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Lift snapshot management out of the engine and serialize writes to snapshot (#1069) * Lift snapshot management out of the engine This PR is a prerequisite for parallelism by addressing a major problem that the engine has to deal with when performing parallel resource construction: parallel mutation of the global snapshot. This PR adds a `SnapshotManager` type that is responsible for maintaining and persisting the current resource snapshot. It serializes all reads and writes to the global snapshot and persists the snapshot to persistent storage upon every write. As a side-effect of this, the core engine no longer needs to know about snapshot management at all; all snapshot operations can be handled as callbacks on deployment events. This will greatly simplify the parallelization of the core engine. Worth noting is that the core engine will still need to be able to read the current snapshot, since it is interested in the dependency graphs contained within. The full implications of that are out of scope of this PR. Remove dead code, Steps no longer need a reference to the plan iterator that created them Fixing various issues that arise when bringing up pulumi-aws Line length broke the build Code review: remove dead field, fix yaml name error Rebase against master, provide implementation of StackPersister for cloud backend Code review feedback: comments on MutationStatus, style in snapshot.go Code review feedback: move SnapshotManager to pkg/backend, change engine to use an interface SnapshotManager Code review feedback: use a channel for synchronization Add a comment and a new test * Maintain two checkpoints, an immutable base and a mutable delta, and periodically merge the two to produce snapshots * Add a lot of tests - covers all of the non-error paths of BeginMutation and End * Fix a test resource provider * Add a few tests, fix a few issues * Rebase against master, fixed merge
2018-04-12 18:55:34 +02:00
// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package backend
import (
// SnapshotPersister is an interface for persisting the in-memory snapshot
// to some sort of persistent storage. The error returned is nil if the
// persisting was successful, false otherwise.
type SnapshotPersister interface {
// Persists the in-memory snapshot to storage in some manner.
SaveSnapshot(snapshot *deploy.Snapshot) error
// SnapshotManager is an implementation of engine.SnapshotManager that inspects steps and performs
// mutations on the global snapshot object serially. This implementation maintains two snapshots: the "base"
// snapshot, which is completely immutable and represents the state of the world prior to the application
// of the current plan, and the "new" snapshot, which consists of the changes that have occurred as a result
// of executing the current plan.
// All public members of SnapshotManager (namely `BeginMutation`, `RegisterResourceOutputs`, `RecordPlugins`,
// and all `End` functions returned by implementations of `SnapshotMutation`) are safe to use
// unsynchronized across goroutines.
// A more principled language might allow us to express that `mutate` yields a mutable reference to the snapshot,
// but this is Go, and we can't do that.
// It is worth noting that some `*resource.State` pointers point into the global Snapshot. `mutate`
// must be used to read *OR* write such pointers. These pointers are generally stored within the implementations
// of `SnapshotMutation` and will be called-out explicitly in documentation.
// ## Debugging Tips
// The environment variable `PULUMI_RETAIN_CHECKPOINTS`, when set, causes local backups of the checkpoint file
// to be suffixed with a timestamp instead repeatedly overwriting the same file. You can use this to reconstruct
// an exact sequence of events that resulted in an invalid checkpoint. The scripts `diff_checkpoint.sh` and
// `find_checkpoint.sh` are useful for diffing and viewing checkpoint files in this format, respectively. In particular,
// `diff_checkpoint.sh n` shows a diff of the n'th mutation to the snapshot.
type SnapshotManager struct {
persister SnapshotPersister // The persister responsible for saving the snapshot
baseSnapshot *deploy.Snapshot // The base snapshot of the current plan.
newSnapshot *deploy.Snapshot // The new snapshot representing changes made by the current plan.
doVerify bool // If true, call `snapshot.VerifyIntegrity` after modifying the snapshot
mutationRequests chan func() // channel for serializing mutations to the snapshot
var _ engine.SnapshotManager = (*SnapshotManager)(nil)
// If you need to understand what's going on in this file, start here!
// mutate is the serialization point for reads and writes of the global snapshot state.
// The given function will be, at the time of its invocation, the only function allowed to
// mutate the global snapshot and associated data.
// Serialization is performed by pushing the mutation function onto a channel, where another
// goroutine is polling the channel and executing the mutation functions as they come.
// This function optionally verifies the integrity of the snapshot before and after mutation.
