/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package s3select import ( "errors" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/s3select/format" ) //S3 errors below // ErrBusy is an error if the service is too busy. var ErrBusy = errors.New("The service is unavailable. Please retry") // ErrUnauthorizedAccess is an error if you lack the appropriate credentials to // access the object. var ErrUnauthorizedAccess = errors.New("You are not authorized to perform this operation") // ErrExpressionTooLong is an error if your SQL expression too long for // processing. var ErrExpressionTooLong = errors.New("The SQL expression is too long: The maximum byte-length for the SQL expression is 256 KB") // ErrIllegalSQLFunctionArgument is an error if you provide an illegal argument // in the SQL function. var ErrIllegalSQLFunctionArgument = errors.New("Illegal argument was used in the SQL function") // ErrInvalidKeyPath is an error if you provide a key in the SQL expression that // is invalid. var ErrInvalidKeyPath = errors.New("Key path in the SQL expression is invalid") // ErrColumnTooLong is an error if your query results in a column that is // greater than the max amount of characters per column of 1mb var ErrColumnTooLong = errors.New("The length of a column in the result is greater than maxCharsPerColumn of 1 MB") // ErrOverMaxColumn is an error if the number of columns from the resulting // query is greater than 1Mb. var ErrOverMaxColumn = errors.New("The number of columns in the result is greater than maxColumnNumber of 1 MB") // ErrOverMaxRecordSize is an error if the length of a record in the result is // greater than 1 Mb. var ErrOverMaxRecordSize = errors.New("The length of a record in the result is greater than maxCharsPerRecord of 1 MB") // ErrMissingHeaders is an error if some of the headers that are requested in // the Select Query are not present in the file. var ErrMissingHeaders = errors.New("Some headers in the query are missing from the file. Check the file and try again") // ErrInvalidCompressionFormat is an error if an unsupported compression type is // utilized with the select object query. var ErrInvalidCompressionFormat = errors.New("The file is not in a supported compression format. Only GZIP is supported at this time") // ErrInvalidFileHeaderInfo is an error if the argument provided to the // FileHeader Argument is incorrect. var ErrInvalidFileHeaderInfo = errors.New("The FileHeaderInfo is invalid. Only NONE, USE, and IGNORE are supported") // ErrInvalidJSONType is an error if the json format provided as an argument is // invalid. var ErrInvalidJSONType = errors.New("The JsonType is invalid. Only DOCUMENT and LINES are supported at this time") // ErrInvalidQuoteFields is an error if the arguments provided to the // QuoteFields options are not valid. var ErrInvalidQuoteFields = errors.New("The QuoteFields is invalid. Only ALWAYS and ASNEEDED are supported") // ErrInvalidRequestParameter is an error if the value of a parameter in the // request element is not valid. var ErrInvalidRequestParameter = errors.New("The value of a parameter in Request element is invalid. Check the service API documentation and try again") // ErrExternalEvalException is an error that arises if the query can not be // evaluated. var ErrExternalEvalException = errors.New("The query cannot be evaluated. Check the file and try again") // ErrInvalidDataType is an error that occurs if the SQL expression contains an // invalid data type. var ErrInvalidDataType = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid data type") // ErrUnrecognizedFormatException is an error that arises if there is an invalid // record type. var ErrUnrecognizedFormatException = errors.New("Encountered an invalid record type") // ErrInvalidTextEncoding is an error if the text encoding is not valid. var ErrInvalidTextEncoding = errors.New("Invalid encoding type. Only UTF-8 encoding is supported at this time") // ErrInvalidTableAlias is an error that arises if the table alias provided in // the SQL expression is invalid. var ErrInvalidTableAlias = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid table alias") // ErrMultipleDataSourcesUnsupported is an error that arises if multiple data // sources are provided. var ErrMultipleDataSourcesUnsupported = errors.New("Multiple data sources are not supported") // ErrMissingRequiredParameter is an error that arises if a required argument // is omitted from the Request. var ErrMissingRequiredParameter = errors.New("The Request entity is missing a required parameter. Check the service documentation and try again") // ErrObjectSerializationConflict is an error that arises if an unsupported // output seralization is provided. var ErrObjectSerializationConflict = errors.New("The Request entity can only contain one of CSV or JSON. Check the service documentation and try again") // ErrUnsupportedSQLOperation is an error that arises if an unsupported SQL // operation is used. var ErrUnsupportedSQLOperation = errors.New("Encountered an unsupported SQL operation") // ErrUnsupportedSQLStructure is an error that occurs if an unsupported SQL // structure is used. var ErrUnsupportedSQLStructure = errors.New("Encountered an unsupported SQL structure. Check the SQL