Marta Bondyra cecfc358ab
[Lens] Refactor little things in preparation for gauges (#117868)
* change chart menu order, group and copy

* add params to vis toolbar: handleClose() and panelClassname. Move Default classname to more appropriate place (not xy because it's used everywhere)

* move supportStaticValue and supportFieldFormat on group level, add paramEditorCustomProps to pass label for reference line value. Refactor tabs

* priority sorted out

* CR

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2021-11-10 13:52:05 +01:00

783 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import React from 'react';
import { groupBy, uniq } from 'lodash';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Position } from '@elastic/charts';
import { FormattedMessage, I18nProvider } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
import { PaletteRegistry } from 'src/plugins/charts/public';
import { FieldFormatsStart } from 'src/plugins/field_formats/public';
import { getSuggestions } from './xy_suggestions';
import { XyToolbar, DimensionEditor } from './xy_config_panel';
import { LayerHeader } from './xy_config_panel/layer_header';
import type { Visualization, OperationMetadata, VisualizationType, AccessorConfig } from '../types';
import { State, visualizationTypes } from './types';
import { SeriesType, XYLayerConfig } from '../../common/expressions';
import { LayerType, layerTypes } from '../../common';
import { isHorizontalChart } from './state_helpers';
import { toExpression, toPreviewExpression, getSortedAccessors } from './to_expression';
import { LensIconChartBarStacked } from '../assets/chart_bar_stacked';
import { LensIconChartMixedXy } from '../assets/chart_mixed_xy';
import { LensIconChartBarHorizontal } from '../assets/chart_bar_horizontal';
import { getAccessorColorConfig, getColorAssignments } from './color_assignment';
import { getColumnToLabelMap } from './state_helpers';
import { LensIconChartBarReferenceLine } from '../assets/chart_bar_reference_line';
import { generateId } from '../id_generator';
import {
} from './reference_line_helpers';
import {
} from './visualization_helpers';
import { groupAxesByType } from './axes_configuration';
const defaultIcon = LensIconChartBarStacked;
const defaultSeriesType = 'bar_stacked';
const isNumericMetric = (op: OperationMetadata) => !op.isBucketed && op.dataType === 'number';
const isBucketed = (op: OperationMetadata) => op.isBucketed;
function getVisualizationType(state: State): VisualizationType | 'mixed' {
if (!state.layers.length) {
return (
visualizationTypes.find((t) => === state.preferredSeriesType) ?? visualizationTypes[0]
const visualizationType = visualizationTypes.find((t) => === state.layers[0].seriesType);
const seriesTypes = uniq( => l.seriesType));
return visualizationType && seriesTypes.length === 1 ? visualizationType : 'mixed';
function getDescription(state?: State) {
if (!state) {
return {
icon: defaultIcon,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.xyLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'XY',
const visualizationType = getVisualizationType(state);
if (visualizationType === 'mixed' && isHorizontalChart(state.layers)) {
return {
icon: LensIconChartBarHorizontal,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.mixedBarHorizontalLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Mixed bar horizontal',
if (visualizationType === 'mixed') {
return {
icon: LensIconChartMixedXy,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.mixedLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Mixed XY',
return {
icon: visualizationType.icon,
label: visualizationType.fullLabel || visualizationType.label,
export const getXyVisualization = ({
}: {
paletteService: PaletteRegistry;
fieldFormats: FieldFormatsStart;
}): Visualization<State> => ({
id: 'lnsXY',
getVisualizationTypeId(state) {
const type = getVisualizationType(state);
return type === 'mixed' ? type :;
getLayerIds(state) {
return getLayersByType(state).map((l) => l.layerId);
getRemoveOperation(state, layerId) {
const dataLayers = getLayersByType(state, layerTypes.DATA).map((l) => l.layerId);
return dataLayers.includes(layerId) && dataLayers.length === 1 ? 'clear' : 'remove';
removeLayer(state, layerId) {
return {
layers: state.layers.filter((l) => l.layerId !== layerId),
appendLayer(state, layerId, layerType) {
const usedSeriesTypes = uniq( => layer.seriesType));
return {
layers: [
