Marta Bondyra b87852071b
[Lens] fix passing 0 as static value (#118032)
* [Lens] fix passing 0 as static value

* allow computed static_value to be passed

* Update x-pack/plugins/lens/public/xy_visualization/reference_line_helpers.tsx

Co-authored-by: Marco Liberati <>

* ci fix

Co-authored-by: Marco Liberati <>
2021-11-11 08:26:48 +01:00

215 lines
6.7 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
import { EuiFieldNumber, EuiFormLabel, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
import { OperationDefinition } from './index';
import { ReferenceBasedIndexPatternColumn } from './column_types';
import type { IndexPattern } from '../../types';
import { useDebouncedValue } from '../../../shared_components';
import { getFormatFromPreviousColumn, isValidNumber } from './helpers';
const defaultLabel = i18n.translate('xpack.lens.indexPattern.staticValueLabelDefault', {
defaultMessage: 'Static value',
const defaultValue = 100;
function isEmptyValue(value: number | string | undefined) {
return value == null || value === '';
function ofName(value: number | string | undefined) {
if (isEmptyValue(value)) {
return defaultLabel;
return i18n.translate('xpack.lens.indexPattern.staticValueLabelWithValue', {
defaultMessage: 'Static value: {value}',
values: { value },
export interface StaticValueIndexPatternColumn extends ReferenceBasedIndexPatternColumn {
operationType: 'static_value';
params: {
value?: string;
format?: {
id: string;
params?: {
decimals: number;
export const staticValueOperation: OperationDefinition<
> = {
type: 'static_value',
displayName: defaultLabel,
getDefaultLabel: (column) => ofName(column.params.value),
input: 'managedReference',
hidden: true,
getDisabledStatus(indexPattern: IndexPattern) {
return undefined;
getErrorMessage(layer, columnId) {
const column = layer.columns[columnId] as StaticValueIndexPatternColumn;
return column.params.value != null && !isValidNumber(column.params.value)
? [
i18n.translate('xpack.lens.indexPattern.staticValueError', {
defaultMessage: 'The static value of {value} is not a valid number',
values: { value: column.params.value },
: undefined;
getPossibleOperation() {
return {
dataType: 'number',
isBucketed: false,
scale: 'ratio',
toExpression: (layer, columnId) => {
const currentColumn = layer.columns[columnId] as StaticValueIndexPatternColumn;
const params = currentColumn.params;
// TODO: improve this logic
const useDisplayLabel = currentColumn.label !== defaultLabel;
const label = isValidNumber(params.value)
? useDisplayLabel
? currentColumn.label
: params?.value ?? defaultLabel
: defaultLabel;
return [
type: 'function',
function: isValidNumber(params.value) ? 'mathColumn' : 'mapColumn',
arguments: {
id: [columnId],
name: [label || defaultLabel],
expression: [String(isValidNumber(params.value) ? params.value! : defaultValue)],
buildColumn({ previousColumn, layer, indexPattern }, columnParams, operationDefinitionMap) {
const existingStaticValue =
previousColumn?.params &&
'value' in previousColumn.params &&
? previousColumn.params.value
: undefined;
const previousParams: StaticValueIndexPatternColumn['params'] = {
...{ value: existingStaticValue },
return {
label: ofName(previousParams.value),
dataType: 'number',
operationType: 'static_value',
isBucketed: false,
scale: 'ratio',
params: { ...previousParams, value: String(previousParams.value ?? defaultValue) },
references: [],
isTransferable: (column) => {
return true;
createCopy(layer, sourceId, targetId, indexPattern, operationDefinitionMap) {
const currentColumn = layer.columns[sourceId] as StaticValueIndexPatternColumn;
return {
columns: {
[targetId]: { ...currentColumn },
paramEditor: function StaticValueEditor({
}) {
const onChange = useCallback(
(newValue) => {
// even if debounced it's triggering for empty string with the previous valid value
if (currentColumn.params.value === newValue) {
// Because of upstream specific UX flows, we need fresh layer state here
// so need to use the updater pattern
updateLayer((newLayer) => {
const newColumn = newLayer.columns[columnId] as StaticValueIndexPatternColumn;
return {
columns: {
[columnId]: {
label: newColumn?.customLabel ? newColumn.label : ofName(newValue),
params: {
value: newValue,
[columnId, updateLayer, currentColumn?.params?.value]
// Pick the data from the current activeData (to be used when the current operation is not static_value)
const activeDataValue =
activeData?.[layerId]?.rows?.length === 1 && activeData[layerId].rows[0][columnId];
const fallbackValue =
currentColumn?.operationType !== 'static_value' && activeDataValue != null
? activeDataValue
: String(defaultValue);
const { inputValue, handleInputChange } = useDebouncedValue<string | undefined>(
value: currentColumn?.params?.value || fallbackValue,
{ allowFalsyValue: true }
const onChangeHandler = useCallback(
(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const value = e.currentTarget.value;
handleInputChange(isValidNumber(value) ? value : undefined);
return (
<div className="lnsIndexPatternDimensionEditor__section lnsIndexPatternDimensionEditor__section--padded lnsIndexPatternDimensionEditor__section--shaded">
<EuiFormLabel>{paramEditorCustomProps?.label || defaultLabel}</EuiFormLabel>
<EuiSpacer size="s" />
value={inputValue ?? ''}