/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/hex" "io" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/crypto/sha256" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/fs" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/probe" signV4 "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/signature" ) // GetBucketLocationHandler - GET Bucket location. // ------------------------- // This operation returns bucket location. func (api CloudStorageAPI) GetBucketLocationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } _, err := api.Filesystem.GetBucketMetadata(bucket) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "GetBucketMetadata failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } // Generate response. encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(LocationResponse{}) if api.Region != "us-east-1" { encodedSuccessResponse = encodeSuccessResponse(LocationResponse{ Location: api.Region, }) } setCommonHeaders(w) // write headers. writeSuccessResponse(w, encodedSuccessResponse) } // ListMultipartUploadsHandler - GET Bucket (List Multipart uploads) // ------------------------- // This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. An in-progress // multipart upload is a multipart upload that has been initiated, // using the Initiate Multipart Upload request, but has not yet been // completed or aborted. This operation returns at most 1,000 multipart // uploads in the response. // func (api CloudStorageAPI) ListMultipartUploadsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } resources := getBucketMultipartResources(r.URL.Query()) if resources.MaxUploads < 0 { writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidMaxUploads, r.URL.Path) return } if resources.MaxUploads == 0 { resources.MaxUploads = maxObjectList } resources, err := api.Filesystem.ListMultipartUploads(bucket, resources) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "ListMultipartUploads failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } // generate response response := generateListMultipartUploadsResponse(bucket, resources) encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response) // write headers. setCommonHeaders(w) // write success response. writeSuccessResponse(w, encodedSuccessResponse) } // ListObjectsHandler - GET Bucket (List Objects) // -- ----------------------- // This implementation of the GET operation returns some or all (up to 1000) // of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request parameters as selection // criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. // func (api CloudStorageAPI) ListObjectsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { if api.Filesystem.IsPrivateBucket(bucket) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } // TODO handle encoding type. prefix, marker, delimiter, maxkeys, _ := getBucketResources(r.URL.Query()) if maxkeys < 0 { writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidMaxKeys, r.URL.Path) return } if maxkeys == 0 { maxkeys = maxObjectList } listResp, err := api.Filesystem.ListObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxkeys) if err == nil { // generate response response := generateListObjectsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxkeys, listResp) encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response) // Write headers setCommonHeaders(w) // Write success response. writeSuccessResponse(w, encodedSuccessResponse) return } switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.ObjectNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchKey, r.URL.Path) case fs.ObjectNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchKey, r.URL.Path) default: errorIf(err.Trace(), "ListObjects failed.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } } // ListBucketsHandler - GET Service // ----------- // This implementation of the GET operation returns a list of all buckets // owned by the authenticated sender of the request. func (api CloudStorageAPI) ListBucketsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } buckets, err := api.Filesystem.ListBuckets() if err == nil { // generate response response := generateListBucketsResponse(buckets) encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response) // write headers setCommonHeaders(w) // write response writeSuccessResponse(w, encodedSuccessResponse) return } errorIf(err.Trace(), "ListBuckets failed.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } // PutBucketHandler - PUT Bucket // ---------- // This implementation of the PUT operation creates a new bucket for authenticated request func (api CloudStorageAPI) PutBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } // read from 'x-amz-acl' aclType := getACLType(r) if aclType == unsupportedACLType { writeErrorResponse(w, r, NotImplemented, r.URL.Path) return } // if body of request is non-nil then check for validity of Content-Length if r.Body != nil { /// if Content-Length is unknown/missing, deny the request if r.ContentLength == -1 && !contains(r.TransferEncoding, "chunked") { writeErrorResponse(w, r, MissingContentLength, r.URL.Path) return } } // Set http request for signature. api.Signature.SetHTTPRequestToVerify(r) // Verify signature for the incoming body if any. if api.Signature != nil { locationBytes, e := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if e != nil { errorIf(probe.NewError(e), "MakeBucket failed.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) return } sh := sha256.New() sh.Write(locationBytes) ok, err := api.Signature.DoesSignatureMatch(hex.EncodeToString(sh.Sum(nil))) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "MakeBucket failed.