Brandon Kobel 57af8462e4
[7.x] Elastic License 2.0 (#90192)
* Updating everything except the license headers themselves

* Applying ESLint rules

* Manually replacing the stragglers
2021-02-03 18:39:13 -08:00

118 lines
4.1 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
import { AppMountParameters, CoreSetup, Plugin, AppNavLinkStatus } from '../../../src/core/public';
import { AppPluginDependencies } from './with_data_services/types';
import { DeveloperExamplesSetup } from '../../developer_examples/public';
import image from './state_sync.png';
interface SetupDeps {
developerExamples: DeveloperExamplesSetup;
export class StateContainersExamplesPlugin implements Plugin {
public setup(core: CoreSetup, { developerExamples }: SetupDeps) {
const examples = {
stateContainersExampleBrowserHistory: {
title: 'Todo App (browser history)',
stateContainersExampleHashHistory: {
title: 'Todo App (hash history)',
stateContainersExampleWithDataServices: {
title: 'Search bar integration',
const exampleLinks = Object.keys(examples).map((id: string) => ({
appId: id,
title: examples[id as keyof typeof examples].title,
id: 'stateContainersExampleBrowserHistory',
title: examples.stateContainersExampleBrowserHistory.title,
navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.hidden,
async mount(params: AppMountParameters) {
const { renderApp, History } = await import('./todo/app');
const [coreStart] = await core.getStartServices();
return renderApp(
appTitle: examples.stateContainersExampleBrowserHistory.title,
historyType: History.Browser,
{ navigateToApp: coreStart.application.navigateToApp, exampleLinks }
id: 'stateContainersExampleHashHistory',
title: examples.stateContainersExampleHashHistory.title,
navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.hidden,
async mount(params: AppMountParameters) {
const { renderApp, History } = await import('./todo/app');
const [coreStart] = await core.getStartServices();
return renderApp(
appTitle: examples.stateContainersExampleHashHistory.title,
historyType: History.Hash,
{ navigateToApp: coreStart.application.navigateToApp, exampleLinks }
id: 'stateContainersExampleWithDataServices',
title: examples.stateContainersExampleWithDataServices.title,
navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.hidden,
async mount(params: AppMountParameters) {
const { renderApp } = await import('./with_data_services/application');
const [coreStart, depsStart] = await core.getStartServices();
return renderApp(coreStart, depsStart as AppPluginDependencies, params, { exampleLinks });
appId: exampleLinks[0].appId,
title: 'State Management',
description: 'Examples of using state containers and state syncing utils.',
links: [
label: 'State containers README',
iconType: 'logoGithub',
size: 's',
target: '_blank',
label: 'State sync utils README',
iconType: 'logoGithub',
size: 's',
target: '_blank',
label: 'Kibana navigation best practices',
href: '',
iconType: 'logoKibana',
size: 's',
target: '_blank',
public start() {}
public stop() {}