// Immediately after the mutating function is run, the snapshot's manifest is updated and,
// if there are no verification errors, the snapshot is persisted to disk.
// You should never observe or mutate the global snapshot without using this function unless
// you have a very good justification.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) mutate(mutator func()) error {
responseChan := make(chan error)
sm.mutationRequests <- func() {
snap := sm.merge()
err := sm.persister.SaveSnapshot(snap)
if err != nil && sm.doVerify {
if verifyErr := snap.VerifyIntegrity(); verifyErr != nil {
responseChan <- errors.Wrapf(verifyErr, "after mutation of snapshot")
responseChan <- err
return <-responseChan
// merge is responsible for "merging" the base snapshot, `baseSnapshot`, and the current list
// of resources, `newSnapshot` into a snapshot that ultimately will be persisted.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) merge() *deploy.Snapshot {
// This algorithm is loosely based on one originally devised by Pat for `PlanIterator.Snap()`, which
// conceptually used to do something quite similar to what is done here. Below is a sketch of
// the algorithm used here.
// This is the algorithm for producing a "merged" snapshot, given a valid base and new snapshot:
// 1. Begin with an empty merged snapshot, called "merge".
// 2. For each resource R in the new snapshot:
// a. If R is not pending deletion, deleting, or deleted,
// i. Insert R into "merge".
// 2. For each live resource R in the base snapshot:
// a. If R does not exist in the new snapshot
// i. Insert R into "merge".
// b. If R does exist in the new snapshot AND at least one of its occurrences is pending deletion:
// i. Insert the node that is pending deletion from the new snapshot into "merge".
// c. If R does exist in the new snapshot AND at least one of its occurrences is deleting:
// i. Insert the node that is deleting from the new snapshot into "merge".
// d. Otherwise, do nothing.
// 3. "merge" now contains a correctly merged DAG of resources.
// The difference between the `PlanIterator.Snap()` algorithm and this one is that deletions are not
// guaranteed to come in to the snapshot manager in a dependency-ordered fashion; in fact, they almost
// always will appear to us in the *opposite* of a dependency-ordered fashion. In order to ensure that
// in-progress deletes, pending deletions, and fully-deleted resources appear correctly in the merged DAG,
// we will insert pending-delete and deleting nodes from the new snapshot into the merged snapshot if such
// nodes exist in the new snapshot and the algorithm would otherwise dictate that we copy the live
// (i.e. resource that this plan deleted) node from the base snapshot into the merged snapshot.
snap := deploy.NewSnapshot(sm.newSnapshot.Stack, sm.newSnapshot.Manifest, nil)
var resources []*resource.State
addNews := func() {
for _, newResource := range sm.newSnapshot.Resources {
switch newResource.Status {
case resource.ResourceStatusPendingDeletion:
case resource.ResourceStatusDeleting:
case resource.ResourceStatusDeleted:
resources = append(resources, newResource.Clone())
copyBase := func(oldResource *resource.State) {
var pendingDelete *resource.State
var deleting *resource.State
var seenResource bool
for _, newResource := range sm.newSnapshot.Resources {
if newResource.URN != oldResource.URN {
switch newResource.Status {
case resource.ResourceStatusPendingDeletion:
seenResource = true
pendingDelete = newResource
case resource.ResourceStatusDeleting:
seenResource = true
deleting = newResource
seenResource = true
if !seenResource {
resources = append(resources, oldResource.Clone())
// If the resource is condemned in the old snapshot and we saw it in the new snapshot,
// consider it to be handled already.
if oldResource.Status.Condemned() {
if pendingDelete != nil {
contract.Assertf(deleting == nil, "should not have seen resource that is both deleting and pending delete")
resources = append(resources, pendingDelete.Clone())
if deleting != nil {
resources = append(resources, deleting.Clone())
copyBases := func() {
for _, oldResource := range sm.baseSnapshot.Resources {
// All live and condemned resources need to be copied over into the merged snapshot.
if oldResource.Status.Live() || oldResource.Status.Condemned() {
snap.Resources = resources
return snap
func (sm *SnapshotManager) doMutations() {
for mutatingFunc := range sm.mutationRequests {
// Close closes this SnapshotManager when no further mutations will be made.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) Close() error {
return nil
// RecordPlugins records the given list of plugins in the manifest, so that Destroy operations
// operating on this snapshot know which plugins need to be loaded without having to inspect
// the program.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) RecordPlugins(plugins []workspace.PluginInfo) error {
err := sm.mutate(func() {
pluginsSlice := sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.Plugins[:0]
sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.Plugins = append(pluginsSlice, plugins...)
