Felix Abecassis 7dbc2cafec Attempt to be compatible with newer versions of Docker
Previously, nvidia-docker aborted if it detected a version of Docker
more recent than the one it supports. In hindsight, this provided
little benefits since the list of flags has now become quite stable,
and it forced our users to frequently update nvidia-docker manually,
because nvidia-docker is not available on a public package repository.

This problem is exacerbated now that Docker is on a monthly release schedule:
We don't want to generate new packages every month.

Thus, if the version of Docker detected by nvidia-docker is newer than
its latest known Docker version, we will use the boolean flags of this
latest known version.
2017-02-27 15:16:42 -08:00

235 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
package docker
import (
var dockerCmd = []string{"docker"}
func SetCommand(cmd ...string) {
if len(cmd) > 0 {
dockerCmd = cmd
func docker(stdout bool, command string, arg ...string) (b []byte, err error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
args := append(append(dockerCmd[1:], command), arg...)
cmd := exec.Command(dockerCmd[0], args...)
cmd.Stderr = &buf
if stdout {
cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
} else {
b, err = cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
b = bytes.TrimSpace(buf.Bytes())
b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte("Error: "))
if len(b) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s", b)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to run docker command")
return b, nil
// List of boolean options: https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/17.03.x/contrib/completion/bash/docker
var lastSupportedVersion = "17.03"
var booleanFlags = map[string]map[string][]string{
"1.9": {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-help", "-icc", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
"1.10": {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-help", "-icc", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
"1.11": {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-help", "-icc", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-raw-logs", "-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
"1.12": {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-help", "-icc", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-live-restore", "-raw-logs",
"-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-no-healthcheck", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
"1.13": {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-experimental", "-help", "-icc", "-init", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-live-restore", "-raw-logs",
"-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-init", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-init", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-no-healthcheck", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
lastSupportedVersion: {
"": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify"}, // global options
"daemon": []string{"-debug", "D", "-tls", "-tlsverify", // global options
"-disable-legacy-registry", "-experimental", "-help", "-icc", "-init", "-ip-forward",
"-ip-masq", "-iptables", "-ipv6", "-live-restore", "-raw-logs",
"-selinux-enabled", "-userland-proxy"},
"create": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-init", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t"},
"run": []string{"-disable-content-trust", "-help", "-init", "-interactive", "i", "-oom-kill-disable",
"-privileged", "-publish-all", "P", "-read-only", "-tty", "t", // same as "create"
"-detach", "d", "-no-healthcheck", "-rm", "-sig-proxy"},
func ParseArgs(args []string, cmd ...string) (string, int, error) {
if len(cmd) == 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "")
version, err := ClientVersion()
if err != nil {
return "", -1, err
vmaj := version[:strings.LastIndex(version, ".")]
cmdBooleanFlags, ok := booleanFlags[vmaj][cmd[0]]
if !ok {
// Docker is newer than supported version: use flags from last version we know.
cmdBooleanFlags, _ = booleanFlags[lastSupportedVersion][cmd[0]]
// Build the set of boolean Docker options for this command
type void struct{}
flags := make(map[string]void)
for _, f := range cmdBooleanFlags {
flags[f] = void{}
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
arg := args[i]
if arg[0] != '-' || arg == "-" {
return args[i], i, nil
// Skip if current flag is in the form --option=value
// Note: doesn't handle weird commands like `nvidia-docker run -vit=XYZ /tmp:/bar ubuntu`
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
arg = arg[1:]
if arg[0] == '-' {
// Long option: skip next argument if option is not boolean
if _, ok := flags[arg]; !ok {
} else {
// Short options: skip next argument if any option is not boolean
for _, f := range arg {
if _, ok := flags[string(f)]; !ok {
return "", -1, nil
func Label(image, label string) (string, error) {
format := fmt.Sprintf(`--format={{index .Config.Labels "%s"}}`, label)
b, err := docker(false, "inspect", format, image)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(bytes.Trim(b, " \n")), nil
func VolumeInspect(name string) (string, error) {
var vol []struct{ Name, Driver, Mountpoint string }
b, err := docker(false, "volume", "inspect", name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &vol); err != nil {
return "", err
return vol[0].Mountpoint, nil
func ImageExists(image string) (bool, error) {
_, err := docker(false, "inspect", "--type=image", image)
if err != nil {
// We can't know whether the image was missing or if the daemon was unreachable.
return false, nil
return true, nil
func ImagePull(image string) error {
_, err := docker(true, "pull", image)
return err
func ClientVersion() (string, error) {
b, err := docker(false, "version", "--format", "{{.Client.Version}}")
if err != nil {
return "", err
version := string(b)
var v1, v2, v3 int
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(version, "%d.%d.%d", &v1, &v2, &v3); err != nil {
return "", err
return version, nil
func Docker(arg ...string) error {
cmd, err := exec.LookPath(dockerCmd[0])
if err != nil {
return err
args := append(dockerCmd, arg...)
return syscall.Exec(cmd, args, os.Environ())