usedSeriesTypes.length === 1 ? usedSeriesTypes[0] : state.preferredSeriesType,
clearLayer(state, layerId) {
return {
layers: =>
l.layerId !== layerId ? l : newLayerState(state.preferredSeriesType, layerId)
getDescription(state) {
const { icon, label } = getDescription(state);
return {
icon: icon || defaultIcon,
switchVisualizationType(seriesType: string, state: State) {
return {
preferredSeriesType: seriesType as SeriesType,
layers: => ({ ...layer, seriesType: seriesType as SeriesType })),
initialize(addNewLayer, state) {
return (
state || {
title: 'Empty XY chart',
legend: { isVisible: true, position: Position.Right },
valueLabels: 'hide',
preferredSeriesType: defaultSeriesType,
layers: [
layerId: addNewLayer(),
accessors: [],
position: Position.Top,
seriesType: defaultSeriesType,
showGridlines: false,
layerType: layerTypes.DATA,
getLayerType(layerId, state) {
return state?.layers.find(({ layerId: id }) => id === layerId)?.layerType;
getSupportedLayers(state, frame) {
const referenceLineGroupIds = [
id: 'yReferenceLineLeft',
label: 'yLeft' as const,
id: 'yReferenceLineRight',
label: 'yRight' as const,
id: 'xReferenceLine',
label: 'x' as const,
const dataLayers =
state?.layers.filter(({ layerType = layerTypes.DATA }) => layerType === layerTypes.DATA) ||
const filledDataLayers = dataLayers.filter(
({ accessors, xAccessor }) => accessors.length || xAccessor
const layerHasNumberHistogram = checkScaleOperation(
frame?.datasourceLayers || {}
const referenceLineGroups = getGroupsRelatedToData(
frame?.datasourceLayers || {},
const layers = [
type: layerTypes.DATA,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyChart.addDataLayerLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Add visualization layer',
icon: LensIconChartMixedXy,
type: layerTypes.REFERENCELINE,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyChart.addReferenceLineLayerLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Add reference layer',
icon: LensIconChartBarReferenceLine,
!filledDataLayers.length ||
(!dataLayers.some(layerHasNumberHistogram) &&
dataLayers.every(({ accessors }) => !accessors.length)),
tooltipContent: filledDataLayers.length
? undefined
: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyChart.addReferenceLineLayerLabelDisabledHelp', {
defaultMessage: 'Add some data to enable reference layer',
initialDimensions: state
?{ id, label }) => ({
groupId: id,
columnId: generateId(),
dataType: 'number',
label: getAxisName(label, { isHorizontal: isHorizontalChart(state?.layers || []) }),
staticValue: getStaticValue(
{ activeData: frame?.activeData },
: undefined,
return layers;
getConfiguration({ state, frame, layerId }) {
const layer = state.layers.find((l) => l.layerId === layerId);
if (!layer) {
return { groups: [] };
const datasource = frame.datasourceLayers[layer.layerId];
const sortedAccessors: string[] = getSortedAccessors(datasource, layer);
let mappedAccessors: AccessorConfig[] = => ({
columnId: accessor,
if (frame.activeData) {
const colorAssignments = getColorAssignments(
{ tables: frame.activeData },
mappedAccessors = getAccessorColorConfig(
accessors: sortedAccessors.filter((sorted) => layer.accessors.includes(sorted)),
const isHorizontal = isHorizontalChart(state.layers);
const isDataLayer = !layer.layerType || layer.layerType === layerTypes.DATA;
if (!isDataLayer) {
const idToIndex = sortedAccessors.reduce<Record<string, number>>((memo, id, index) => {
memo[id] = index;
return memo;
}, {});
const { bottom, left, right } = groupBy(
[...(layer.yConfig || [])].sort(
({ forAccessor: forA }, { forAccessor: forB }) => idToIndex[forA] - idToIndex[forB]
({ axisMode }) => {
return axisMode;
const groupsToShow = getGroupsToShow(
// When a reference layer panel is added, a static reference line should automatically be included by default
// in the first available axis, in the following order: vertical left, vertical right, horizontal.
config: left,
id: 'yReferenceLineLeft',
label: 'yLeft',
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_yReferenceLineLeftPanel',
config: right,
id: 'yReferenceLineRight',
label: 'yRight',
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_yReferenceLineRightPanel',
config: bottom,
id: 'xReferenceLine',
label: 'x',
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_xReferenceLinePanel',
return {
// Each reference lines layer panel will have sections for each available axis
// (horizontal axis, vertical axis left, vertical axis right).
