Matthew Kime e53771df2d
[docs] index pattern => data view (#110421) (#115497)
* [user docs - index patterns] index pattern => data view (#110421)
2021-11-02 11:34:59 -05:00

123 lines
4.4 KiB

== Create a graph
You must index data into {es} before you can create a graph.
<<data-views, Learn how>> or get started with a <<add-sample-data, sample data set>>.
=== Graph a data connection
. Open the main menu, then click *Graph*.
If this is your first graph, follow the prompts to create it.
For subsequent graphs, click *New*.
. Select a data source to explore.
. Add one or more multi-value fields that contain the terms you want to
The vertices in the graph are selected from these terms.
. Enter a search query to discover relationships between terms in the selected
For example, if you are using the {kib} sample web logs data set, and you want
to generate a graph of the successful requests to
particular pages from different locations, you could search for the 200
response code. The weight of the connection between two vertices indicates how strongly they
are related.
image::user/graph/images/graph-url-connections.png["URL connections"]
. To view more information about the relationship, click any connection.
image::user/graph/images/graph-link-summary.png["Link summary"]
. Use the control bar to explore
additional connections:
* To display additional vertices that connect to your graph, click the expand icon
image:user/graph/images/graph-expand-button.png[Expand Selection].
* To display additional
connections between the displayed vertices, click the link icon
image:user/graph/images/graph-link-button.png[Add links to existing terms].
* To explore a particular area of the
graph, select the vertices you are interested in, and then click expand or link.
* To step back through your changes to the graph, click undo
image:user/graph/images/graph-undo-button.png[Undo] and redo
. To see more relationships in your data, submit additional queries.
image::user/graph/images/graph-add-query.png["Adding networks"]
. *Save* your graph.
=== Style vertex properties
Each vertex has a color, icon, and label. To change
the color or icon of all vertices
of a certain field, click it's badge, and then
select *Edit settings*.
To change the color and label of selected vertices,
click the style icon image:user/graph/images/graph-style-button.png[Style]
in the control bar.
=== Edit graph settings
By default, *Graph* is configured to tune out noise in your data.
If this isn't a good fit for your data, use *Settings > Advanced settings*
to adjust the way *Graph* queries your data. You can tune the graph to show
only the results relevant to you and to improve performance.
For more information, see <<graph-troubleshooting, Graph troubleshooting>>.
You can configure the number of vertices that a search or
expand operation adds to the graph.
By default, only the five most relevant terms for any given field are added
at a time. This keeps the graph from overflowing. To increase this number, click
a field, select *Edit Settings*, and change *Terms per hop*.
=== Block terms from the graph
Documents that match a blocked term are not allowed in the graph.
To block a term, select its vertex and click
the block icon
image:user/graph/images/graph-block-button.png[Block selection]
in the control panel.
For a list of blocked terms, go to *Settings > Blocked terms*.
=== Drill down into raw documents
With drilldowns, you can display additional information about a
selected vertex in a new browser window. For example, you might
configure a drilldown URL to perform a web search for the selected vertex term.
Use the drilldown icon image:user/graph/images/graph-info-icon.png[Drilldown selection]
in the control panel to show the drilldown buttons for the selected vertices.
To configure drilldowns, go to *Settings > Drilldowns*. See also
<<disable-drill-down, Disabling drilldown configuration>>.
=== Run and pause layout
Graph uses a "force layout", where vertices behave like magnets,
pushing off of one another. By default, when you add a new vertex to
the graph, all vertices begin moving. In some cases, the movement might
go on for some time. To freeze the current vertex position,
click the pause icon
image:user/graph/images/graph-pause-button.png[Block selection]
in the control panel.