Brian Seeders 9da6c07059
Re-add pipeline for flaky test runner job (#48781)
* Revert "Revert "Add pipeline for flaky test runner job (#46740)""

This reverts commit 7d96a13fad.

Also reconcile changes to Jenkinsfile since original revert happened

* Fix param parsing and add missed change

* Add missing variable
2019-10-25 12:57:46 -04:00

113 lines
3.8 KiB

library 'kibana-pipeline-library'
// Looks like 'oss:ciGroup:1' or 'oss:firefoxSmoke'
def JOB_PARTS = params.CI_GROUP.split(':')
def IS_XPACK = JOB_PARTS[0] == 'xpack'
def JOB = JOB_PARTS[1]
def CI_GROUP = JOB_PARTS.size() > 2 ? JOB_PARTS[2] : ''
def worker = getWorkerFromParams(IS_XPACK, JOB, CI_GROUP)
def workerFailures = []
currentBuild.displayName += trunc(" ${params.GITHUB_OWNER}:${params.branch_specifier}", 24)
currentBuild.description = "${params.CI_GROUP}<br />Executions: ${params.NUMBER_EXECUTIONS}"
// Note: If you increase agent count, it will execute NUMBER_EXECUTIONS per agent. It will not divide them up amongst the agents
// e.g. NUMBER_EXECUTIONS = 25, agentCount = 4 results in 100 total executions
def agentCount = 1
stage("Kibana Pipeline") {
timeout(time: 180, unit: 'MINUTES') {
timestamps {
ansiColor('xterm') {
def agents = [:]
for(def agentNumber = 1; agentNumber <= agentCount; agentNumber++) {
agents["agent-${agentNumber}"] = {
catchError {
kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('flaky-test-runner', {
if (!IS_XPACK) {
if (CI_GROUP == '1') {
runbld "./test/scripts/"
} else {
}, getWorkerMap(agentNumber, params.NUMBER_EXECUTIONS.toInteger(), worker, workerFailures))()
currentBuild.description += ", Failures: ${workerFailures.size()}"
if (workerFailures.size() > 0) {
print "There were ${workerFailures.size()} test suite failures."
print "The executions that failed were:"
print workerFailures.join("\n")
print "Please check 'Test Result' and 'Pipeline Steps' pages for more info"
def getWorkerFromParams(isXpack, job, ciGroup) {
if (!isXpack) {
if (job == 'firefoxSmoke') {
return kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('firefoxSmoke', { runbld './test/scripts/' })
} else if(job == 'visualRegression') {
return kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('visualRegression', { runbld './test/scripts/' })
} else {
return kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(ciGroup)
if (job == 'firefoxSmoke') {
return kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-firefoxSmoke', { runbld './test/scripts/' })
} else if(job == 'visualRegression') {
return kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-visualRegression', { runbld './test/scripts/' })
} else {
return kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(ciGroup)
def getWorkerMap(agentNumber, numberOfExecutions, worker, workerFailures, maxWorkers = 14) {
def workerMap = [:]
def numberOfWorkers = Math.min(numberOfExecutions, maxWorkers)
for(def i = 1; i <= numberOfWorkers; i++) {
def workerExecutions = numberOfExecutions/numberOfWorkers + (i <= numberOfExecutions%numberOfWorkers ? 1 : 0)
workerMap["agent-${agentNumber}-worker-${i}"] = { workerNumber ->
for(def j = 0; j < workerExecutions; j++) {
print "Execute agent-${agentNumber} worker-${workerNumber}: ${j}"
withEnv(["JOB=agent-${agentNumber}-worker-${workerNumber}-${j}"]) {
catchError {
try {
} catch (ex) {
workerFailures << "agent-${agentNumber} worker-${workerNumber}-${j}"
throw ex
return workerMap
def trunc(str, length) {
if (str.size() >= length) {
return str.take(length) + "..."
return str;