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist plugin information: %v", err)
return err
// RegisterResourceOutputs registers the outputs of a step with the snapshot, once a step has completed. The
// engine has populated the `New` resource of the given step with the Outputs that it would like to save in
// the snapshot.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) RegisterResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error {
err := sm.mutate(func() {
res := sm.findLiveInSnapshot(step.URN())
contract.Assertf(res != nil, "registerResourceOutputs target (%s) not found in snapshot", step.URN())
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist registerResourceOutputs info: %v", err)
return err
// noOpSnapshotMutation is a snapshot mutation that doesn't actually mutate anything. It is invoked
// whenever the planner creates logical steps that do not mutate anything when applied. In practice, it is
// only the `ReplaceStep` that truly requires no mutations, since it is a purely logical operation.
type noOpSnapshotMutation struct{}
func (same noOpSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step) error {
return nil
// BeginMutation signals to the SnapshotManager that the planner intends to mutate the global
// snapshot. It provides the step that it intends to execute. Based on that step, BeginMutation
// will record this intent in the global snapshot and return a `SnapshotMutation` that, when ended,
// will complete the transaction.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) BeginMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
glog.V(9).Infof("Beginning mutation for step `%s` on resource `%s`", step.Op(), step.URN())
switch step.Op() {
case deploy.OpSame:
return sm.doSameMutation(step)
case deploy.OpCreate, deploy.OpCreateReplacement:
return sm.doCreationMutation(step)
case deploy.OpUpdate:
return sm.doUpdateMutation(step)
case deploy.OpDelete, deploy.OpDeleteReplaced:
return sm.doDeleteMutation(step)
case deploy.OpReplace:
return noOpSnapshotMutation{}, nil
contract.Failf("unknown StepOp: %s", step.Op())
return nil, nil
// It is counterintuitive, but Same steps still need to be recorded. It is possible for the dependency
// graph of a resource to change without changing input properties, which will result in a Same step
// generated by the planner but with new state that must be saved in the snapshot.
type sameSnapshotMutation struct {
old *resource.State // The node in the base snapshot that is being "same"-d. Points into
// the global base snapshot, which is legal to use outside of `mutate`.
manager *SnapshotManager
func (ssm *sameSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step) error {
err := ssm.manager.mutate(func() {
new := step.New().Clone()
new.Status = ssm.old.Status
new.CreatedAt = ssm.old.CreatedAt
new.UpdatedAt = ssm.old.UpdatedAt
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist same snapshot mutation: %v", err)
return err
// Same steps do not require a mutation before step application, since they do not modify the
// liveness of existing resources. They do require a mutation after step application.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) doSameMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step.Op() == deploy.OpSame, "step.Op() == deploy.OpSame")
old := sm.findLiveInBaseSnapshot(step.URN())
contract.Assertf(old != nil, "failed to find same URN in base snapshot")
return &sameSnapshotMutation{old: old, manager: sm}, nil
// createSnapshotMutation is a SnapshotMutation for a CreateStep.
type createSnapshotMutation struct {
new *resource.State // The resource created by this CreateStep.
// Points into the global new snapshot, don't use without `mutate`!
manager *SnapshotManager // The snapshot manager that created this mutation
func (csm *createSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step) error {
err := csm.manager.mutate(func() {
contract.Assert(csm.new.Status == resource.ResourceStatusCreating)
if step.Op() == deploy.OpCreateReplacement && step.Old().Delete {
// This create is potentially the first of a sequence of steps that intends to replace
// a resource. If this step is creating the resource before the one it intends
// to replace is deleted (i.e. Create-Before-Delete), this resource will exist "live"
// in the snapshot at the same time as the resource it intends to replace, which violates
// our liveness invariant.
// To deal with this, we'll set the old resource to be "pending-deletion" to mark it
// as condemned. The engine will delete it later.
