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// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using Enum = System.Enum;
using Type = System.Type;
// ReSharper disable TailRecursiveCall
namespace Pulumi.Serialization
internal static class Converter
public static OutputData<T> ConvertValue<T>(Action<string> warn, string context, Value value)
var (data, isKnown, isSecret) = ConvertValue(warn, context, value, typeof(T));
var result = data == null ? default(T)! : (T)data;
return new OutputData<T>(ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, result!, isKnown, isSecret);
public static OutputData<object?> ConvertValue(Action<string> warn, string context, Value value, Type targetType)
return ConvertValue(warn, context, value, targetType, ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty);
public static OutputData<object?> ConvertValue(
Action<string> warn, string context, Value value, Type targetType, ImmutableHashSet<Resource> resources)
CheckTargetType(context, targetType, new HashSet<Type>());
var (deserialized, isKnown, isSecret) = Deserializer.Deserialize(value);
var converted = ConvertObject(warn, context, deserialized, targetType);
return new OutputData<object?>(resources, converted, isKnown, isSecret);
private static object? ConvertObject(Action<string> warn, string context, object? val, Type targetType)
var (result, error) = TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (error != null)
return result;
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertObject(Action<string> warn, string context, object? val, Type targetType)
var targetIsNullable = targetType.IsGenericType && targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);
// Note: 'null's can enter the system as the representation of an 'unknown' value.
// Before calling 'Convert' we will have already lifted the 'IsKnown' bit out, but we
// will be passing null around as a value.
if (val == null)
if (targetIsNullable)
// A 'null' value coerces to a nullable null.
return (null, null);
if (targetType.IsValueType)
return (Activator.CreateInstance(targetType), null);
// for all other types, can just return the null value right back out as a legal
// reference type value.
return (null, null);
// We're not null and we're converting to Nullable<T>, just convert our value to be a T.
if (targetIsNullable)
return TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single());
if (targetType == typeof(string))
return TryEnsureType<string>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(bool))
return TryEnsureType<bool>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(double))
return TryEnsureType<double>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(int))
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<double>(context, val);
if (exception != null)
return (null, exception);
return ((int)d, exception);
if (targetType == typeof(object))
return (val, null);
[sdk/{go,dotnet] Unmarshal invalid assets. (#7579) The two more strongly-typed Pulumi SDKs curently fail with an error during unmarshaling when attempting to marshal a value that is not an asset into an asset-typed location (e.g. an asset-typed resource output property). While this behavior is reasonable on its face, it gives rise to practical challenges when dealing with TF-provider-backed resources that have asset-typed properties. When such a resource is refreshed, the values of its asset-typed properties are replaced with non-asset values, as the TF bridge can't currently create a resonable stand-in asset value. For example, consider an S3 bucket object: ``` import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws"; const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket"); new aws.s3.BucketObject("my-object", { source: new pulumi.FileAsset("some/file"), }); ``` Upon creation, the value of the input property `source` will be a file asset backed by the path `some/file`. The bridge will propagate this value to the `source` output property; this propagation is safe because the resource was just created and so the output property must have the value that was passed by the program. Now, let some actor apply out-of-band changes to the contents of the bucket object s.t. the `source` property changes when the object is refreshed. In that case, the `source` property will be a string value which the bridge is unable to interpret as an asset. The next time the Pulumi program is run, the Go or .NET SDK will attempt to deserialize the string into an asset-typed property and will fail. With these changes, the deserialization would not fail, and would instead create an asset or archive value that will fail to marshal if passed to another resource. Users can avoid these errors by not passing asset or archive outputs to other resources/stack outputs. These changes unblock users who are hitting https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1521.
