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=== Getting Started
To use the {watcher} UI, you need to create users with {watcher} specific roles
as <<watcher-security,described here>>.
To access {watcher} UI within {kib}:
. Open {kib} in your web browser and log in. If you are running {kib}
locally, go to `http://localhost:5601/`.
. Click **Management** in the side navigation, then select **Watcher** under `Elasticsearch`.
image::images/management-watcher-buttons.png["Watch list",link="management/watcher-ui/images/watches.png"]
The watch list page within {watcher} UI enables you to view all existing watches including stateful information about each watch. This includes `State`, `Last Fired` and `Last Triggered`.
The possible states for watches are:
* `Firing` - The watch is currently triggered and is actively performing the associated actions.
* `Error` - The watch is an error state and not properly working.
* `Ok` - The watch is not actively firing but working properly.
* `Disabled` - The watch will not fire under any circumstance.
To delete or edit a watch, click on its checkbox in the list and then click the Delete or Edit button. Watches that do not have a checkbox are <<cluster-alerts,cluster alerts>> created by {monitoring} and are immutable.
This page also allows you to create a <<watcher-create-threshold-alert, threshold alert>> or <<watcher-create-advanced-watch, an advanced watch>>. Let's first look at creating a threshold alert.