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2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
package apitype
// ConfigValue describes a single (possibly secret) configuration value.
type ConfigValue struct {
// String is either the plaintext value (for non-secrets) or the base64-encoded ciphertext (for secrets).
String string `json:"string"`
// Secret is true if this value is a secret and false otherwise.
Secret bool `json:"secret"`
2018-01-11 00:43:44 +01:00
// CreateUpdateConfig describes the configuration data for an request to `POST /updates`.
type CreateUpdateConfig struct {
// Contents contains the configuration values for an update as a set of key-value pairs.
Contents map[string]ConfigValue `json:"contents"`
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
// UpdateProgramRequest is the request type for updating (aka deploying) a Pulumi program.
type UpdateProgramRequest struct {
// Properties from the Project file. Subset of pack.Package.
2018-01-11 19:02:21 +01:00
Name string `json:"name"`
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
Main string `json:"main"`
Description string `json:"description"`
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
// Configuration values.
2018-01-11 19:02:21 +01:00
Config map[string]ConfigValue `json:"config"`
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
2018-01-11 19:02:21 +01:00
// UpdateProgramRequestUntyped is a legacy type: see comment in pulumi-service stacks_update.go unmarshalConfig()
// TODO(#478): remove support for string-only config.
type UpdateProgramRequestUntyped struct {
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
// Properties from the Project file.
Name string `json:"name"`
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
Main string `json:"main"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// Configuration values. Note that although the element type of this map is an `interface{}`, the value must be
// either a string or a ConfigValue.
Config map[string]interface{} `json:"config"`
// UpdateProgramResponse is the result of an update program request.
type UpdateProgramResponse struct {
// UpdateID is the opaque identifier of the requested update. This value is needed to begin
// an update, as well as poll for its progress.
UpdateID string `json:"updateID"`
// UploadURL is a URL the client can use to upload their program's contents into. Ignored
// for destroys.
UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"`
// StartUpdateResponse is the result of the command to start an update.
type StartUpdateResponse struct {
// Version is the version of the program once the update is complete.
// (Will be the current, unchanged value for previews.)
Version int `json:"version"`
// UpdateEventKind is an enum for the type of update events.
type UpdateEventKind string
const (
// StdoutEvent is used to mark the event being emitted to STDOUT.
StdoutEvent UpdateEventKind = "stdout"
// StderrEvent is used to mark the event being emitted to STDERR.
StderrEvent UpdateEventKind = "stderr"
// UpdateEvent describes an event that happened on the Pulumi Cloud while processing an update.
type UpdateEvent struct {
Index string `json:"index"`
2018-01-11 19:57:25 +01:00
Kind UpdateEventKind `json:"kind"`
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
Fields map[string]interface{} `json:"fields"`
// UpdateStatus is an enum describing the current state during the lifecycle of an update.
type UpdateStatus string
const (
// StatusNotStarted is returned when the Update has been created but not applied.
StatusNotStarted UpdateStatus = "not started"
// StatusRequested is returned when the Update application has been requested but not started.
StatusRequested UpdateStatus = "requested"
// StatusRunning is returned when the Update is in progress.
StatusRunning UpdateStatus = "running"
// StatusFailed is returned when the update has failed.
StatusFailed UpdateStatus = "failed"
// StatusSucceeded is returned when the update has succeeded.
StatusSucceeded UpdateStatus = "succeeded"
// UpdateResults returns a series of events and the current status of an update. The vents can
// be filtered. See API call for more details.
type UpdateResults struct {
2018-01-11 19:57:25 +01:00
Status UpdateStatus `json:"status"`
2018-01-11 00:04:55 +01:00
Events []UpdateEvent `json:"events"`
2018-01-11 00:43:44 +01:00
// UpdateProgram describes the metadata associated with an update's Pulumi program. Note that this does not include the contents of the
// program itself.
type UpdateProgram struct {
// Name is the name of the program.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Runtime is the language runtime used to execute the program.
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
// Main is an optional redirect for the main program location. (e.g. a subfolder under Pulumi.yaml containing package.json.)
Main string `json:"main"`
// Analyzers is the set of analyzers to run when this program is executed.
Analyzers []string `json:"analyzers"`
// Destroy indicates whether or not this program is the nil program (i.e. the program that generates no resources).
Destroy bool `json:"destroy"`
// CreateUpdateRequest describe the data provided as the body of a request to the `POST /updates` endpoint of the PPC API.
type CreateUpdateRequest struct {
// Stack is the unqique ID for the stack that this update targets.
Stack string `json:"stack"`
// Import indicates whether or not this update's resources are given by a checkpoint to import rather than an actual Pulumi program.
// If this field is `true`, the client must upload the checkpoint file to the URL returned in the response. Config should be empty, as
// it will be copied from the base update. Program should also be empty, as it will not be used.
IsCheckpointImport bool `json:"import,omitempty"`
// StackAlias is the friendly name for the update's stack that will be exposed to the update's Pulumi program.
StackAlias string `json:"stackAlias,omitempty"`
// Config records the configuration values for an update. Must be nil if IsCheckpointImport is true.
Config *CreateUpdateConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`
// Program records the program metadata for an update. Must be nil if IsCheckpointImport is true.
Program *UpdateProgram `json:"program,omitempty"`
// CreateUpdateResponse describes the data returned by a request to the `POST /updates` endpoint of the PPC API.
type CreateUpdateResponse struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of the newly-created update.
ID string `json:"id"`
// Stack is the unique identifier of the stack targeted by the update.
Stack string `json:"stack"`
// BaseUpdate is the unique identifier of the update that was active in the stack indicated above at the time at which this update
// was created.
BaseUpdate string `json:"baseUpdate"`
// UploadURL is a URL that the client must use to upload the contents of the program associated with this update. The client should
// upload the program by sending a `PUT` request to this URL with the contents of the program as a ZIP file in the request body.
// The `PUT` request must also set the `Content-Length` header.
UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"`
// UpdateApplyRequest describes the data provided as the body of a request to the `POST /updates/{updateID}/apply` and
// `POST /updates/{updateID}/preview` endpoints of the PPC API.
type UpdateApplyRequest struct {
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about the configuration during this update.
ShowConfig bool `json:"showConfig,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about resources that have not changed during this update.
ShowSames bool `json:"showSames,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about replacement steps during this update.
ShowReplacementSteps bool `json:"showReplacementSteps,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit summary information during this update.
Summary bool `json:"summary,omitempty"`
// GetUpdateResponse describes the data retuerned by a request to the `GET /updates/{updateID}` endpoint of the PPC API.
type GetUpdateResponse struct {
// State indicates which state the update is in.
State string `json:"state"`
// StackAlias is the friendly name for the update's stack that will be exposed to the update's Pulumi program.
StackAlias string `json:"stackAlias,omitempty"`
// Config records the configuration values for an update.
Config map[string]string `json:"config"`
// Program records the program metadata for an update.
Program UpdateProgram `json:"program"`
// GetApplyUpdateResultsResponse describes the data returned by the `GET /updates/{updateID}/apply` endpoint of the PPC API.
type GetApplyUpdateResultsResponse UpdateResults
// GetPreviewUpdateResultsResponse describes the data returned by the `GET /updates/{updateID}/preview` endpoint of the PPC API.
type GetPreviewUpdateResultsResponse UpdateResults