Oliver Gupte b08677b904
[APM] Adds new configuration 'xpack.apm.maxServiceEnvironments' (#82090)
* Closes #77695.
Adds new configuration 'xpack.apm.ui.maxServiceEnvironments' to set the
max number of service environments visible in APM UI.

* renamed config 'xpack.apm.ui.maxServiceEnvironments' -> 'xpack.apm.maxServiceEnvironments'

* Renames 'xpack.apm.ui.maxServiceEnvironments' -> 'xpack.apm.maxServiceEnvironments' in the docs.

* removed incorrect size param on the composite terms sub-agg

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2020-11-06 15:26:49 -08:00

95 lines
3.5 KiB

=== APM settings in Kibana
<titleabbrev>APM settings</titleabbrev>
These settings allow the APM app to function, and specify the data that it surfaces.
Unless you've customized your setup,
you do not need to configure any settings to use the APM app.
It is enabled by default.
==== APM indices
// This content is reused in the APM app documentation.
// Any changes made in this file will be seen there as well.
// tag::apm-indices-settings[]
Index defaults can be changed in Kibana. Open the main menu, then click *APM > Settings > Indices*.
Index settings in the APM app take precedence over those set in `kibana.yml`.
image::settings/images/apm-settings.png[APM app settings in Kibana]
// end::apm-indices-settings[]
==== General APM settings
// This content is reused in the APM app documentation.
// Any changes made in this file will be seen there as well.
// tag::general-apm-settings[]
If you'd like to change any of the default values,
copy and paste the relevant settings into your `kibana.yml` configuration file.
Changing these settings may disable features of the APM App.
| `xpack.apm.enabled`
| Set to `false` to disable the APM app. Defaults to `true`.
| `xpack.apm.maxServiceEnvironments`
| Maximum number of unique service environments recognized by the UI. Defaults to `100`.
| `xpack.apm.serviceMapFingerprintBucketSize`
| Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating service map focused on a specific service. Defaults to `100`.
| `xpack.apm.serviceMapFingerprintGlobalBucketSize`
| Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating the global service map. Defaults to `100`.
| `xpack.apm.ui.enabled` {ess-icon}
| Set to `false` to hide the APM app from the main menu. Defaults to `true`.
| `xpack.apm.ui.transactionGroupBucketSize`
| Number of top transaction groups displayed in the APM app. Defaults to `1000`.
| `xpack.apm.ui.maxTraceItems` {ess-icon}
| Maximum number of child items displayed when viewing trace details. Defaults to `1000`.
| `xpack.observability.annotations.index`
| Index name where Observability annotations are stored. Defaults to `observability-annotations`.
| `xpack.apm.searchAggregatedTransactions`
| experimental[] Enables Transaction histogram metrics. Defaults to `false`. When `true`, additional configuration in APM Server is required.
See {apm-server-ref-v}/transaction-metrics.html[Configure transaction metrics] for more information.
| `apm_oss.indexPattern` {ess-icon}
| The index pattern used for integrations with Machine Learning and Query Bar.
It must match all apm indices. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.errorIndices` {ess-icon}
| Matcher for all {apm-server-ref}/error-indices.html[error indices]. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.onboardingIndices`
| Matcher for all onboarding indices. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.spanIndices` {ess-icon}
| Matcher for all {apm-server-ref}/span-indices.html[span indices]. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.transactionIndices` {ess-icon}
| Matcher for all {apm-server-ref}/transaction-indices.html[transaction indices]. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.metricsIndices`
| Matcher for all {apm-server-ref}/metricset-indices.html[metrics indices]. Defaults to `apm-*`.
| `apm_oss.sourcemapIndices`
| Matcher for all {apm-server-ref}/sourcemap-indices.html[source map indices]. Defaults to `apm-*`.
// end::general-apm-settings[]