Spencer f466ebf1a3
[esArchiver] drop support for --dir, use repo-relative paths instead (#101345)
Co-authored-by: spalger <>
2021-06-08 17:37:42 -04:00

187 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import Path from 'path';
import { castArray, groupBy } from 'lodash';
import callsites from 'callsites';
import { maybe } from '../../../plugins/apm/common/utils/maybe';
import { joinByKey } from '../../../plugins/apm/common/utils/join_by_key';
import { APMFtrConfigName } from '../configs';
import { FtrProviderContext } from './ftr_provider_context';
type ArchiveName =
| 'apm_8.0.0'
| '8.0.0'
| 'metrics_8.0.0'
| 'ml_8.0.0'
| 'observability_overview'
| 'rum_8.0.0'
| 'rum_test_data';
interface RunCondition {
config: APMFtrConfigName;
archives: ArchiveName[];
const callbacks: Array<
RunCondition & {
runs: Array<{
cb: () => void;
> = [];
let configName: APMFtrConfigName | undefined;
let running: boolean = false;
function when(
title: string,
conditions: RunCondition | RunCondition[],
callback: (condition: RunCondition) => void,
skip?: boolean
) {
const allConditions = castArray(conditions);
if (!allConditions.length) {
throw new Error('At least one condition should be defined');
if (running) {
throw new Error("Can't add tests when running");
const frame = maybe(callsites()[1]);
const file = frame?.getFileName();
if (!file) {
throw new Error('Could not infer file for suite');
allConditions.forEach((matchedCondition) => {
runs: [
cb: () => {
const suite: ReturnType<typeof describe> = (skip ? describe.skip : describe)(
() => {
) as any;
suite.file = file;
suite.eachTest((test) => {
test.file = file;
when.skip = (
title: string,
conditions: RunCondition | RunCondition[],
callback: (condition: RunCondition) => void
) => {
when(title, conditions, callback, true);
export const registry = {
init: (config: APMFtrConfigName) => {
configName = config;
callbacks.length = 0;
running = false;
run: (context: FtrProviderContext) => {
if (!configName) {
throw new Error(`registry was not init() before running`);
running = true;
const esArchiver = context.getService('esArchiver');
const logger = context.getService('log');
const logWithTimer = () => {
const start = process.hrtime();
return (message: string) => {
const diff = process.hrtime(start);
const time = `${Math.round(diff[0] * 1000 + diff[1] / 1e6)}ms`;`(${time}) ${message}`);
const groups = joinByKey(callbacks, ['config', 'archives'], (a, b) => ({
runs: a.runs.concat(b.runs),
callbacks.length = 0;
const byConfig = groupBy(groups, 'config');
Object.keys(byConfig).forEach((config) => {
const groupsForConfig = byConfig[config];
// register suites for other configs, but skip them so tests are marked as such
// and their snapshots are not marked as obsolete
(config === configName ? describe : describe.skip)(config, () => {
groupsForConfig.forEach((group) => {
const { runs, ...condition } = group;
const runBefore = async () => {
const log = logWithTimer();
for (const archiveName of condition.archives) {
log(`Loading ${archiveName}`);
await esArchiver.load(
if (condition.archives.length) {
log('Loaded all archives');
const runAfter = async () => {
const log = logWithTimer();
for (const archiveName of condition.archives) {
log(`Unloading ${archiveName}`);
await esArchiver.unload(
if (condition.archives.length) {
log('Unloaded all archives');
describe(condition.archives.join(',') || 'no data', () => {
runs.forEach((run) => {
running = false;