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=== Traces
TIP: Traces link together related transactions to show an end-to-end performance of how a request was served
and which services were part of it.
In addition to the Traces overview, you can view your application traces in the <<spans,trace sample timeline waterfall>>.
*Traces* displays your application's entry transactions.
Transactions with the same name are grouped together and only shown once in this table.
If you're using <<distributed-tracing,distributed tracing>>,
this view is key to finding the critical paths within your application.
By default, transactions are sorted by _Impact_.
Impact helps show the most used and slowest endpoints in your service -- in other words,
it's the collective amount of pain a specific endpoint is causing your users.
If there's a particular endpoint you're worried about, select it to view its
<<transaction-details,transaction details>>.
image::apm/images/apm-traces.png[Example view of the Traces overview in APM app in Kibana]