Spencer Alger d5375d914d Refactored sense to use require.js
Highights of the Changes:
  - What was previously the editor is now input
  - Editor is now SenseEditor, a (somewhat) generic class that inherits from AceEditor and mixes in RowParser. will eventually be used by the output as well
  - input is an instance of SenseEditor that has an autocomplete object at `input.autocomplete`
  - Moved all network/sendToES logic into the app module
  - History no longer does any manipulation of the input, that is handled by the app (reduces inter module dependencies)
  - help popup and welcome popup are now seperate modules
  - welcome popup is not loaded unless needed
  - SenseEditor#getCurrentRequestRange and SenseEditor#getCurrentRequest are now async, and will return their value once tokenization has completed.
  - Replaced "Copy as cURL" functionality, using ZeroClipboard for now.
2014-01-12 16:24:01 +01:00

41 lines
663 B

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