// Only axes that support numeric reference lines should be shown
groups:{ config = [], id, label, dataTestSubj, valid }) => ({
groupId: id,
groupLabel: getAxisName(label, { isHorizontal }),
accessors:{ forAccessor, color }) => ({
columnId: forAccessor,
color: color || mappedAccessors.find(({ columnId }) => columnId === forAccessor)?.color,
triggerIcon: 'color',
filterOperations: isNumericMetric,
supportsMoreColumns: true,
required: false,
enableDimensionEditor: true,
supportStaticValue: true,
paramEditorCustomProps: {
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.indexPattern.staticValue.label', {
defaultMessage: 'Reference line value',
supportFieldFormat: false,
invalid: !valid,
label === 'x'
? i18n.translate('xpack.lens.configure.invalidBottomReferenceLineDimension', {
'This reference line is assigned to an axis that no longer exists or is no longer valid. You may move this reference line to another available axis or remove it.',
: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.configure.invalidReferenceLineDimension', {
'This reference line is assigned to an axis that no longer exists. You may move this reference line to another available axis or remove it.',
requiresPreviousColumnOnDuplicate: true,
const { left, right } = groupAxesByType([layer], frame.activeData);
// Check locally if it has one accessor OR one accessor per axis
const layerHasOnlyOneAccessor = Boolean(
layer.accessors.length < 2 ||
(left.length && left.length < 2) ||
(right.length && right.length < 2)
// Check also for multiple layers that can stack for percentage charts
// Make sure that if multiple dimensions are defined for a single layer, they should belong to the same axis
const hasOnlyOneAccessor =
layerHasOnlyOneAccessor &&
getLayersByType(state, layerTypes.DATA).filter(
// check that the other layers are compatible with this one
(dataLayer) => {
if (
dataLayer.seriesType === layer.seriesType &&
Boolean(dataLayer.xAccessor) === Boolean(layer.xAccessor) &&
Boolean(dataLayer.splitAccessor) === Boolean(layer.splitAccessor)
) {
const { left: localLeft, right: localRight } = groupAxesByType(
// return true only if matching axis are found
return (
dataLayer.accessors.length &&
(Boolean(localLeft.length) === Boolean(left.length) ||
Boolean(localRight.length) === Boolean(right.length))
return false;
).length < 2;
return {
groups: [
groupId: 'x',
groupLabel: getAxisName('x', { isHorizontal }),
accessors: layer.xAccessor ? [{ columnId: layer.xAccessor }] : [],
filterOperations: isBucketed,
supportsMoreColumns: !layer.xAccessor,
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_xDimensionPanel',
groupId: 'y',
groupLabel: getAxisName('y', { isHorizontal }),
accessors: mappedAccessors,
filterOperations: isNumericMetric,
supportsMoreColumns: true,
required: true,
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_yDimensionPanel',
enableDimensionEditor: true,
groupId: 'breakdown',
groupLabel: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyChart.splitSeries', {
defaultMessage: 'Break down by',
accessors: layer.splitAccessor
? [
columnId: layer.splitAccessor,
triggerIcon: 'colorBy',
palette: paletteService
.get(layer.palette?.name || 'default')
.getCategoricalColors(10, layer.palette?.params),
: [],
filterOperations: isBucketed,
supportsMoreColumns: !layer.splitAccessor,
dataTestSubj: 'lnsXY_splitDimensionPanel',
required: layer.seriesType.includes('percentage') && hasOnlyOneAccessor,
enableDimensionEditor: true,
getMainPalette: (state) => {
if (!state || state.layers.length === 0) return;
return state.layers[0].palette;
setDimension({ prevState, layerId, columnId, groupId, previousColumn }) {
const foundLayer = prevState.layers.find((l) => l.layerId === layerId);
if (!foundLayer) {
return prevState;
const newLayer = { ...foundLayer };
if (groupId === 'x') {
newLayer.xAccessor = columnId;
if (groupId === 'y') {
