Peter Pisljar 60e62c7ad2 sorting chart xValues by metric sum (#8397)
* sorting chart xValues by metric sum

* fixing tests

* adding order buckets by value option to point series charts

* fixing tests

* fixing tests

* Updating based on CJs comments and adding documentation
2016-11-09 12:54:59 +01:00

78 lines
4.3 KiB

== Vertical Bar Charts
This chart's Y axis is the _metrics_ axis. The following aggregations are available for this axis:
*Count*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-valuecount-aggregation.html[_count_] aggregation returns a raw count of
the elements in the selected index pattern.
*Average*:: This aggregation returns the {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-avg-aggregation.html[_average_] of a numeric
field. Select a field from the drop-down.
*Sum*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-sum-aggregation.html[_sum_] aggregation returns the total sum of a numeric
field. Select a field from the drop-down.
*Min*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-min-aggregation.html[_min_] aggregation returns the minimum value of a
numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
*Max*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-max-aggregation.html[_max_] aggregation returns the maximum value of a
numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
*Unique Count*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-cardinality-aggregation.html[_cardinality_] aggregation returns
the number of unique values in a field. Select a field from the drop-down.
*Percentiles*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-percentile-aggregation.html[_percentile_] aggregation divides the
values in a numeric field into percentile bands that you specify. Select a field from the drop-down, then specify one
or more ranges in the *Percentiles* fields. Click the *X* to remove a percentile field. Click *+ Add* to add a
percentile field.
*Percentile Rank*:: The {es-ref}search-aggregations-metrics-percentile-rank-aggregation.html[_percentile ranks_]
aggregation returns the percentile rankings for the values in the numeric field you specify. Select a numeric field
from the drop-down, then specify one or more percentile rank values in the *Values* fields. Click the *X* to remove a
values field. Click *+Add* to add a values field.
You can add an aggregation by clicking the *+ Add Aggregation* button.
Enter a string in the *Custom Label* field to change the display label.
The _buckets_ aggregations determine what information is being retrieved from your data set.
Before you choose a buckets aggregation, specify if you are splitting slices within a single chart or splitting into
multiple charts. A multiple chart split must run before any other aggregations. When you split a chart, you can change
if the splits are displayed in a row or a column by clicking the *Rows | Columns* selector.
Enter a string in the *Custom Label* field to change the display label.
You can click the *Advanced* link to display more customization options for your metrics or bucket aggregation:
*Exclude Pattern*:: Specify a pattern in this field to exclude from the results.
*Include Pattern*:: Specify a pattern in this field to include in the results.
*JSON Input*:: A text field where you can add specific JSON-formatted properties to merge with the aggregation
definition, as in the following example:
{ "script" : "doc['grade'].value * 1.2" }
NOTE: In Elasticsearch releases 1.4.3 and later, this functionality requires you to enable
{es-ref}modules-scripting.html[dynamic Groovy scripting].
The availability of these options varies depending on the aggregation you choose.
Select the *Options* to change the following aspects of the table:
*Bar Mode*:: When you have multiple Y-axis aggregations defined for your chart, you can use this drop-down to affect
how the aggregations display on the chart:
_stacked_:: Stacks the aggregations on top of each other.
_percentage_:: Displays each aggregation as a proportion of the total.
_grouped_:: Groups the results horizontally by the lowest-priority sub-aggregation.
Checkboxes are available to enable and disable the following behaviors:
*Show Tooltip*:: Check this box to enable the display of tooltips.
*Scale Y-Axis to Data Bounds*:: The default Y axis bounds are zero and the maximum value returned in the data. Check
this box to change both upper and lower bounds to match the values returned in the data.
*Order buckets by descending sum*:: Check this box to enforce sorting of buckets by descending sum in the visualization
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