2021-07-21 22:40:36 +02:00
if (targetType == typeof(Asset)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<Asset>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidAsset();
return (d, null);
[sdk/{go,dotnet] Unmarshal invalid assets. (#7579) The two more strongly-typed Pulumi SDKs curently fail with an error during unmarshaling when attempting to marshal a value that is not an asset into an asset-typed location (e.g. an asset-typed resource output property). While this behavior is reasonable on its face, it gives rise to practical challenges when dealing with TF-provider-backed resources that have asset-typed properties. When such a resource is refreshed, the values of its asset-typed properties are replaced with non-asset values, as the TF bridge can't currently create a resonable stand-in asset value. For example, consider an S3 bucket object: ``` import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws"; const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket"); new aws.s3.BucketObject("my-object", { source: new pulumi.FileAsset("some/file"), }); ``` Upon creation, the value of the input property `source` will be a file asset backed by the path `some/file`. The bridge will propagate this value to the `source` output property; this propagation is safe because the resource was just created and so the output property must have the value that was passed by the program. Now, let some actor apply out-of-band changes to the contents of the bucket object s.t. the `source` property changes when the object is refreshed. In that case, the `source` property will be a string value which the bridge is unable to interpret as an asset. The next time the Pulumi program is run, the Go or .NET SDK will attempt to deserialize the string into an asset-typed property and will fail. With these changes, the deserialization would not fail, and would instead create an asset or archive value that will fail to marshal if passed to another resource. Users can avoid these errors by not passing asset or archive outputs to other resources/stack outputs. These changes unblock users who are hitting https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1521.
2021-07-21 22:40:36 +02:00
if (targetType == typeof(Archive)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<Archive>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidArchive();
return (d, null);
[sdk/{go,dotnet] Unmarshal invalid assets. (#7579) The two more strongly-typed Pulumi SDKs curently fail with an error during unmarshaling when attempting to marshal a value that is not an asset into an asset-typed location (e.g. an asset-typed resource output property). While this behavior is reasonable on its face, it gives rise to practical challenges when dealing with TF-provider-backed resources that have asset-typed properties. When such a resource is refreshed, the values of its asset-typed properties are replaced with non-asset values, as the TF bridge can't currently create a resonable stand-in asset value. For example, consider an S3 bucket object: ``` import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws"; const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket"); new aws.s3.BucketObject("my-object", { source: new pulumi.FileAsset("some/file"), }); ``` Upon creation, the value of the input property `source` will be a file asset backed by the path `some/file`. The bridge will propagate this value to the `source` output property; this propagation is safe because the resource was just created and so the output property must have the value that was passed by the program. Now, let some actor apply out-of-band changes to the contents of the bucket object s.t. the `source` property changes when the object is refreshed. In that case, the `source` property will be a string value which the bridge is unable to interpret as an asset. The next time the Pulumi program is run, the Go or .NET SDK will attempt to deserialize the string into an asset-typed property and will fail. With these changes, the deserialization would not fail, and would instead create an asset or archive value that will fail to marshal if passed to another resource. Users can avoid these errors by not passing asset or archive outputs to other resources/stack outputs. These changes unblock users who are hitting https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1521.
2021-07-21 22:40:36 +02:00
if (targetType == typeof(AssetOrArchive)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<AssetOrArchive>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidAsset();
return (d, null);
if (targetType == typeof(JsonElement))
return TryConvertJsonElement(context, val);
if (targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Resource)) || targetType == typeof(Resource))
return TryEnsureType<Resource>(context, val);
if (targetType.IsEnum)
var underlyingType = targetType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
var (value, exception) = TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, underlyingType);
if (exception != null || value is null)
return (null, exception);
return (Enum.ToObject(targetType, value), null);
if (targetType.IsValueType && targetType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumTypeAttribute>() != null)
var valType = val.GetType();
if (valType != typeof(string) &&
valType != typeof(double))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(string).FullName} or {typeof(double).FullName} but got {valType.FullName} deserializing {context}");
var enumTypeConstructor = targetType.GetConstructor(
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { valType }, null);
if (enumTypeConstructor == null)
return (null,
$"Expected target type {targetType.FullName} to have a constructor with a single {valType.FullName} parameter.");
return (enumTypeConstructor.Invoke(new[] { val }), null);
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType)
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Union<,>))
return TryConvertOneOf(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableArray<>))
return TryConvertArray(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<,>))
return TryConvertDictionary(warn, context, val, targetType);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Unexpected generic target type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {context}");
if (targetType.GetCustomAttribute<OutputTypeAttribute>() == null)
return (null, $"Unexpected target type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {context}");
var constructor = GetPropertyConstructor(targetType);
if (constructor == null)
return (null,
$"Expected target type {targetType.FullName} to have [{nameof(OutputConstructorAttribute)}] constructor when deserializing {context}");
var (dictionary, tempException) = TryEnsureType<ImmutableDictionary<string, object>>(context, val);
if (tempException != null)
return (null, tempException);
var constructorParameters = constructor.GetParameters();
var arguments = new object?[constructorParameters.Length];
for (int i = 0, n = constructorParameters.Length; i < n; i++)
var parameter = constructorParameters[i];
// Note: TryGetValue may not find a value here. That can happen for things like
// unknown vals. That's ok. We'll pass that through to 'Convert' and will get the
// default value needed for the parameter type.