Reference") // ErrUnsupportedStorageClass is an error that occurs if an invalid storace // class is present. var ErrUnsupportedStorageClass = errors.New("Encountered an invalid storage class. Only STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, and ONEZONE_IA storage classes are supported at this time") // ErrUnsupportedSyntax is an error that occurs if invalid syntax is present in // the query. var ErrUnsupportedSyntax = errors.New("Encountered invalid syntax") // ErrUnsupportedRangeHeader is an error that occurs if a range header is // provided. var ErrUnsupportedRangeHeader = errors.New("Range header is not supported for this operation") // ErrLexerInvalidChar is an error that occurs if the SQL expression contains an // invalid character. var ErrLexerInvalidChar = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid character") // ErrLexerInvalidOperator is an error that occurs if an invalid operator is // used. var ErrLexerInvalidOperator = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid operator") // ErrLexerInvalidLiteral is an error that occurs if an invalid literal is used. var ErrLexerInvalidLiteral = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid literal") // ErrLexerInvalidIONLiteral is an error that occurs if an invalid operator is // used var ErrLexerInvalidIONLiteral = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid operator") // ErrParseExpectedDatePart is an error that occurs if the date part is not // found in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedDatePart = errors.New("Did not find the expected date part in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedKeyword is an error that occurs if the expected keyword was // not found in the expression. var ErrParseExpectedKeyword = errors.New("Did not find the expected keyword in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedTokenType is an error that occurs if the expected token is // not found in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedTokenType = errors.New("Did not find the expected token in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpected2TokenTypes is an error that occurs if 2 token types are not // found. var ErrParseExpected2TokenTypes = errors.New("Did not find the expected token in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedNumber is an error that occurs if a number is expected but // not found in the expression. var ErrParseExpectedNumber = errors.New("Did not find the expected number in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall is an error that occurs if a // right parenthesis is missing. var ErrParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall = errors.New("Did not find the expected right parenthesis character in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedTypeName is an error that occurs if a type name is expected // but not found. var ErrParseExpectedTypeName = errors.New("Did not find the expected type name in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedWhenClause is an error that occurs if a When clause is // expected but not found. var ErrParseExpectedWhenClause = errors.New("Did not find the expected WHEN clause in the SQL expression. CASE is not supported") // ErrParseUnsupportedToken is an error that occurs if the SQL expression // contains an unsupported token. var ErrParseUnsupportedToken = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported token") // ErrParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy is an error that occurs if the SQL // expression has an unsupported use of Group By. var ErrParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of GROUP BY") // ErrParseExpectedMember is an error that occurs if there is an unsupported use // of member in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedMember = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of MEMBER") // ErrParseUnsupportedSelect is an error that occurs if there is an unsupported // use of Select. var ErrParseUnsupportedSelect = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of SELECT") // ErrParseUnsupportedCase is an error that occurs if there is an unsupported // use of case. var ErrParseUnsupportedCase = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of CASE") // ErrParseUnsupportedCaseClause is an error that occurs if there is an // unsupported use of case. var ErrParseUnsupportedCaseClause = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of CASE") // ErrParseUnsupportedAlias is an error that occurs if there is an unsupported // use of Alias. var ErrParseUnsupportedAlias = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of ALIAS") // ErrParseUnsupportedSyntax is an error that occurs if there is an // UnsupportedSyntax in the SQL expression. var ErrParseUnsupportedSyntax = errors.New("The SQL expression contains unsupported syntax") // ErrParseUnknownOperator is an error that occurs if there is an invalid // operator present in the SQL expression. var ErrParseUnknownOperator = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid operator") // ErrParseMissingIdentAfterAt is an error that occurs if the wrong symbol // follows the "@" symbol in the SQL expression. var ErrParseMissingIdentAfterAt = errors.New("Did not find the expected