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2018-05-22 21:43:36 +02:00
// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package colors
import (
var tagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`<\{%(.*?)%\}>`)
// Colorization is an instruction to perform a certain kind of colorization.
type Colorization string
const (
// Always colorizes text.
Always Colorization = "always"
// Never colorizes text.
Never Colorization = "never"
// Raw returns text with the raw control sequences, rather than colorizing them.
Raw Colorization = "raw"
// Colorize conditionally colorizes the given string based on the kind of colorization selected.
func (c Colorization) Colorize(v string) string {
switch c {
case Raw:
// Don't touch the string. Output control sequences as is.
return v
case Always:
// Convert the constrol sequences into appropriate console escapes for the platform we're on.
return colorizeText(v)
case Never:
// Remove all the colors that any other layers added.
return tagRegexp.ReplaceAllString(v, "")
contract.Failf("Unexpected colorization value: %v", c)
return ""
// SplitIntoTextAndTags breaks up a colorized string into alternating sections of a raw-text-chunk
// and then a color-tag. The returned array will always be non empty, with the first and last
// elements in the array being (possibly empty) raw-text-chunks. For example, if you started with
// "<%fg 8>hello<%fg 7>", this would return: ["", "<%fg 8>", "hello", "<%fg 7>", ""]
func SplitIntoTextAndTags(v string) []string {
tagIndices := tagRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(v, -1)
currentIndex := 0
textAndTags := []string{}
for _, tagPair := range tagIndices {
tagStart := tagPair[0]
tagEnd := tagPair[1]
textAndTags = append(textAndTags, v[currentIndex:tagStart])
textAndTags = append(textAndTags, v[tagStart:tagEnd])
currentIndex = tagEnd
textAndTags = append(textAndTags, v[currentIndex:])
return textAndTags
// TrimColorizedString takes a string with embedded color tags and returns a new string (still with
// embedded color tags) such that the length of the *non-tag* portion of the string is no greater
// than maxLength. This is useful for scenarios where the string has to be printed in a a context
// where there is a max allowed width. In these scenarios, we can't just measure the length of the
// string as the embedded color tags would count against it, even though they end up with no length
// when actually interpretted by the console.
func TrimColorizedString(v string, maxRuneLength int) string {
textAndTags := SplitIntoTextAndTags(v)
currentRuneLength := 0
trimmed := ""
for i := 0; i < len(textAndTags); i++ {
textOrTag := textAndTags[i]
if i%2 == 0 {
contract.Assertf(!tagRegexp.MatchString(textOrTag), "Got a tag when we did not expect it")
chunk := textOrTag
chunkRunes := []rune(chunk)
chunkRunesLen := len(chunkRunes)
if currentRuneLength+chunkRunesLen > maxRuneLength {
// adding this text chunk will cause us to go past the max length we allow.
// just take whatever subportion we can and stop what we're doing.
trimmed += string(chunkRunes[0 : maxRuneLength-currentRuneLength])
} else {
// can safely add this text chunk
trimmed += chunk
currentRuneLength += chunkRunesLen
} else {
contract.Assertf(tagRegexp.MatchString(textOrTag), "Should have gotten a tag")
// can safely add the tag to the trimmed string. tags don't contribute any actual length.
trimmed += textOrTag
// add a trailing reset, so that any unclosed tags will be closed.
trimmed += Reset
return trimmed