Nathan Reese ff8f4fb2a5
[Maps] 7.13 doc updates (#98687)
* [Maps] 7.13 doc updates

* tooltip updates

* clean up

* Update docs/maps/search.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: gchaps <>

* Update docs/maps/search.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: gchaps <>

* Update docs/maps/vector-tooltips.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: gchaps <>

* review feedback

Co-authored-by: gchaps <>
2021-04-30 08:45:31 -06:00

133 lines
5.4 KiB

== Search geographic data
Search across the layers in your map to focus in on just the data you want.
Layers that request data from {es} are narrowed when you submit a <<kibana-concepts-searching-your-data, search request>>.
Layers narrowed by semi-structured search and filters contain the filter icon image:maps/images/filter_icon.png[] next to the layer name in the legend.
Layers that request data from {es} using an <<index-patterns, index pattern>> with a configured time field are narrowed by the <<set-time-filter, global time filter>>.
Layers narrowed by the time filter contain the clock icon image:maps/images/clock_icon.png[] next to the layer name in the legend.
You can create a layer that requests data from {es} from the following:
* <<vector-layer>> with:
** Documents
** Clusters and grid
** Point to point
** <<terms-join>>
** Top hits per entity
** Tracks
* <<heatmap-layer>>
=== Create filters from a map
You can create two types of filters by interacting with your map:
* <<maps-spatial-filters, Spatial filters>>
* <<maps-phrase-filter, Phrase filters>>
==== Spatial filters
A spatial filter narrows search results to documents that either intersect with, are within, or do not intersect with the specified geometry.
You can create spatial filters in two ways:
* Click the tool icon image:maps/images/tools_icon.png[], and then draw a shape, bounding box, or distance on the map to define the spatial filter.
* Click *Filter by geometry* in a <<maps-vector-tooltip-locking, locked tooltip>>, and then use the feature's geometry for the spatial filter.
Spatial filters have the following properties:
* *Geometry label* enables you to provide a meaningful name for your spatial filter.
* *Spatial field* specifies the geo_point or geo_shape field used to determine if a document matches the spatial relation with the specified geometry.
* *Spatial relation* determines the {ref}/query-dsl-geo-shape-query.html#_spatial_relations[spatial relation operator] to use at search time.
* *Action* specifies whether to apply the filter to the current view or to a drilldown action. Only available when the map is a panel in a {kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[dashboard] with {kibana-ref}/drilldowns.html[drilldowns].
==== Phrase filters
A phrase filter narrows search results to documents that contain the specified text.
You can create a phrase filter by clicking the plus icon image:maps/images/gs_plus_icon.png[] in a <<maps-vector-tooltip-locking, locked tooltip>>.
If the map is a dashboard panel with drilldowns, you can apply a phrase filter to a drilldown by selecting the drilldown action.
=== Filter a single layer
You can apply a search request to individual layers by setting `Filters` in the layer details panel.
Click the *Add filter* button to add a filter to a layer.
NOTE: Layer filters are not applied to *term joins*. You can apply a search request to *term joins* by setting the *where* clause in the join definition.
=== Search across multiple indices
Your map might contain multiple {es} indices.
This can occur when your map contains two or more layers with {es} sources from different indices.
This can also occur with a single layer with an {es} source and a <<terms-join>>.
Searching across multiple indices might sometimes result in empty layers.
The most common cause for empty layers are searches for a field that exists in one index, but does not exist in other indices.
==== Disable search for a layer
You can prevent the search bar from applying search context to a layer by configuring the following:
* In *Filtering*, clear the *Apply global filter to layer data* checkbox to turn off the global search context for the layer source.
* In *Term joins*, clear the *Apply global filter to join* checkbox to turn off the global search context for the <<terms-join, term join>>.
==== Use _index in a search
Add {ref}/mapping-index-field.html[_index] to your search to include documents from indices that do not contain a search field.
For example, suppose you have a vector layer showing the `kibana_sample_data_logs` documents
and another vector layer with `kibana_sample_data_flights` documents.
(See <<add-sample-data, adding sample data>>
to install the `kibana_sample_data_logs` and `kibana_sample_data_flights` indices.)
If you query for
machine.os.keyword : "osx"
the `kibana_sample_data_flights` layer is empty because the index
`kibana_sample_data_flights` does not contain the field `machine.os.keyword` and no documents match the query.
If you instead query for
machine.os.keyword : "osx" or _index : "kibana_sample_data_flights"
the `kibana_sample_data_flights` layer includes data.