// Not that findLiveInSnapshot should never find the resource we just created because it
// has status "creating", which is not live, and the fact that we are replacing something
// means that there is exactly one resource that is live for this URN.
old := csm.manager.findLiveInBaseSnapshot(step.URN())
contract.Assertf(old != nil, "failed to find step.URN() in snapshot")
clonedOld := old.Clone()
clonedOld.Status = resource.ResourceStatusPendingDeletion
csm.new.Status = resource.ResourceStatusCreated
csm.new.CreatedAt = time.Now()
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist create snapshot mutation: %v", err)
return err
func (sm *SnapshotManager) doCreationMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step.Op() == deploy.OpCreate || step.Op() == deploy.OpCreateReplacement,
"step.Op() == deploy.OpCreate || step.Op() == deploy.OpCreateReplacement")
// Create steps conceptually create a new resource, so we will take ownership of the resource
// provided to us by the Step and insert it into the snapshot with the "creating" status.
snapshotResource := step.New().Clone()
snapshotResource.Status = resource.ResourceStatusCreating
err := sm.mutate(func() {
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("begin state for URN `%s`, persistence failed: %s", step.URN(), err)
return nil, err
return &createSnapshotMutation{new: snapshotResource, manager: sm}, nil
// updateSnapshotMutation is a SnapshotMutation for an Update, pointing to a resource
// that will be updated without replacement.
type updateSnapshotMutation struct {
new *resource.State // The resource being updated by this UpdateStep.
// Points into the global snapshot, don't use without `mutate`!
manager *SnapshotManager // The snapshot manager that created this mutation
func (usm *updateSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step) error {
err := usm.manager.mutate(func() {
replacedNode := usm.manager.findLiveInBaseSnapshot(step.URN())
contract.Assertf(replacedNode != nil, "failed to find updated node in base snapshot")
contract.Assert(usm.new.Status == resource.ResourceStatusUpdating)
usm.new.Status = resource.ResourceStatusUpdated
usm.new.CreatedAt = replacedNode.CreatedAt
usm.new.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist update snapshot mutation: %v", err)
return err
// doUpdateMutation handles UpdateSteps, which overwrite a resource without replacement.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) doUpdateMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step.Op() == deploy.OpUpdate, "step.Op() == deploy.OpUpdate")
contract.Require(step.New() != nil, "step.New() != nil")
contract.Require(step.Old() != nil, "step.Old() != nil")
// add a comment here
var updateNode *resource.State
err := sm.mutate(func() {
updateNode = step.New().Clone()
updateNode.Status = resource.ResourceStatusUpdating
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("begin state for URN `%s`, persistence failed: %s", step.URN(), err)
return nil, err
return &updateSnapshotMutation{new: updateNode, manager: sm}, nil
// deleteSnapshotMutation is generated by resource deletions. Deleted resources get removed
// from the snapshot once their deletion is confirmed.
type deleteSnapshotMutation struct {
old *resource.State // The resource being deleted
// Points into the global snapshot, don't use without `mutate`
manager *SnapshotManager // The snapshot manager that created this mutation
func (dsm *deleteSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step) error {
err := dsm.manager.mutate(func() {
// Nothing to do here except unlink this resource from the snapshot.
contract.Assert(dsm.old.Status == resource.ResourceStatusDeleting)
dsm.old.Status = resource.ResourceStatusDeleted
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("failed to persist delete snapshot mutation: %v", err)
return err
// doDeleteMutation handles the pre-application state management for resource deletion. The only
// modification that needs to be done before the step is applied is marking the condemned resource
// as "deleting".
func (sm *SnapshotManager) doDeleteMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step.Op() == deploy.OpDelete || step.Op() == deploy.OpDeleteReplaced,
"step.Op() == deploy.OpDelete || step.Op() == deploy.OpDeleteReplaced")
contract.Require(step.Old() != nil, "step.Old() != nil")
var snapshotOld *resource.State
err := sm.mutate(func() {
// What resource are we deleting? Whether or not the resource is live depends on the deletion
// operation that we are doing.
// If our operation is a simple OpDelete, then we don't have much to do here; the resource being
// deleted is most definitely the only live resource with the given URN. If we are doing an OpDeleteReplaced,
// we must determine which resource we are going to delete, which depends on whether or not we
// are deleting-before-creating or creating-before-deleting.
