Anis Elleuch 7fdffa0363
locks: Ensure local lock removal after a failed refresh (#12979) (#13183)
In the event when a lock is not refreshed in the cluster, this latter
will be automatically removed in the subsequent cleanup of non
refreshed locks routine, but it forgot to clean the local server,
hence having the same weird stale locks present.

This commit will remove the lock locally also in remote nodes, if
removing a lock from a remote node will fail, it will be anyway
removed later in the locks cleanup routine.
2021-09-10 08:53:46 -07:00

296 lines
7.8 KiB

* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2018, 2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// lockRequesterInfo stores various info from the client for each lock that is requested.
type lockRequesterInfo struct {
Writer bool // Bool whether write or read lock.
UID string // UID to uniquely identify request of client.
Timestamp time.Time // Timestamp set at the time of initialization.
TimeLastRefresh time.Time // Timestamp for last lock refresh.
Source string // Contains line, function and filename reqesting the lock.
// Owner represents the UUID of the owner who originally requested the lock
// useful in expiry.
Owner string
// Quorum represents the quorum required for this lock to be active.
Quorum int
// isWriteLock returns whether the lock is a write or read lock.
func isWriteLock(lri []lockRequesterInfo) bool {
return len(lri) == 1 && lri[0].Writer
// localLocker implements Dsync.NetLocker
type localLocker struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
endpoint Endpoint
lockMap map[string][]lockRequesterInfo
func (l *localLocker) String() string {
return l.endpoint.String()
func (l *localLocker) canTakeUnlock(resources ...string) bool {
var lkCnt int
for _, resource := range resources {
isWriteLockTaken := isWriteLock(l.lockMap[resource])
if isWriteLockTaken {
return lkCnt == len(resources)
func (l *localLocker) canTakeLock(resources ...string) bool {
var noLkCnt int
for _, resource := range resources {
_, lockTaken := l.lockMap[resource]
if !lockTaken {
return noLkCnt == len(resources)
func (l *localLocker) Lock(ctx context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (reply bool, err error) {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if !l.canTakeLock(args.Resources...) {
// Not all locks can be taken on resources,
// reject it completely.
return false, nil
// No locks held on the all resources, so claim write
// lock on all resources at once.
for _, resource := range args.Resources {
l.lockMap[resource] = []lockRequesterInfo{
Writer: true,
Source: args.Source,
Owner: args.Owner,
UID: args.UID,
Timestamp: UTCNow(),
TimeLastRefresh: UTCNow(),
Quorum: args.Quorum,
return true, nil
func (l *localLocker) Unlock(_ context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (reply bool, err error) {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if !l.canTakeUnlock(args.Resources...) {
// Unless it is a write lock reject it.
return reply, fmt.Errorf("Unlock attempted on a read locked entity: %s", args.Resources)
for _, resource := range args.Resources {
lri, ok := l.lockMap[resource]
if ok {
l.removeEntry(resource, args, &lri)
return true, nil
// removeEntry based on the uid of the lock message, removes a single entry from the
// lockRequesterInfo array or the whole array from the map (in case of a write lock
// or last read lock)
func (l *localLocker) removeEntry(name string, args dsync.LockArgs, lri *[]lockRequesterInfo) bool {
// Find correct entry to remove based on uid.
for index, entry := range *lri {
if entry.UID == args.UID && entry.Owner == args.Owner {
if len(*lri) == 1 {
// Remove the write lock.
delete(l.lockMap, name)
} else {
// Remove the appropriate read lock.
*lri = append((*lri)[:index], (*lri)[index+1:]...)
l.lockMap[name] = *lri
return true
// None found return false, perhaps entry removed in previous run.
return false
func (l *localLocker) RLock(ctx context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (reply bool, err error) {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
lrInfo := lockRequesterInfo{
Writer: false,
Source: args.Source,
Owner: args.Owner,
UID: args.UID,
Timestamp: UTCNow(),
TimeLastRefresh: UTCNow(),
Quorum: args.Quorum,
resource := args.Resources[0]
if lri, ok := l.lockMap[resource]; ok {
if reply = !isWriteLock(lri); reply {
// Unless there is a write lock
l.lockMap[resource] = append(l.lockMap[resource], lrInfo)
} else {
// No locks held on the given name, so claim (first) read lock
l.lockMap[resource] = []lockRequesterInfo{lrInfo}
reply = true
return reply, nil
func (l *localLocker) RUnlock(_ context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (reply bool, err error) {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
var lri []lockRequesterInfo
resource := args.Resources[0]
if lri, reply = l.lockMap[resource]; !reply {
// No lock is held on the given name
return true, nil
if reply = !isWriteLock(lri); !reply {
// A write-lock is held, cannot release a read lock
return reply, fmt.Errorf("RUnlock attempted on a write locked entity: %s", resource)
l.removeEntry(resource, args, &lri)
return reply, nil
func (l *localLocker) DupLockMap() map[string][]lockRequesterInfo {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
lockCopy := make(map[string][]lockRequesterInfo)
for k, v := range l.lockMap {
lockCopy[k] = append(lockCopy[k], v...)
return lockCopy
func (l *localLocker) Close() error {
return nil
// IsOnline - local locker is always online.
func (l *localLocker) IsOnline() bool {
return true
// IsLocal - local locker returns true.
func (l *localLocker) IsLocal() bool {
return true
func (l *localLocker) ForceUnlock(ctx context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (reply bool, err error) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if len(args.UID) == 0 {
for _, resource := range args.Resources {
delete(l.lockMap, resource) // Remove the lock (irrespective of write or read lock)
return true, nil
lockUIDFound := false
for resource, lris := range l.lockMap {
for _, lri := range lris {
if lri.UID == args.UID {
l.removeEntry(resource, dsync.LockArgs{Owner: lri.Owner, UID: lri.UID}, &lris)
lockUIDFound = true
return lockUIDFound, nil
func (l *localLocker) Refresh(ctx context.Context, args dsync.LockArgs) (refreshed bool, err error) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
resource := args.Resources[0] // refresh check is always per resource.
// Lock found, proceed to verify if belongs to given uid.
lri, ok := l.lockMap[resource]
if !ok {
// lock doesn't exist yet, return false
return false, nil
// Check whether uid is still active
for i := range lri {
if lri[i].UID == args.UID && lri[i].Owner == args.Owner {
lri[i].TimeLastRefresh = UTCNow()
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Similar to removeEntry but only removes an entry only if the lock entry exists in map.
// Caller must hold 'l.mutex' lock.
func (l *localLocker) expireOldLocks(interval time.Duration) {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
for resource, lris := range l.lockMap {
for _, lri := range lris {
if time.Since(lri.TimeLastRefresh) > interval {
l.removeEntry(resource, dsync.LockArgs{Owner: lri.Owner, UID: lri.UID}, &lris)
func newLocker(endpoint Endpoint) *localLocker {
return &localLocker{
endpoint: endpoint,
lockMap: make(map[string][]lockRequesterInfo),