Frank Hassanabad fe3422cfc3
[SIEM] Upgrades react-redux and utilize React.memo for performance gains (#43029)
## Summary

* Upgrades react-redux so we can use React.memo with hooks and connected components.
* Adds displayName to all the components that are React.memo as well as all components that are `pure` components.

Using React Profiler you can see that when doing something as innocuous as dragging the divider bar of the Timeline you will get updates of the different tables:

<img width="1547" alt="Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 1 25 22 PM" src="">

This is a result of redux making changes based on the location of the timeline. As this occurs, the UrlState begins updating its self and all children which is not what we want.

You will see differences now in the snapshots such as this which adds naming to it:
<img width="1582" alt="Screen Shot 2019-08-09 at 2 34 06 PM" src="">

For the rest of us profiling we will have friendly names in our profiling tools to be able to trace what is going on very quickly

Before where a name didn't exist and it just showed `Memo` or `pure`:
<img width="221" alt="Screen Shot 2019-08-09 at 11 55 08 AM" src="">

Now that a name exists you can trace to the code quickly to the component name:
<img width="1570" alt="Screen Shot 2019-08-09 at 3 08 42 PM" src="">

### Checklist

Use ~~strikethroughs~~ to remove checklist items you don't feel are applicable to this PR.

~~- [ ] This was checked for cross-browser compatibility, [including a check against IE11](

~~- [ ] Any text added follows [EUI's writing guidelines](, uses sentence case text and includes [i18n support](

~~- [ ] [Documentation]( was added for features that require explanation or tutorials~~

~~- [ ] [Unit or functional tests]( were updated or added to match the most common scenarios~~

~~- [ ] This was checked for [keyboard-only and screenreader accessibility](

### For maintainers

~~- [ ] This was checked for breaking API changes and was [labeled appropriately](

~~- [ ] This includes a feature addition or change that requires a release note and was [labeled appropriately](
2019-08-09 19:46:29 -06:00

447 lines
14 KiB

"name": "kibana",
"description": "Kibana is a browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch.",
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