Stacey Gammon 0b9be5df45
Remove line numbers from the json files (#107158) (#107758)
* Stop tracking line numbers

* Updated api docs

* Fix type error and update tests

* wrap label in encodeURIComponent for the links

* Update docs after encodeUriComponent change
# Conflicts:
#	api_docs/apm.json
#	api_docs/canvas.json
#	api_docs/core.json
#	api_docs/core_saved_objects.json
#	api_docs/data.json
#	api_docs/data.mdx
#	api_docs/data_autocomplete.mdx
#	api_docs/data_field_formats.json
#	api_docs/data_field_formats.mdx
#	api_docs/data_index_patterns.json
#	api_docs/data_index_patterns.mdx
#	api_docs/data_query.mdx
#	api_docs/data_search.json
#	api_docs/data_search.mdx
#	api_docs/data_ui.mdx
#	api_docs/deprecations_by_api.mdx
#	api_docs/deprecations_by_plugin.mdx
#	api_docs/home.json
#	api_docs/lens.json
#	api_docs/monitoring.json
#	api_docs/presentation_util.json
#	api_docs/security.json
#	api_docs/security_solution.json
#	api_docs/timelines.json
2021-08-05 12:26:16 -04:00

178 lines
6.1 KiB

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"tags": [],
"label": "MetricsEntitiesPluginSetup",
"description": [],
"path": "x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/server/types.ts",
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"id": "def-server.MetricsEntitiesPluginSetup.getMetricsEntitiesClient",
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"tags": [],
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"signature": [
"(esClient: ",
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"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ElasticsearchClient",
"text": "ElasticsearchClient"
") => ",
"path": "x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/server/types.ts",
"deprecated": false,
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"id": "def-server.esClient",
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"description": [],
"signature": [
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", options?: ",
" | undefined): ",
"<Record<string, any>, unknown>>; }; }"
"path": "x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/server/types.ts",
"deprecated": false
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"initialIsOpen": true
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"id": "def-server.MetricsEntitiesPluginStart",
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"description": [
"\nGlobal prefix for all the transform jobs"
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"description": [
"\nTransforms route"
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"description": [],
"signature": [
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