identifier after the @ symbol in the SQL expression") // ErrParseUnexpectedOperator is an error that occurs if the SQL expression // contains an unexpected operator. var ErrParseUnexpectedOperator = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unexpected operator") // ErrParseUnexpectedTerm is an error that occurs if the SQL expression contains // an unexpected term. var ErrParseUnexpectedTerm = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unexpected term") // ErrParseUnexpectedToken is an error that occurs if the SQL expression // contains an unexpected token. var ErrParseUnexpectedToken = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unexpected token") // ErrParseUnexpectedKeyword is an error that occurs if the SQL expression // contains an unexpected keyword. var ErrParseUnexpectedKeyword = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an unexpected keyword") // ErrParseExpectedExpression is an error that occurs if the SQL expression is // not found. var ErrParseExpectedExpression = errors.New("Did not find the expected SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast is an error that occurs if the left // parenthesis is missing after a cast in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast = errors.New("Did not find the expected left parenthesis after CAST in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor is an error that occurs if the left // parenthesis is not found in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor = errors.New("Did not find expected the left parenthesis in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall is an error that occurs if the // left parenthesis is not found in the SQL expression function call. var ErrParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall = errors.New("Did not find the expected left parenthesis in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter is an error that occurs if the argument // delimiter for the SQL expression is not provided. var ErrParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter = errors.New("Did not find the expected argument delimiter in the SQL expression") // ErrParseCastArity is an error that occurs because the CAST has incorrect // arity. var ErrParseCastArity = errors.New("The SQL expression CAST has incorrect arity") // ErrParseInvalidTypeParam is an error that occurs because there is an invalid // parameter value. var ErrParseInvalidTypeParam = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an invalid parameter value") // ErrParseEmptySelect is an error that occurs because the SQL expression // contains an empty Select var ErrParseEmptySelect = errors.New("The SQL expression contains an empty SELECT") // ErrParseSelectMissingFrom is an error that occurs because there is a missing // From after the Select List. var ErrParseSelectMissingFrom = errors.New("The SQL expression contains a missing FROM after SELECT list") // ErrParseExpectedIdentForGroupName is an error that occurs because Group is // not supported in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedIdentForGroupName = errors.New("GROUP is not supported in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedIdentForAlias is an error that occurs if expected identifier // for alias is not in the SQL expression. var ErrParseExpectedIdentForAlias = errors.New("Did not find the expected identifier for the alias in the SQL expression") // ErrParseUnsupportedCallWithStar is an error that occurs if COUNT is used with // an argument other than "*". var ErrParseUnsupportedCallWithStar = errors.New("Only COUNT with (*) as a parameter is supported in the SQL expression") // ErrParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall is an error that occurs if more than one // argument is provided as an argument for aggregation functions. var ErrParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall = errors.New("Only one argument is supported for aggregate functions in the SQL expression") // ErrParseMalformedJoin is an error that occurs if a "join" operation is // attempted in the SQL expression as this is not supported. var ErrParseMalformedJoin = errors.New("JOIN is not supported in the SQL expression") // ErrParseExpectedIdentForAt is an error that occurs if after "AT" an Alias // identifier is not provided. var ErrParseExpectedIdentForAt = errors.New("Did not find the expected identifier for AT name in the SQL expression") // ErrParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList is an error that occurs if in addition // to an asterix, more column names are provided as arguments in the SQL // expression. var ErrParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList = errors.New("Other expressions are not allowed in the SELECT list when '*' is used without dot notation in the SQL expression") // ErrParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList is an error that occurs if list // indexing and an asterix are mixed in the SQL expression. var ErrParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList = errors.New("Cannot mix [] and * in the same expression in a SELECT list in SQL expression") // ErrParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList is an error that occurs if the // asterix is used