dictionary!.TryGetValue(parameter.Name!, out var argValue);
arguments[i] = ConvertObject(warn, $"{targetType.FullName}({parameter.Name})", argValue, parameter.ParameterType);
return (constructor.Invoke(arguments), null);
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertJsonElement(
string context, object val)
using var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream))
var error = TryWriteJson(context, writer, val);
if (error != null)
return (null, error);
stream.Position = 0;
var document = JsonDocument.Parse(stream);
var element = document.RootElement;
return (element, null);
private static string? TryWriteJson(string context, Utf8JsonWriter writer, object? val)
switch (val)
case string v:
return null;
case double v:
return null;
case bool v:
return null;
case null:
return null;
case ImmutableArray<object?> v:
foreach (var element in v)
var exception = TryWriteJson(context, writer, element);
if (exception != null)
return exception;
return null;
case ImmutableDictionary<string, object?> v:
foreach (var (key, element) in v)
var exception = TryWriteJson(context, writer, element);
if (exception != null)
return exception;
return null;
return $"Unexpected type {val.GetType().FullName} when converting {context} to {nameof(JsonElement)}";
private static (T, string?) TryEnsureType<T>(string context, object val)
=> val is T t ? (t, null) : (default(T)!, $"Expected {typeof(T).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {context}");
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertOneOf(Action<string> warn, string context, object val, Type oneOfType)
var firstType = oneOfType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
var secondType = oneOfType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
var (val1, exception1) = TryConvertObject(warn, $"{context}.AsT0", val, firstType);
if (exception1 == null)
var fromT0Method = oneOfType.GetMethod(nameof(Union<int, int>.FromT0), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
2020-05-19 21:06:24 +02:00
return (fromT0Method?.Invoke(null, new[] { val1 }), null);
var (val2, exception2) = TryConvertObject(warn, $"{context}.AsT1", val, secondType);
if (exception2 == null)
var fromT1Method = oneOfType.GetMethod(nameof(Union<int, int>.FromT1), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
2020-05-19 21:06:24 +02:00
return (fromT1Method?.Invoke(null, new[] { val2 }), null);
return (null, $"Expected {firstType.FullName} or {secondType.FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {context}");
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertArray(
Action<string> warn,
string fieldName, object val, Type targetType)
if (!(val is ImmutableArray<object> array))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(ImmutableArray<object>).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {fieldName}");
var builder =
typeof(ImmutableArray).GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder), Array.Empty<Type>())!
.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: null)!;
var builderAdd = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray<int>.Builder.Add))!;
var builderToImmutable = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray<int>.Builder.ToImmutable))!;
var elementType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single();
foreach (var element in array)
var e = ConvertObject(warn, fieldName, element, elementType);
builderAdd.Invoke(builder, new[] { e });
return (builderToImmutable.Invoke(builder, null), null);
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertDictionary(
Action<string> warn,
string fieldName, object val, Type targetType)
if (!(val is ImmutableDictionary<string, object> dictionary))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {fieldName}");
// check if already in the form we need. no need to convert anything.
