echo "copying screenshots failed"
cp -r test/functional/failure_debug ../../kibana/x-pack/test/functional/ || echo "copying html failed"