newLayer.accessors = [...newLayer.accessors.filter((a) => a !== columnId), columnId];
if (groupId === 'breakdown') {
newLayer.splitAccessor = columnId;
if (newLayer.layerType === layerTypes.REFERENCELINE) {
newLayer.accessors = [...newLayer.accessors.filter((a) => a !== columnId), columnId];
const hasYConfig = newLayer.yConfig?.some(({ forAccessor }) => forAccessor === columnId);
const previousYConfig = previousColumn
? newLayer.yConfig?.find(({ forAccessor }) => forAccessor === previousColumn)
: false;
if (!hasYConfig) {
newLayer.yConfig = [
...(newLayer.yConfig || []),
// override with previous styling,
// but keep the new group & id config
forAccessor: columnId,
groupId === 'xReferenceLine'
? 'bottom'
: groupId === 'yReferenceLineRight'
? 'right'
: 'left',
return {
layers: => (l.layerId === layerId ? newLayer : l)),
removeDimension({ prevState, layerId, columnId, frame }) {
const foundLayer = prevState.layers.find((l) => l.layerId === layerId);
if (!foundLayer) {
return prevState;
const newLayer = { ...foundLayer };
if (newLayer.xAccessor === columnId) {
delete newLayer.xAccessor;
} else if (newLayer.splitAccessor === columnId) {
delete newLayer.splitAccessor;
// as the palette is associated with the break down by dimension, remove it together with the dimension
delete newLayer.palette;
} else if (newLayer.accessors.includes(columnId)) {
newLayer.accessors = newLayer.accessors.filter((a) => a !== columnId);
if (newLayer.yConfig) {
newLayer.yConfig = newLayer.yConfig.filter(({ forAccessor }) => forAccessor !== columnId);
let newLayers = => (l.layerId === layerId ? newLayer : l));
// check if there's any reference layer and pull it off if all data layers have no dimensions set
const layersByType = groupBy(newLayers, ({ layerType }) => layerType);
// check for data layers if they all still have xAccessors
const groupsAvailable = getGroupsAvailableInData(
if (
(Object.keys(groupsAvailable) as Array<'x' | 'yLeft' | 'yRight'>).every(
(id) => !groupsAvailable[id]
) {
newLayers = newLayers.filter(
({ layerType, accessors }) => layerType === layerTypes.DATA || accessors.length
return {
layers: newLayers,
renderLayerHeader(domElement, props) {
<LayerHeader {...props} />
renderToolbar(domElement, props) {
<XyToolbar {...props} />
renderDimensionEditor(domElement, props) {
toExpression: (state, layers, attributes) =>
toExpression(state, layers, paletteService, attributes),
toPreviewExpression: (state, layers) => toPreviewExpression(state, layers, paletteService),
getErrorMessages(state, datasourceLayers) {
// Data error handling below here
const hasNoAccessors = ({ accessors }: XYLayerConfig) =>
accessors == null || accessors.length === 0;
const hasNoSplitAccessor = ({ splitAccessor, seriesType }: XYLayerConfig) =>
seriesType.includes('percentage') && splitAccessor == null;
const errors: Array<{
shortMessage: string;
longMessage: React.ReactNode;
}> = [];
// check if the layers in the state are compatible with this type of chart
if (state && state.layers.length > 1) {
// Order is important here: Y Axis is fundamental to exist to make it valid
const checks: Array<[string, (layer: XYLayerConfig) => boolean]> = [
['Y', hasNoAccessors],
['Break down', hasNoSplitAccessor],
// filter out those layers with no accessors at all
const filteredLayers = state.layers.filter(
({ accessors, xAccessor, splitAccessor, layerType }: XYLayerConfig) =>
layerType === layerTypes.DATA &&
(accessors.length > 0 || xAccessor != null || splitAccessor != null)
for (const [dimension, criteria] of checks) {
const result = validateLayersForDimension(dimension, filteredLayers, criteria);
if (!result.valid) {
if (datasourceLayers && state) {
// temporary fix for #87068
errors.push(...checkXAccessorCompatibility(state, datasourceLayers));
for (const layer of state.layers) {
const datasourceAPI = datasourceLayers[layer.layerId];
if (datasourceAPI) {
