Brandon Kobel 4584a8b570
Elastic License 2.0 (#90099)
* Updating everything except the license headers themselves

* Applying ESLint rules

* Manually replacing the stragglers
2021-02-03 18:12:39 -08:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import { ToolingLog } from '@kbn/dev-utils';
* Wraps the specified object instance with debug log statements of all method calls.
* @param prefix - The string to prefix to all log messages
* @param log - The logger to use
* @param instance - The object being wrapped
export function logWrapper<T extends Record<string, Function>>(
prefix: string,
log: ToolingLog,
instance: T
): T {
return Object.keys(instance).reduce((acc, prop) => {
const baseFn = acc[prop];
(acc as Record<string, Function>)[prop] = (...args: unknown[]) => {
logMethodCall(log, prefix, prop, args);
return baseFn.apply(instance, args);
return acc;
}, instance);
function logMethodCall(log: ToolingLog, prefix: string, prop: string, args: unknown[]) {
const argsStr = => (typeof arg === 'string' ? `'${arg}'` : arg)).join(', ');