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>))
return (val, null);
var keyType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
if (keyType != typeof(string))
return (null,
$"Unexpected type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {fieldName}. ImmutableDictionary's TKey type was not {typeof(string).FullName}");
var builder =
typeof(ImmutableDictionary).GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder), Array.Empty<Type>())!
.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: null)!;
var builderAdd = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>.Builder.Add), targetType.GenericTypeArguments)!;
var builderToImmutable = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>.Builder.ToImmutable))!;
var elementType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
foreach (var (key, element) in dictionary)
var e = ConvertObject(warn, fieldName, element, elementType);
builderAdd.Invoke(builder, new[] { key, e });
return (builderToImmutable.Invoke(builder, null), null);
public static void CheckTargetType(string context, Type targetType, HashSet<Type> seenTypes)
// types can be recursive. So only dive into a type if it's the first time we're seeing it.
if (!seenTypes.Add(targetType))
if (targetType == typeof(bool) ||
targetType == typeof(int) ||
targetType == typeof(double) ||
targetType == typeof(string) ||
targetType == typeof(object) ||
targetType == typeof(Asset) ||
targetType == typeof(Archive) ||
targetType == typeof(AssetOrArchive) ||
targetType == typeof(JsonElement))
if (targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Resource)) || targetType == typeof(Resource))
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>))
// This type is what is generated for things like azure/aws tags. It's an untyped
// map in our original schema. This is the 1st out of 2 places that `object` should
// appear as a legal value.
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableArray<object>))
// This type is what is generated for things like YAML decode invocation response
// in the Kubernetes provider. The elements of the array would typically be
// immutable dictionaries. This is the 2nd out of 2 places that `object` should
// appear as a legal value.
if (targetType.IsEnum && targetType.GetEnumUnderlyingType() == typeof(int))
if (targetType.IsValueType && targetType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumTypeAttribute>() != null)
if (CheckEnumType(targetType, typeof(string)) ||
CheckEnumType(targetType, typeof(double)))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(EnumTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain constructor with a single String or Double parameter.");
static bool CheckEnumType(Type targetType, Type underlyingType)
var constructor = targetType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { underlyingType }, null);
if (constructor == null)
return false;
var op = targetType.GetMethod("op_Explicit", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { targetType }, null);
if (op != null && op.ReturnType == underlyingType)
return true;
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(EnumTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain an explicit conversion operator to {underlyingType.FullName}.");
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType)
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single(), seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Union<,>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments[0], seenTypes);
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments[1], seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableArray<>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single(), seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<,>))
var dictTypeArgs = targetType.GenericTypeArguments;
if (dictTypeArgs[0] != typeof(string))
throw new InvalidOperationException($@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}:
The only allowed ImmutableDictionary 'TKey' type is 'String'.");
CheckTargetType(context, dictTypeArgs[1], seenTypes);
throw new InvalidOperationException($@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}:
The only generic types allowed are ImmutableArray<...> and ImmutableDictionary<string, ...>");
var propertyTypeAttribute = targetType.GetCustomAttribute<OutputTypeAttribute>();
if (propertyTypeAttribute == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}. Allowed types are:
String, Boolean, Int32, Double,
Nullable<...>, ImmutableArray<...> and ImmutableDictionary<string, ...> or
a class explicitly marked with the [{nameof(OutputTypeAttribute)}].");
var constructor = GetPropertyConstructor(targetType);
if (constructor == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$@"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(OutputTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain constructor marked with [{nameof(OutputConstructorAttribute)}].");
foreach (var param in constructor.GetParameters())
CheckTargetType($@"{targetType.FullName}({param.Name})", param.ParameterType, seenTypes);
private static ConstructorInfo? GetPropertyConstructor(Type outputTypeArg)
=> outputTypeArg.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).FirstOrDefault(
c => c.GetCustomAttribute<OutputConstructorAttribute>() != null);