for (const accessor of layer.accessors) {
const operation = datasourceAPI.getOperationForColumnId(accessor);
if (operation && operation.dataType !== 'number') {
shortMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataTypeFailureYShort', {
defaultMessage: `Wrong data type for {axis}.`,
values: {
axis: getAxisName('y', { isHorizontal: isHorizontalChart(state.layers) }),
longMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataTypeFailureYLong', {
defaultMessage: `The dimension {label} provided for the {axis} has the wrong data type. Expected number but have {dataType}`,
values: {
label: operation.label,
dataType: operation.dataType,
axis: getAxisName('y', { isHorizontal: isHorizontalChart(state.layers) }),
return errors.length ? errors : undefined;
getWarningMessages(state, frame) {
if (state?.layers.length === 0 || !frame.activeData) {
const layers = state.layers;
const filteredLayers = layers.filter(({ accessors }: XYLayerConfig) => accessors.length > 0);
const accessorsWithArrayValues = [];
for (const layer of filteredLayers) {
const { layerId, accessors } = layer;
const rows = frame.activeData[layerId] && frame.activeData[layerId].rows;
if (!rows) {
const columnToLabel = getColumnToLabelMap(layer, frame.datasourceLayers[layerId]);
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const hasArrayValues = rows.some((row) => Array.isArray(row[accessor]));
if (hasArrayValues) {
return => (
defaultMessage="{label} contains array values. Your visualization may not render as
label: <strong>{label}</strong>,
function validateLayersForDimension(
dimension: string,
layers: XYLayerConfig[],
missingCriteria: (layer: XYLayerConfig) => boolean
| { valid: true }
| {
valid: false;
payload: { shortMessage: string; longMessage: React.ReactNode };
} {
// Multiple layers must be consistent:
// * either a dimension is missing in ALL of them
// * or should not miss on any
if (layers.every(missingCriteria) || !layers.some(missingCriteria)) {
return { valid: true };
// otherwise it's an error and it has to be reported
const layerMissingAccessors = layers.reduce((missing: number[], layer, i) => {
if (missingCriteria(layer)) {
return missing;
}, []);
return {
valid: false,
payload: getMessageIdsForDimension(dimension, layerMissingAccessors, isHorizontalChart(layers)),
// i18n ids cannot be dynamically generated, hence the function below
function getMessageIdsForDimension(dimension: string, layers: number[], isHorizontal: boolean) {
const layersList = number) => i + 1).join(', ');
switch (dimension) {
case 'Break down':
return {
shortMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataFailureSplitShort', {
defaultMessage: `Missing {axis}.`,
values: { axis: 'Break down by axis' },
longMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataFailureSplitLong', {
defaultMessage: `{layers, plural, one {Layer} other {Layers}} {layersList} {layers, plural, one {requires} other {require}} a field for the {axis}.`,
values: { layers: layers.length, layersList, axis: 'Break down by axis' },
case 'Y':
return {
shortMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataFailureYShort', {
defaultMessage: `Missing {axis}.`,
values: { axis: getAxisName('y', { isHorizontal }) },
longMessage: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.dataFailureYLong', {
defaultMessage: `{layers, plural, one {Layer} other {Layers}} {layersList} {layers, plural, one {requires} other {require}} a field for the {axis}.`,
values: { layers: layers.length, layersList, axis: getAxisName('y', { isHorizontal }) },
return { shortMessage: '', longMessage: '' };
function newLayerState(
seriesType: SeriesType,
layerId: string,
layerType: LayerType = layerTypes.DATA
): XYLayerConfig {
return {
accessors: [],
function getLayersByType(state: State, byType?: string) {
return state.layers.filter(({ layerType = layerTypes.DATA }) =>
byType ? layerType === byType : true