// If we are creating-before-deleting, then there must be a resource in the new snapshot with the
// "pending-delete" status.
snapshotOld = sm.findCondemnedInSnapshot(step.URN())
if snapshotOld == nil {
// Is there one in the base snapshot?
snapshotOld = sm.findCondemnedInBaseSnapshot(step.URN())
if snapshotOld != nil {
snapshotOld = snapshotOld.Clone()
if snapshotOld == nil {
// If there is not such a resource, we are either doing an OpDelete (in which case we are not
// replacing anything) or a delete-before-create (in which case the thing that we are deleting is
// still live).
old := sm.findLiveInBaseSnapshot(step.URN())
contract.Assertf(old != nil, "failed to find condemned node in base snapshot")
// Either way, we need to insert a node into the new snapshot indicating that we are beginning
// a delete operation on a URN that is not present yet in the new snapshot.
snapshotOld = old.Clone()
snapshotOld.Status = resource.ResourceStatusDeleting
if err != nil {
glog.V(9).Infof("begin state for URN `%s`, persistence failed: %s", step.URN(), err)
return nil, err
glog.V(9).Infof("begin state persistence for step `Delete` on URN `%s` successful", step.URN())
return &deleteSnapshotMutation{old: snapshotOld, manager: sm}, nil
// Updates the snapshot manifest. Can only be called from within a `mutate` callback.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) updateManifest() {
sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.Time = time.Now()
sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.Version = version.Version
sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.Magic = sm.newSnapshot.Manifest.NewMagic()
// Adds a resource to the new snapshot. Can only be called from within a `mutate` callback.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) addResource(resource *resource.State) {
sm.newSnapshot.Resources = append(sm.newSnapshot.Resources, resource)
// findLiveInBaseSnapshot finds the live resource with the given URN in the *base* snapshot,
// returning nil if one could not be found. The base snapshot is not mutable and it is safe
// to use this method from outside `mutate` callbacks.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) findLiveInBaseSnapshot(urn resource.URN) *resource.State {
return findInSnapshot(sm.baseSnapshot, urn, func(candidate *resource.State) bool {
return candidate.Status.Live()
// Finds the resource object in the snapshot corresponding to the given URN, returning
// a pointer to it if found. Can only be called from within a `mutate` callback.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) findLiveInSnapshot(urn resource.URN) *resource.State {
return findInSnapshot(sm.newSnapshot, urn, func(candidate *resource.State) bool {
return candidate.Status.Live()
// Finds a resource object that matches the given predicate function in a given snapshot.
func findInSnapshot(snap *deploy.Snapshot, urn resource.URN, findFunc func(*resource.State) bool) *resource.State {
contract.Require(urn != "", "urn != \"\"")
for _, candidate := range snap.Resources {
if candidate.URN == urn && findFunc(candidate) {
return candidate
return nil
// Finds a resource with the given URN that is pending deletion in the new snapshot, returning nil
// if no such resource exists. Can only be called from within a `mutate` callback.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) findCondemnedInSnapshot(urn resource.URN) *resource.State {
return findInSnapshot(sm.newSnapshot, urn, func(candidate *resource.State) bool {
return candidate.Status.Condemned()
// Finds a resource with the given URN that is pending deletion in the base snapshot, returning
// nil if no such resource exists. Safe to call outside a `mutate` callback.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) findCondemnedInBaseSnapshot(urn resource.URN) *resource.State {
return findInSnapshot(sm.baseSnapshot, urn, func(candidate *resource.State) bool {
return candidate.Status.Condemned()
// NewSnapshotManager creates a new SnapshotManager given a persister and an original snapshot to use as
// the baseline for further snapshot mutations. The new SnapshotManager makes a copy of the passed-in
// snapshot and does not mutate it.
func NewSnapshotManager(persister SnapshotPersister, update engine.UpdateInfo) *SnapshotManager {
contract.Require(persister != nil, "persister != nil")
contract.Require(update != nil, "update != nil")
target := update.GetTarget()
snap := target.Snapshot
if snap == nil {
manifest := deploy.Manifest{
Time: time.Now(),
Version: version.Version,
Plugins: nil,
snap = deploy.NewSnapshot(target.Name, manifest, nil)
manager := &SnapshotManager{
persister: persister,
baseSnapshot: snap.Clone(),
newSnapshot: deploy.NewSnapshot(snap.Stack, snap.Manifest, nil),
doVerify: true,
mutationRequests: make(chan func()),
go manager.doMutations()
return manager