2014-01-06 10:02:25 +01:00

480 lines
10 KiB

/* global _ */
* Node statistics scripted dashboard
* This script generates a dashboard object that Kibana can load.
* Parameters (all optional)
* nodes :: By default, a comma seperated list of queries to run. Default: *
* show :: The names of the rows to expand
* from :: Search this amount of time back, eg 15m, 1h, 2d. Default: 1d
'use strict';
// Setup some variables
var dashboard, queries, _d_timespan, marker_query;
// All url parameters are available via the ARGS object
var ARGS;
// Set a default timespan if one isn't specified
_d_timespan = '1d';
// Intialize a skeleton with nothing but a rows array and service object
dashboard = {
rows: [],
services: {}
// Set a title
dashboard.title = 'Marvel - Node Statistics';
// And the index options
dashboard.failover = false;
dashboard.index = {
'default': 'ADD_A_TIME_FILTER',
'pattern': '[.marvel-]YYYY.MM.DD',
'interval': 'day',
'warm_fields': false
// In this dashboard we let users pass nodes as comma seperated list to the query parameter.
// If nodes are defined, split into a list of query objects, otherwise, show all
// NOTE: ids must be integers, hence the parseInt()s
if (!_.isUndefined(ARGS.queries)) {
queries = _.object(, function (v, k) {
return [k, {
query: v.q,
alias: v.a || v.q,
pin: true,
id: parseInt(k, 10)
marker_query = "(" + _.pluck(queries,"query").join(") OR (") + ")";
} else {
// No queries passed? Initialize a single query to match everything
queries = {
0: {
query: '*',
id: 0
var annotate_config;
if (marker_query) {
annotate_config = {
"enable": true,
"query": "_type:shard_event AND (" + marker_query + ")",
"size": 100,
"field": "message",
"sort": [
} else {
annotate_config = {};
var show = ( || "").split(',');
// Now populate the query service with our objects = {
list: queries,
ids:, function (v) {
return parseInt(v, 10);
// Lets also add a default time filter, the value of which can be specified by the user = {
list: {
0: {
from: ARGS.from || "now-" + _d_timespan,
to: || "now",
field: "@timestamp",
type: "time",
active: true,
id: 0
1: {
type: "querystring",
mandate: "must",
active: true,
alias: "node stats",
query: "_type:node_stats",
id: 1
ids: [0, 1]
var row_defaults = {
height: "150px",
collapse: true,
collapsable: true
var panel_defaults_by_type = {};
panel_defaults_by_type["histogram"] = {
span: 4,
time_field: '@timestamp',
bars: false,
lines: true,
stack: false,
linewidth: 2,
legend_counts: false,
mode: 'max',
zoomlinks: false,
options: false,
legend: true,
resolution: 20,
annotate: annotate_config,
y_format: "short"
var rows = [
"title": "Server",
"panels": [
"value_field": "os.cpu.usage",
"title": "CPU",
"grid": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"value_field": "os.mem.used_percent",
"title": "Memory usage (%)",
"grid": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"value_field": "os.load_average.1m",
"title": "Load (1m)"
"title": "Server 2",
"panels": [
"value_field": "os.cpu.stolen",
"title": "CPU steal",
"grid": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"time_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": "os.swap.used_in_bytes",
"title": "Used Swap",
"y_format": "bytes"
"title": "JVM Memory",
"panels": [
"time_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": "jvm.mem.heap_used_in_bytes",
"title": "Heap",
"y_format": "bytes"
"value_field": "jvm.gc.collectors.ParNew.collection_time_in_millis",
"title": "GC Young Gen duration (time %)",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"scale": 0.001 * 100,
"grid": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"value_field": "jvm.gc.collectors.ParNew.collection_count",
"title": "GC counts",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true
"title": "JVM Memory 2",
"panels": [
"value_field": "jvm.gc.collectors.ConcurrentMarkSweep.collection_time_in_millis",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"title": "GC Old Gen duration (time %)",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"scale": 0.001 * 100,
"grid": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"value_field": "jvm.gc.collectors.ConcurrentMarkSweep.collection_count",
"derivative": true,
"scaleSeconds": true,
"mode": "min",
"title": "GC Old Gen count"
"title": "Caches",
"panels": [
"value_field": "indices.fielddata.memory_size_in_bytes",
"title": "Field Data",
"y_format": "bytes"
"value_field": "indices.filter_cache.memory_size_in_bytes",
"title": "Filter cache",
"y_format": "bytes"
"value_field": "indices.id_cache.memory_size_in_bytes",
"title": "Id cache",
"y_format": "bytes"
"title": "Caches 2",
"panels": [
"value_field": "indices.completion.size_in_bytes",
"title": "Completion size",
"y_format": "bytes"
"title": "Disk",
"panels": [
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk read rate (bytes)",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"y_format": "bytes"
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk write per (bytes)",
"derivative": true,
"y_format": "bytes",
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk Free space",
"mode": "min",
"y_format": "bytes"
"notice": false
"title": "Disk 2",
"panels": [
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk IOps",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"y_format": "short"
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk Read IOps",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"y_format": "short"
"value_field": "",
"title": "Disk Write IOps",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"y_format": "short"
"notice": false
"title": "Network",
"panels": [
"value_field": "http.current_open",
"title": "HTTP currently open"
"value_field": "http.total_opened",
"title": "HTTP opened",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true
"title": "Indexing",
"panels": [
"value_field": "indices.indexing.index_total",
"derivative": true,
"scaleSeconds": true,
"title": "Indexing requests"
"value_field": "indices.merges.current_size_in_bytes",
"title": "Merges size",
"y_format": "bytes"
"value_field": "indices.refresh.total_time_in_millis",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"title": "Avg refresh time"
"title": "Indexing 2",
"panels": [
"value_field": "",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"title": "Flush count"
"title": "Search & Get",
"panels": [
"value_field": "",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"title": "Search requests"
"value_field": "",
"derivative": true,
"mode": "min",
"scaleSeconds": true,
"title": "Get requests"
"title": "Data",
"panels": [
"value_field": "",
"title": "Documents"
"value_field": "",
"title": "Size",
"y_format": "bytes"
"title": "Segments",
"panels": [
"value_field": "indices.segments.count",
"title": "Segment no."
"title": "Process",
"panels": [
"value_field": "process.cpu.percent",
"title": "Process CPU"
"value_field": "jvm.threads.count",
"title": "Threads"
"value_field": "process.open_file_descriptors",
"title": "File descriptors"
var showedSomething;
dashboard.rows =, function (r) {
_.defaults(r, row_defaults);
_.each(r.panels, function (panel) {
if (!panel.type) {
panel.type = "histogram";
_.defaults(panel, panel_defaults_by_type[panel.type]);
if (_.contains(show, panel.value_field)) {
showedSomething = true;
r.collapse = false;
return r;
if (!showedSomething && dashboard.rows.length > 0) {
dashboard.rows[0].collapse = false;
dashboard.pulldowns = [
"type": "query",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"enable": true
"type": "filtering",
"collapse": true
// Now return the object and we're good!
return dashboard;