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=== Check reindex status API
<titleabbrev>Check reindex status</titleabbrev>
experimental[] Check the status of the reindex operation.
==== Request
`GET <kibana host>:<port>/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/myIndex`
==== Response codes
Indicates a successful call.
==== Example
The API returns the following:
"reindexOp": {
"indexName": ".ml-state",
"newIndexName": ".reindexed-v7-ml-state", <1>
"status": 0, <2>
"lastCompletedStep": 40, <3>
"reindexTaskId": "QprwvTMzRQ2MLWOW22oQ4Q:11819", <4>
"reindexTaskPercComplete": 0.3, <5>
"errorMessage": null <6>
"warnings": [], <7>
"hasRequiredPrivileges": true <8>
<1> Name of the new index that is being created.
<2> Current status of the reindex. For details, see <<status-code,Status codes>>.
<3> Last successfully completed step of the reindex. For details, see <<step-code,Step codes>> table.
<4> Task ID of the reindex task in Elasticsearch. Only present if reindexing has started.
<5> Percentage of how far the reindexing task in Elasticsearch has progressed, in decimal from from 0 to 1.
<6> Error that caused the reindex to fail, if it failed.
<7> An array of any warning codes explaining what changes are required for this reindex. For details, see <<warning-code,Warning codes>>.
<8> Specifies if the user has sufficient privileges to reindex this index. When security is unavailable or disables, returns `true`.
==== Status codes
In progress
NOTE: If the {kib} node that started the reindex is shutdown or restarted, the reindex goes into a paused state after some time.
To resume the reindex, you must submit a new POST request to the `/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/<indexName>` endpoint.
==== Step codes
The reindex operation has been created in Kibana.
The index group services stopped. Only applies to some system indices.
The index is set to `readonly`.
The new destination index has been created.
The reindex task in Elasticsearch has started.
The reindex task in Elasticsearch has completed.
Aliases were created to point to the new index, and the old index has been deleted.
The index group services have resumed. Only applies to some system indices.
==== Warning codes
Specifies to remove the `_all` meta field.
Specifies to convert any coerced boolean values in the source document. For example, `yes`, `1`, and `off`.
Specifies to convert documents to support Elastic Common Schema. Only applies to APM indices created in 6.x.