Andreas Auernhammer e8a12cbfdd
etag: compute ETag as MD5 for compressed single-part objects (#12375)
This commit fixes a bug causing the MinIO server to compute
the ETag of a single-part object as MD5 of the compressed
content - not as MD5 of the actual content.

This usually does not affect clients since the MinIO appended
a `-1` to indicate that the ETag belongs to a multipart object.
However, this behavior was problematic since:
 - A S3 client being very strict should reject such an ETag since
   the client uploaded the object via single-part API but got
   a multipart ETag that is not the content MD5.
 - The MinIO server leaks (via the ETag) that it compressed the

This commit addresses both cases. Now, the MinIO server returns
an ETag equal to the content MD5 for single-part objects that got

Signed-off-by: Andreas Auernhammer <>
2021-05-27 08:18:41 -07:00

228 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package etag
import (
var _ Tagger = Wrap(nil, nil).(Tagger) // runtime check that wrapReader implements Tagger
var parseTests = []struct {
String string
ETag ETag
ShouldFail bool
{String: "3b83ef96387f1465", ETag: ETag{59, 131, 239, 150, 56, 127, 20, 101}}, // 0
{String: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", ETag: ETag{59, 131, 239, 150, 56, 127, 20, 101, 95, 200, 84, 221, 195, 198, 189, 87}}, // 1
{String: `"3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"`, ETag: ETag{59, 131, 239, 150, 56, 127, 20, 101, 95, 200, 84, 221, 195, 198, 189, 87}}, // 2
{String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-1", ETag: ETag{206, 184, 133, 61, 220, 80, 134, 204, 74, 185, 225, 73, 248, 240, 156, 136, 45, 49}}, // 3
{String: `"ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-2"`, ETag: ETag{206, 184, 133, 61, 220, 80, 134, 204, 74, 185, 225, 73, 248, 240, 156, 136, 45, 50}}, // 4
{ // 5
String: "90402c78d2dccddee1e9e86222ce2c6361675f3529d26000ae2e900ff216b3cb59e130e092d8a2981e776f4d0bd60941",
ETag: ETag{144, 64, 44, 120, 210, 220, 205, 222, 225, 233, 232, 98, 34, 206, 44, 99, 97, 103, 95, 53, 41, 210, 96, 0, 174, 46, 144, 15, 242, 22, 179, 203, 89, 225, 48, 224, 146, 216, 162, 152, 30, 119, 111, 77, 11, 214, 9, 65},
{String: `"3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57`, ShouldFail: true}, // 6
{String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-", ShouldFail: true}, // 7
{String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-2a", ShouldFail: true}, // 8
{String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-2-1", ShouldFail: true}, // 9
{String: "90402c78d2dccddee1e9e86222ce2c-1", ShouldFail: true}, // 10
{String: "90402c78d2dccddee1e9e86222ce2c6361675f3529d26000ae2e900ff216b3cb59e130e092d8a2981e776f4d0bd60941-1", ShouldFail: true}, // 11
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range parseTests {
etag, err := Parse(test.String)
if err == nil && test.ShouldFail {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: parse should have failed but succeeded", i)
if err != nil && !test.ShouldFail {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: failed to parse ETag %q: %v", i, test.String, err)
if !Equal(etag, test.ETag) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: ETags don't match", i)
var stringTests = []struct {
ETag ETag
String string
{ETag: ETag{59, 131, 239, 150, 56, 127, 20, 101}, String: "3b83ef96387f1465"}, // 0
{ETag: ETag{59, 131, 239, 150, 56, 127, 20, 101, 95, 200, 84, 221, 195, 198, 189, 87}, String: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"}, // 1
{ETag: ETag{206, 184, 133, 61, 220, 80, 134, 204, 74, 185, 225, 73, 248, 240, 156, 136, 45, 49}, String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-1"}, // 2
{ETag: ETag{206, 184, 133, 61, 220, 80, 134, 204, 74, 185, 225, 73, 248, 240, 156, 136, 45, 50}, String: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-2"}, // 3
{ // 4
ETag: ETag{144, 64, 44, 120, 210, 220, 205, 222, 225, 233, 232, 98, 34, 206, 44, 99, 97, 103, 95, 53, 41, 210, 96, 0, 174, 46, 144, 15, 242, 22, 179, 203, 89, 225, 48, 224, 146, 216, 162, 152, 30, 119, 111, 77, 11, 214, 9, 65},
String: "90402c78d2dccddee1e9e86222ce2c6361675f3529d26000ae2e900ff216b3cb59e130e092d8a2981e776f4d0bd60941",
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range stringTests {
s := test.ETag.String()
if s != test.String {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: got %s - want %s", i, s, test.String)
var equalTests = []struct {
A string
B string
Equal bool
{A: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", B: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", Equal: true}, // 0
{A: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", B: `"3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"`, Equal: true}, // 1
{A: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", B: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57-2", Equal: false}, // 2