improperly within the SQL expression. var ErrParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList = errors.New("Invalid use of * in SELECT list in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist is an error that occurs if a column name or // path provided in the expression does not exist. var ErrEvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist = errors.New("A column name or a path provided does not exist in the SQL expression") // ErrIncorrectSQLFunctionArgumentType is an error that occurs if the wrong // argument is provided to a SQL function. var ErrIncorrectSQLFunctionArgumentType = errors.New("Incorrect type of arguments in function call in the SQL expression") // ErrAmbiguousFieldName is an error that occurs if the column name which is not // case sensitive, is not descriptive enough to retrieve a singular column. var ErrAmbiguousFieldName = errors.New("Field name matches to multiple fields in the file. Check the SQL expression and the file, and try again") // ErrEvaluatorInvalidArguments is an error that occurs if there are not the // correct number of arguments in a functional call to a SQL expression. var ErrEvaluatorInvalidArguments = errors.New("Incorrect number of arguments in the function call in the SQL expression") // ErrValueParseFailure is an error that occurs if the Time Stamp is not parsed // correctly in the SQL expression. var ErrValueParseFailure = errors.New("Time stamp parse failure in the SQL expression") // ErrIntegerOverflow is an error that occurs if there is an IntegerOverflow or // IntegerUnderFlow in the SQL expression. var ErrIntegerOverflow = errors.New("Int overflow or underflow in the SQL expression") // ErrLikeInvalidInputs is an error that occurs if invalid inputs are provided // to the argument LIKE Clause. var ErrLikeInvalidInputs = errors.New("Invalid argument given to the LIKE clause in the SQL expression") // ErrCastFailed occurs if the attempt to convert data types in the cast is not // done correctly. var ErrCastFailed = errors.New("Attempt to convert from one data type to another using CAST failed in the SQL expression") // ErrInvalidCast is an error that occurs if the attempt to convert data types // failed and was done in an improper fashion. var ErrInvalidCast = errors.New("Attempt to convert from one data type to another using CAST failed in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern is an error that occurs if the Time // Stamp Format needs more additional fields to be filled. var ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern requires additional fields in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing is an error that // occurs if the format of the time stamp can not be parsed. var ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains a valid format symbol that cannot be applied to time stamp parsing in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields is an error that occurs if // the time stamp format pattern contains multiple format specifications which // can not be clearly resolved. var ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains multiple format specifiers representing the time stamp field in the SQL expression") //ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch is an error that //occurs if the time stamp format pattern contains a 12 hour day of format but //does not have an AM/PM field. var ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains a 12-hour hour of day format symbol but doesn't also contain an AM/PM field, or it contains a 24-hour hour of day format specifier and contains an AM/PM field in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken is an error that occurs // if there is an unterminated token in the SQL expression for time stamp // format. var ErrEvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains unterminated token in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken is an error that occurs if // there is an invalid token in the time stamp format within the SQL expression. var ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains an invalid token in the SQL expression") // ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol is an error that occurs if // the time stamp format pattern has an invalid symbol within the SQL // expression. var ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol = errors.New("Time stamp format pattern contains an invalid symbol in the SQL expression") // S3 select API errors - TODO fix the errors. var errorCodeResponse = map[error]string{ ErrBusy: "Busy", ErrUnauthorizedAccess: "UnauthorizedAccess", ErrExpressionTooLong: "ExpressionTooLong", ErrIllegalSQLFunctionArgument: "IllegalSqlFunctionArgument", format.ErrInvalidColumnIndex: "InvalidColumnIndex", ErrInvalidKeyPath: "InvalidKeyPath", ErrColumnTooLong: "ColumnTooLong", ErrOverMaxColumn: "OverMaxColumn", ErrOverMaxRecordSize: "OverMaxRecordSize", ErrMissingHeaders: "MissingHeaders", ErrInvalidCompressionFormat: "InvalidCompressionFormat", format.ErrTruncatedInput: "TruncatedInput", ErrInvalidFileHeaderInfo: "InvalidFileHeaderInfo", ErrInvalidJSONType: "InvalidJsonType", ErrInvalidQuoteFields: "InvalidQuoteFields", ErrInvalidRequestParameter: "InvalidRequestParameter", format.ErrCSVParsingError: "CSVParsingError", format.ErrJSONParsingError: "JSONParsingError", ErrExternalEvalException: "ExternalEvalException", ErrInvalidDataType: "InvalidDataType", ErrUnrecognizedFormatException: "UnrecognizedFormatException", ErrInvalidTextEncoding: "InvalidTextEncoding", ErrInvalidTableAlias: "InvalidTableAlias", ErrMultipleDataSourcesUnsupported: "MultipleDataSourcesUnsupported", ErrMissingRequiredParameter: "MissingRequiredParameter", ErrObjectSerializationConflict: "ObjectSerializationConflict", ErrUnsupportedSQLOperation: "UnsupportedSqlOperation", ErrUnsupportedSQLStructure: "UnsupportedSqlStructure", ErrUnsupportedStorageClass: "UnsupportedStorageClass", ErrUnsupportedSyntax: "UnsupportedSyntax", ErrUnsupportedRangeHeader: "UnsupportedRangeHeader", ErrLexerInvalidChar: "LexerInvalidChar", ErrLexerInvalidOperator: "LexerInvalidOperator", ErrLexerInvalidLiteral: "LexerInvalidLiteral", ErrLexerInvalidIONLiteral: "LexerInvalidIONLiteral", ErrParseExpectedDatePart: "ParseExpectedDatePart", ErrParseExpectedKeyword: "ParseExpectedKeyword", ErrParseExpectedTokenType: "ParseExpectedTokenType", ErrParseExpected2TokenTypes: "ParseExpected2TokenTypes", ErrParseExpectedNumber: "ParseExpectedNumber", ErrParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall: "ParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall", ErrParseExpectedTypeName: "ParseExpectedTypeName", ErrParseExpectedWhenClause: "ParseExpectedWhenClause", ErrParseUnsupportedToken: "ParseUnsupportedToken", ErrParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy: "ParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy", ErrParseExpectedMember: "ParseExpectedMember", ErrParseUnsupportedSelect: "ParseUnsupportedSelect", ErrParseUnsupportedCase: "ParseUnsupportedCase:", ErrParseUnsupportedCaseClause: "ParseUnsupportedCaseClause", ErrParseUnsupportedAlias: "ParseUnsupportedAlias", ErrParseUnsupportedSyntax: "ParseUnsupportedSyntax", ErrParseUnknownOperator: "ParseUnknownOperator", format.ErrParseInvalidPathComponent: "ParseInvalidPathComponent", ErrParseMissingIdentAfterAt: "ParseMissingIdentAfterAt", ErrParseUnexpectedOperator: "ParseUnexpectedOperator", ErrParseUnexpectedTerm: "ParseUnexpectedTerm", ErrParseUnexpectedToken: "ParseUnexpectedToken", ErrParseUnexpectedKeyword: "ParseUnexpectedKeyword", ErrParseExpectedExpression: "ParseExpectedExpression", ErrParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast: "ParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast", ErrParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor: "ParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor", ErrParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall: "ParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall", ErrParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter: "ParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter", ErrParseCastArity: "ParseCastArity", ErrParseInvalidTypeParam: "ParseInvalidTypeParam", ErrParseEmptySelect: "ParseEmptySelect", ErrParseSelectMissingFrom: "ParseSelectMissingFrom", ErrParseExpectedIdentForGroupName: "ParseExpectedIdentForGroupName", ErrParseExpectedIdentForAlias: "ParseExpectedIdentForAlias", ErrParseUnsupportedCallWithStar: "ParseUnsupportedCallWithStar", ErrParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall: "ParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall", ErrParseMalformedJoin: "ParseMalformedJoin", ErrParseExpectedIdentForAt: "ParseExpectedIdentForAt", ErrParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList: "ParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList", ErrParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList: "ParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList", ErrParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList: "ParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList", ErrEvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist: "EvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist", ErrIncorrectSQLFunctionArgumentType: "IncorrectSqlFunctionArgumentType", ErrAmbiguousFieldName: "AmbiguousFieldName", ErrEvaluatorInvalidArguments: "EvaluatorInvalidArguments", ErrValueParseFailure: "ValueParseFailure", ErrIntegerOverflow: "IntegerOverflow", ErrLikeInvalidInputs: "LikeInvalidInputs", ErrCastFailed: "CastFailed", ErrInvalidCast: "Attempt to convert from one data type to another using CAST failed in the SQL expression.", ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern: "EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern", ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing: "EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing", ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields: "EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields", ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch: "EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch", ErrEvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken: "EvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken", ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken: "EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken", ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol: "EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol", }