Court Ewing 580e0d2964 docs: setting up cross cluster search (#12599)
There isn't a whole lot to say about cross cluster search support in
Kibana other than how to set it up, which is by design.
2017-07-05 17:18:55 -04:00

38 lines
1.7 KiB

== Using Kibana with Tribe nodes
NOTE: While tribe nodes have been deprecated in Elasticsearch in favor of
<<management-cross-cluster-search>>, you can still use Kibana with tribe nodes until
version 7.0. Unlike tribe nodes, using cross cluster search in Kibana requires no
server-side configurations and doesn't disable functionality like <<console-kibana>>.
Kibana can be configured to connect to a {ref}/modules-tribe.html[tribe node] for data retrieval. Because tribe nodes can't create indices, Kibana additionally
requires a separate connection to a node to maintain state. When configured, searches and visualizations will retrieve data using
the tribe node and administrative actions (such as saving a dashboard) will be sent to non-tribe node.
=== Configuring Kibana for tribe nodes
Tribe nodes take all of the same configuration options used when configuring elasticsearch in `kibana.yml`. Tribe options
are prefixed with `elasticsearch.tribe` and at a minimum requires a url:
elasticsearch.url: "<your_administration_node>"
elasticsearch.tribe.url: "<your_tribe_node>"
When configured to use a tribe node, actions that modify Kibana's state will be sent to the node at `elasticsearch.url`. Searches and visualizations
will retrieve data from the node at `elasticsearch.tribe.url`. It's acceptable to use a node for `elasticsearch.url` that is part of one of the clusters that
a tribe node is pointing to.
The full list of configurations can be found at <<settings>>.
=== Limitations
Due to the ambiguity of which cluster is being used, certain features are disabled in Kibana:
* Console
* Managing users and roles with the x-pack plugin