Nathan Reese ff460a70cc
[6.x] Kibana Home page - phase two (#14749) (#15965)
* Kibana Home page - phase two (#14749)

* add tutorial directory and home promo section

* tutorial components

* use KuiCodeEditor for displaying instruction code

* move spec files to server so joi can be used. Fetch via rest API

* Adding more tutorials (#4)

* More edits on the Apache logs tutorial

* Added nginx, mysql, and sytem modules for FB

* Moved apache to apacheLogs and added an apacheMetrics tutorial

* Added mysqlMetrics, nginxMetrics, systemMetrics tutorials

* Reduce duplication in the tutorials

This uses common objects for the install and start steps for Filebeat.
Same can be done for MB.

* fix windows path for config file

* add markdown parsing

* use mustache to replace config.kibana.version with kibana version

* add image preview to tutorial introduction

* fix css class name

* add param types constants

* add docs variables

* [WIP] Logstash Netflow module tutorial (#5)

* First draft of Logstash Netflow module tutorial

* Incorporated writing style suggestions

* pass params to template replace logic

* parameter inputs

* use isReadOnly flag from ui-framework for KuiCodeEditor

* dedemorton commits on netflow

* remove trailing slash from base links

* add and fix vertical spacing between Content component and commands

* Use logstash docs config variable

* Starting to add Deb instructions

* Fix Logstash documentation link

* Make commands optional

* Refactor: extract common LS instructions

* Edits for the existing tutorials

* change schema to support three instruction types

* [Netflow tutorial] Simplify OSX instructions

* replace axios with fetch

* pass credentials to tutorial fetch

* display cloud instructions when cloud set

* RadioButtonGroup component

* update copy

* add tutorial component jest tests

* content component test

* load isCloudEnabled in home_app

* add functional test ensuring add data tutorials are fetch and displayed

* rename card btns to 'Add data', fix type in tutorial directory tab, remove 'Set up index pattern from tutorial directory'

* move parameters form to right of instruction set title

* add copy snippet button, remove line numbers from command block

* add breadcrumb to tutorial view

* update tutorial jest snapshot

* use componentDidMount and ignore async results if componenent has been unmounted

* define shape of prop for instructionVariants and params. Create NumberParameter and StringParameter components

* add bread crumb to add data directory page

* Add cloud version of the apache_logs tutorial (#16)

* Add cloud version of the apache_logs tutorial

* Added onprem-cloud version as well

* fix styling broken by EUI rebase

* add artifacts to tutorial schema

* fix styling for code block

* [Tutorials] Netflow: instructions for onPremCloud (#18)

* Extract common on-prem cloud instructions so LS and Beats can share them

* Extracting common instructions; adding onPremCloud instructions

* fix copy bug where copy would only contain previously selected text

* make string parameter input type be text

* Implementing Elastic Cloud tutorial for Netflow module (#19)

* More tutorial edits (#20)

* More tutorial edits

This updates the on prem instructions with a step that installs the GeoIP and
UA plugins in ES. It also makes the on-prem steps more consistent with the cloud
instructions which results in less redundancy in the code.

* Show config step for all variants

* More DRY in the tutorial content

* Updated screenshot for apache_logs

* wrap markdown content in markdown-body class

* use EuiFlexGroup to remove wasted space with 'copy snippet' button and instruction text

* change OSX to macOS, use Computed property names for instruction_variant DISPLAY_MAP, replace /app/kibana with kbnBaseUrl, remove unneeded if check in copy_to_clippboard, put getTutorials mixin on server instead of request

* capitilize 'C' in Elastic Cloud

* remove try/catch from copy_to_clipboard

* Removing unrelated instructions

* Copy editing fixes

* Multiply edits to the Beats tutorials (#21)

* Updated Nginx module

* Updated MySQL logs module

* Updated system logs module

* Correct the on_prem_cloud enable steps

* Updated the Nginx metrics tutorial and added screenshot

* Updated the Apache metrics module + screenshot

* Updated the MySQL metrics module + screenshot

* Updated the system metrics module + screenshot

* prevent 'Copy snippet' button text from wrapping

* [Netflow tutorial] Windows instructions (#22)

* [Netflow tutorial] Adding onPrem instructions for Windows

* Removing unrelated/superfluous instructions

* Adding Windows instructions for onPremElasticCloud and elasticCloud

* use EuiImage so tutorial images are clickable to view in full screen

* fix jest tests

* set fullScreenIconColor and alt options for EuiImage, add space between command block and instruction text

* fix broken depenencies (#15960)

* update yarn.lock
2018-01-10 11:40:06 -07:00

314 lines
9.6 KiB

"name": "kibana",
"description": "Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch.",
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"version": "6.2.0",
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"license": "Apache-2.0",
"author": "Rashid Khan <>",
"contributors": [
"Chris Cowan <>",
"Court Ewing <>",
"Jim Unger <>",
"Joe Fleming <>",
"Jon Budzenski <>",
"Juan Thomassie <>",
"Khalah Jones-Golden <>",
"Lee Drengenberg <>",
"Lukas Olson <>",
"Matt Bargar <>",
"Nicolás Bevacqua <>",
"Shelby Sturgis <>",
"Spencer Alger <>",
"Tim Sullivan <>"
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