{A: "3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57", B: "ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88", Equal: false}, // 3
func TestEqual(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range equalTests {
A, err := Parse(test.A)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: %v", i, err)
B, err := Parse(test.B)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: %v", i, err)
if equal := Equal(A, B); equal != test.Equal {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: got %v - want %v", i, equal, test.Equal)
var readerTests = []struct { // Reference values computed by: echo <content> | md5sum
Content string
ETag ETag
Content: "", ETag: ETag{212, 29, 140, 217, 143, 0, 178, 4, 233, 128, 9, 152, 236, 248, 66, 126},
Content: " ", ETag: ETag{114, 21, 238, 156, 125, 157, 194, 41, 210, 146, 26, 64, 232, 153, 236, 95},
Content: "Hello World", ETag: ETag{177, 10, 141, 177, 100, 224, 117, 65, 5, 183, 169, 155, 231, 46, 63, 229},
func TestReader(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range readerTests {
reader := NewReader(strings.NewReader(test.Content), test.ETag)
if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, reader); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: read failed: %v", i, err)
if ETag := reader.ETag(); !Equal(ETag, test.ETag) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: ETag mismatch: got %q - want %q", i, ETag, test.ETag)
var multipartTests = []struct { // Test cases have been generated using AWS S3
ETags []ETag
Multipart ETag
ETags: []ETag{},
Multipart: ETag{},
ETags: []ETag{must("b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5")},
Multipart: must("7b976cc68452e003eec7cb0eb631a19a-1"),
ETags: []ETag{must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"), must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6")},
Multipart: must("a7d414b9133d6483d9a1c4e04e856e3b-2"),
ETags: []ETag{must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"), must("a096eb5968d607c2975fb2c4af9ab225"), must("b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5")},
Multipart: must("9a0d1febd9265f59f368ceb652770bc2-3"),
{ // Check that multipart ETags are ignored
ETags: []ETag{must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"), must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"), must("ceb8853ddc5086cc4ab9e149f8f09c88-1")},
Multipart: must("a7d414b9133d6483d9a1c4e04e856e3b-2"),
{ // Check that encrypted ETags are ignored
ETags: []ETag{
must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"), must("5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6"),
Multipart: must("a7d414b9133d6483d9a1c4e04e856e3b-2"),
func TestMultipart(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range multipartTests {
if multipart := Multipart(test.ETags...); !Equal(multipart, test.Multipart) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: got %q - want %q", i, multipart, test.Multipart)
var fromContentMD5Tests = []struct {
Header http.Header
ETag ETag
ShouldFail bool
{Header: http.Header{}, ETag: nil}, // 0
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{"1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg=="}}, ETag: must("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")}, // 1
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{"sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q=="}}, ETag: must("b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5")}, // 2
{Header: http.Header{"Content-MD5": []string{"1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg=="}}, ETag: nil}, // 3 (Content-MD5 vs Content-Md5)
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{"sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q==", "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg=="}}, ETag: must("b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5")}, // 4
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{""}}, ShouldFail: true}, // 5 (empty value)
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{"", "sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q=="}}, ShouldFail: true}, // 6 (empty value)
{Header: http.Header{"Content-Md5": []string{"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}}, ShouldFail: true}, // 7 (content-md5 is invalid b64 / of invalid length)
func TestFromContentMD5(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range fromContentMD5Tests {
ETag, err := FromContentMD5(test.Header)
if err != nil && !test.ShouldFail {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: failed to convert Content-MD5 to ETag: %v", i, err)
if err == nil && test.ShouldFail {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: should have failed but succeeded", i)
if err == nil {
if !Equal(ETag, test.ETag) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: got %q - want %q", i, ETag, test.ETag)
func must(s string) ETag {
t, err := Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return t