Nick Partridge 6b4d9dd1a9
[Charts] Multi-layer time axis (#115853)
This commit introduces the multi-layer time axis in Discover, Lens, Visualize, TSVB.
It adds visualization:useLegacyTimeAxis advanced settings under charts plugin to toggle legacy time axis.

The new multi-layer time axis is introduced in @elastic/charts and was demoed as part of the Kibana Demo Days.

It is the outcome of the research done in elastic/elastic-charts#1310 related to improving the time axis solving the following problems:
- sparse time labels that can be far apart
- unclear where time point is on the label (the middle)
- difficult / tedious to read due to redundant information and small fonts
- resolution is not explicit (is it hours of days or days themselves)
2021-10-27 19:22:35 +02:00

383 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
import { pageObjects } from './page_objects';
import { services } from './services';
export default async function ({ readConfigFile }) {
const commonConfig = await readConfigFile(require.resolve('../common/config'));
return {
testFiles: [
servers: commonConfig.get('servers'),
esTestCluster: {
serverArgs: [''],
kbnTestServer: {
serverArgs: [
// to be re-enabled once kibana/issues/102552 is completed
uiSettings: {
defaults: {
'accessibility:disableAnimations': true,
'dateFormat:tz': 'UTC',
'visualization:visualize:legacyPieChartsLibrary': true,
'visualization:useLegacyTimeAxis': true,
apps: {
kibana: {
pathname: '/app/kibana',
status_page: {
pathname: '/status',
discover: {
pathname: '/app/discover',
hash: '/',
context: {
pathname: '/app/discover',
hash: '/context',
visualize: {
pathname: '/app/visualize',
hash: '/',
dashboard: {
pathname: '/app/dashboards',
hash: '/list',
management: {
pathname: '/app/management',
/** @obsolete "management" should be instead of "settings" **/
settings: {
pathname: '/app/management',
console: {
pathname: '/app/dev_tools',
hash: '/console',
home: {
pathname: '/app/home',
hash: '/',
observabilityCases: {
pathname: '/app/observability/cases',
fleet: {
pathname: '/app/fleet',
integrations: {
pathname: '/app/integrations',
junit: {
reportName: 'Chrome UI Functional Tests',
browser: {
type: 'chrome',
security: {
roles: {
test_logstash_reader: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['logstash*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
test_shakespeare_reader: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['shakes*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
test_testhuge_reader: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['testhuge*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
test_alias_reader: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['alias*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
test_field_formatters: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['field_formats_management_functional_tests*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
//for sample data - can remove but not add sample data.( not ml)- for ml use built in role.
kibana_sample_admin: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['kibana_sample*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata', 'manage', 'create_index', 'index'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_sample_read: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['kibana_sample*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_date_nanos: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['date-nanos'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_date_nanos_custom: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['date_nanos_custom_timestamp'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_date_nanos_mixed: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['date_nanos_mixed', 'timestamp-*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_date_nested: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['date-nested'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_message_with_newline: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['newline-test'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_timefield: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['without-timefield', 'with-timefield'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
kibana_large_strings: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['testlargestring'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
long_window_logstash: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['long-window-logstash-*'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
'test-index-unmapped-fields': {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['test-index-unmapped-fields'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
animals: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['animals-*', 'dogbreeds'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] },
run_as: [],
kibana: [],
test_alias1_reader: {
elasticsearch: {
cluster: [],
indices: [
names: ['alias1'],
privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'],
defaultRoles: ['test_logstash_reader', 'kibana_admin'],