/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package main import "strings" // List of valid event types. var suppportedEventTypes = map[string]struct{}{ // Object created event types. "s3:ObjectCreated:*": {}, "s3:ObjectCreated:Put": {}, "s3:ObjectCreated:Post": {}, "s3:ObjectCreated:Copy": {}, "s3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload": {}, // Object removed event types. "s3:ObjectRemoved:*": {}, "s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete": {}, } // checkEvent - checks if an event is supported. func checkEvent(event string) APIErrorCode { _, ok := suppportedEventTypes[event] if !ok { return ErrEventNotification } return ErrNone } // checkEvents - checks given list of events if all of them are valid. // given if one of them is invalid, this function returns an error. func checkEvents(events []string) APIErrorCode { for _, event := range events { if s3Error := checkEvent(event); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } } return ErrNone } // Valid if filterName is 'prefix'. func isValidFilterNamePrefix(filterName string) bool { return "prefix" == filterName } // Valid if filterName is 'suffix'. func isValidFilterNameSuffix(filterName string) bool { return "suffix" == filterName } // Is this a valid filterName? - returns true if valid. func isValidFilterName(filterName string) bool { return isValidFilterNamePrefix(filterName) || isValidFilterNameSuffix(filterName) } // checkFilterRules - checks given list of filter rules if all of them are valid. func checkFilterRules(filterRules []filterRule) APIErrorCode { ruleSetMap := make(map[string]string) // Validate all filter rules. for _, filterRule := range filterRules { // Unknown filter rule name found, returns an appropriate error. if !isValidFilterName(filterRule.Name) { return ErrFilterNameInvalid } // Filter names should not be set twice per notification service // configuration, if found return an appropriate error. if _, ok := ruleSetMap[filterRule.Name]; ok { if isValidFilterNamePrefix(filterRule.Name) { return ErrFilterNamePrefix } else if isValidFilterNameSuffix(filterRule.Name) { return ErrFilterNameSuffix } else { return ErrFilterNameInvalid } } // Maximum prefix length can be up to 1,024 characters, validate. if !IsValidObjectPrefix(filterRule.Value) { return ErrFilterPrefixValueInvalid } // Set the new rule name to keep track of duplicates. ruleSetMap[filterRule.Name] = filterRule.Value } // Success all prefixes validated. return ErrNone } // checkQueueARN - check if the queue arn is valid. func checkQueueARN(queueARN string) APIErrorCode { if !strings.HasPrefix(queueARN, minioSqs) { return ErrARNNotification } if !strings.HasPrefix(queueARN, minioSqs+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") { return ErrRegionNotification } return ErrNone } // checkLambdaARN - check if the lambda arn is valid. func checkLambdaARN(lambdaARN string) APIErrorCode { if !strings.HasPrefix(lambdaARN, minioLambda) { return ErrARNNotification } if !strings.HasPrefix(lambdaARN, minioLambda+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") { return ErrRegionNotification } return ErrNone } // Validate if we recognize the queue type. func isValidQueue(sqsARN arnSQS) bool { amqpQ := isAMQPQueue(sqsARN) // Is amqp queue?. elasticQ := isElasticQueue(sqsARN) // Is elastic queue?. redisQ := isRedisQueue(sqsARN) // Is redis queue?. return amqpQ || elasticQ || redisQ } // Validate if we recognize the lambda type. func isValidLambda(lambdaARN arnLambda) bool { return isMinL(lambdaARN) // Is minio lambda?. } // Validates account id for input queue ARN. func isValidQueueID(queueARN string) bool { // Unmarshals QueueARN into structured object. sqsARN := unmarshalSqsARN(queueARN) // AMQP queue. if isAMQPQueue(sqsARN) { amqpN := serverConfig.GetAMQPNotifyByID(sqsARN.AccountID) return amqpN.Enable && amqpN.URL != "" } else if isElasticQueue(sqsARN) { // Elastic queue. elasticN := serverConfig.GetElasticSearchNotifyByID(sqsARN.AccountID) return elasticN.Enable && elasticN.URL != "" } else if isRedisQueue(sqsARN) { // Redis queue. redisN := serverConfig.GetRedisNotifyByID(sqsARN.AccountID) return redisN.Enable && redisN.Addr != "" } return false } // Check - validates queue configuration and returns error if any. func checkQueueConfig(qConfig queueConfig) APIErrorCode { // Check queue arn is valid. if s3Error := checkQueueARN(qConfig.QueueARN); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Unmarshals QueueARN into structured object. sqsARN := unmarshalSqsARN(qConfig.QueueARN) // Validate if sqsARN requested any of the known supported queues. if !isValidQueue(sqsARN) { return ErrARNNotification } // Validate if the account ID is correct. if !isValidQueueID(qConfig.QueueARN) { return ErrARNNotification } // Check if valid events are set in queue config. if s3Error := checkEvents(qConfig.Events); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Check if valid filters are set in queue config. if s3Error := checkFilterRules(qConfig.Filter.Key.FilterRules); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Success. return ErrNone } // Check - validates queue configuration and returns error if any. func checkLambdaConfig(lConfig lambdaConfig) APIErrorCode { // Check queue arn is valid. if s3Error := checkLambdaARN(lConfig.LambdaARN); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Unmarshals QueueARN into structured object. lambdaARN := unmarshalLambdaARN(lConfig.LambdaARN) // Validate if lambdaARN requested any of the known supported queues. if !isValidLambda(lambdaARN) { return ErrARNNotification } // Check if valid events are set in queue config. if s3Error := checkEvents(lConfig.Events); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Check if valid filters are set in queue config. if s3Error := checkFilterRules(lConfig.Filter.Key.FilterRules); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Success. return ErrNone } // Validates all incoming queue configs, checkQueueConfig validates if the // input fields for each queues is not malformed and has valid configuration // information. If validation fails bucket notifications are not enabled. func validateQueueConfigs(queueConfigs []queueConfig) APIErrorCode { for _, qConfig := range queueConfigs { if s3Error := checkQueueConfig(qConfig); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } } // Success. return ErrNone } // Validates all incoming lambda configs, checkLambdaConfig validates if the // input fields for each queues is not malformed and has valid configuration // information. If validation fails bucket notifications are not enabled. func validateLambdaConfigs(lambdaConfigs []lambdaConfig) APIErrorCode { for _, lConfig := range lambdaConfigs { if s3Error := checkLambdaConfig(lConfig); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } } // Success. return ErrNone } // Validates all the bucket notification configuration for their validity, // if one of the config is malformed or has invalid data it is rejected. // Configuration is never applied partially. func validateNotificationConfig(nConfig notificationConfig) APIErrorCode { if s3Error := validateQueueConfigs(nConfig.QueueConfigs); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } if s3Error := validateLambdaConfigs(nConfig.LambdaConfigs); s3Error != ErrNone { return s3Error } // Add validation for other configurations. return ErrNone } // Unmarshals input value of AWS ARN format into minioLambda object. // Returned value represents minio lambda type, currently supported are // - minio func unmarshalLambdaARN(lambdaARN string) arnLambda { lambda := arnLambda{} if !strings.HasPrefix(lambdaARN, minioLambda+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") { return lambda } lambdaType := strings.TrimPrefix(lambdaARN, minioLambda+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") switch { case strings.HasSuffix(lambdaType, lambdaTypeMinio): lambda.Type = lambdaTypeMinio } // Add more lambda here. lambda.AccountID = strings.TrimSuffix(lambdaType, ":"+lambda.Type) return lambda } // Unmarshals input value of AWS ARN format into minioSqs object. // Returned value represents minio sqs types, currently supported are // - amqp // - elasticsearch // - redis func unmarshalSqsARN(queueARN string) (mSqs arnSQS) { mSqs = arnSQS{} if !strings.HasPrefix(queueARN, minioSqs+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") { return mSqs } sqsType := strings.TrimPrefix(queueARN, minioSqs+serverConfig.GetRegion()+":") switch { case strings.HasSuffix(sqsType, queueTypeAMQP): mSqs.Type = queueTypeAMQP case strings.HasSuffix(sqsType, queueTypeElastic): mSqs.Type = queueTypeElastic case strings.HasSuffix(sqsType, queueTypeRedis): mSqs.Type = queueTypeRedis } // Add more queues here. mSqs.AccountID = strings.TrimSuffix(sqsType, ":"+mSqs.Type) return mSqs }