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=== Upgrade readiness status API
<titleabbrev>Upgrade readiness status</titleabbrev>
Check the status of your cluster.
experimental["The underlying Upgrade Assistant concepts are stable, but the APIs for managing Upgrade Assistant are experimental."]
==== Request
`GET /api/upgrade_assistant/status`
==== Response codes
Indicates a successful call.
==== Example
The API returns the following:
"readyForUpgrade": false,
"cluster": [
"message": "Cluster deprecated issue",
"details": "...",
"level": "warning",
"url": ""
"indices": [
"message": "Index was created before 6.0",
"details": "...",
"index": "myIndex",
"level": "critical",
"reindex": true, <1>
"url": ""
<1> To fix indices with the `reindex` attribute, set to `true` using the <<start-resume-reindex, Start or resume reindex API>>.