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) return } if !ok { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } } // Make bucket. err := api.Filesystem.MakeBucket(bucket, getACLTypeString(aclType)) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "MakeBucket failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketExists: writeErrorResponse(w, r, BucketAlreadyExists, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } // Make sure to add Location information here only for bucket w.Header().Set("Location", "/"+bucket) writeSuccessResponse(w, nil) } func extractHTTPFormValues(reader *multipart.Reader) (io.Reader, map[string]string, *probe.Error) { /// HTML Form values formValues := make(map[string]string) filePart := new(bytes.Buffer) var e error for e == nil { var part *multipart.Part part, e = reader.NextPart() if part != nil { if part.FileName() == "" { buffer, e := ioutil.ReadAll(part) if e != nil { return nil, nil, probe.NewError(e) } formValues[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(part.FormName())] = string(buffer) } else { if _, e := io.Copy(filePart, part); e != nil { return nil, nil, probe.NewError(e) } } } } return filePart, formValues, nil } // PostPolicyBucketHandler - POST policy // ---------- // This implementation of the POST operation handles object creation with a specified // signature policy in multipart/form-data func (api CloudStorageAPI) PostPolicyBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // if body of request is non-nil then check for validity of Content-Length if r.Body != nil { /// if Content-Length is unknown/missing, deny the request if r.ContentLength == -1 { writeErrorResponse(w, r, MissingContentLength, r.URL.Path) return } } // Here the parameter is the size of the form data that should // be loaded in memory, the remaining being put in temporary // files reader, e := r.MultipartReader() if e != nil { errorIf(probe.NewError(e), "Unable to initialize multipart reader.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, MalformedPOSTRequest, r.URL.Path) return } fileBody, formValues, err := extractHTTPFormValues(reader) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "Unable to parse form values.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, MalformedPOSTRequest, r.URL.Path) return } bucket := mux.Vars(r)["bucket"] formValues["Bucket"] = bucket object := formValues["Key"] var ok bool // Set http request for signature. api.Signature.SetHTTPRequestToVerify(r) // Verify policy signature. ok, err = api.Signature.DoesPolicySignatureMatch(formValues) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "Unable to verify signature.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } if !ok { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } if err = signV4.ApplyPolicyCond(formValues); err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "Invalid request, policy doesn't match with the endpoint.", nil) writeErrorResponse(w, r, MalformedPOSTRequest, r.URL.Path) return } metadata, err := api.Filesystem.CreateObject(bucket, object, "", -1, fileBody, nil) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "CreateObject failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.RootPathFull: writeErrorResponse(w, r, RootPathFull, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) case fs.BadDigest: writeErrorResponse(w, r, BadDigest, r.URL.Path) case fs.IncompleteBody: writeErrorResponse(w, r, IncompleteBody, r.URL.Path) case fs.InvalidDigest: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidDigest, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } if metadata.MD5 != "" { w.Header().Set("ETag", "\""+metadata.MD5+"\"") } writeSuccessResponse(w, nil) } // PutBucketACLHandler - PUT Bucket ACL // ---------- // This implementation of the PUT operation modifies the bucketACL for authenticated request func (api CloudStorageAPI) PutBucketACLHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } // read from 'x-amz-acl' aclType := getACLType(r) if aclType == unsupportedACLType { writeErrorResponse(w, r, NotImplemented, r.URL.Path) return } err := api.Filesystem.SetBucketMetadata(bucket, map[string]string{"acl": getACLTypeString(aclType)}) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "PutBucketACL failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } writeSuccessResponse(w, nil) } // GetBucketACLHandler - GET ACL on a Bucket // ---------- // This operation uses acl subresource to the return the ``acl`` // of a bucket. One must have permission to access the bucket to // know its ``acl``. This operation willl return response of 404 // if bucket not found and 403 for invalid credentials. func (api CloudStorageAPI) GetBucketACLHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } bucketMetadata, err := api.Filesystem.GetBucketMetadata(bucket) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "GetBucketMetadata failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } // Generate response response := generateAccessControlPolicyResponse(bucketMetadata.ACL) encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response) // Write headers setCommonHeaders(w) // Write success response. writeSuccessResponse(w, encodedSuccessResponse) } // HeadBucketHandler - HEAD Bucket // ---------- // This operation is useful to determine if a bucket exists. // The operation returns a 200 OK if the bucket exists and you // have permission to access it. Otherwise, the operation might // return responses such as 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden. func (api CloudStorageAPI) HeadBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { if api.Filesystem.IsPrivateBucket(bucket) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } _, err := api.Filesystem.GetBucketMetadata(bucket) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "GetBucketMetadata failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNameInvalid: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InvalidBucketName, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } writeSuccessResponse(w, nil) } // DeleteBucketHandler - Delete bucket func (api CloudStorageAPI) DeleteBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bucket := vars["bucket"] if isRequestRequiresACLCheck(r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, AccessDenied, r.URL.Path) return } if !isSignV4ReqAuthenticated(api.Signature, r) { writeErrorResponse(w, r, SignatureDoesNotMatch, r.URL.Path) return } err := api.Filesystem.DeleteBucket(bucket) if err != nil { errorIf(err.Trace(), "DeleteBucket failed.", nil) switch err.ToGoError().(type) { case fs.BucketNotFound: writeErrorResponse(w, r, NoSuchBucket, r.URL.Path) case fs.BucketNotEmpty: writeErrorResponse(w, r, BucketNotEmpty, r.URL.Path) default: writeErrorResponse(w, r, InternalError, r.URL.Path) } return } writeSuccessNoContent(w) }