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// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
func newPlanCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "plan [blueprint] [-- [args]]",
Short: "Generate a deployment plan from a Mu blueprint",
Long: "Generate a deployment plan from a Mu blueprint.\n" +
"\n" +
"A plan describes the overall graph and set of operations that will be performed\n" +
"as part of a Mu deployment. No actual resource creations, updates, or deletions\n" +
"will take place. This plan is as complete as possible without actually performing\n" +
"the operations described in the plan (with the caveat that conditional execution\n" +
"may obscure certain details, something that will be evident in plan's output).\n" +
"\n" +
"By default, a blueprint package is loaded from the current directory. Optionally,\n" +
"a path to a blueprint elsewhere can be provided as the [blueprint] argument.",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
// Perform the compilation and, if non-nil is returned, create a plan and print it.
if mugl := compile(cmd, args); mugl != nil {
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
// TODO: fetch the old plan for purposes of diffing.
rs, err := resource.NewSnapshot(mugl) // create a resource snapshot from the object graph.
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fatal: %v\n", err)
plan := resource.NewPlan(rs, nil) // generate a plan for creating the resources from scratch.
return cmd
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
func printPlan(plan resource.Plan) {
// Now walk the plan's steps and and pretty-print them out.
step := plan.Steps()
for step != nil {
var b bytes.Buffer
// Print this step information (resource and all its properties).
printStep(&b, step, "")
// Now go ahead and emit the output to the console, and move on to the next step in the plan.
// TODO: it would be nice if, in the output, we showed the dependencies a la `git log --graph`.
s := colors.Colorize(b.String())
step = step.Next()
func printStep(b *bytes.Buffer, step resource.Step, indent string) {
// First print out the operation.
switch step.Op() {
case resource.OpCreate:
b.WriteString("+ ")
case resource.OpDelete:
b.WriteString("- ")
b.WriteString(" ")
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
// Next print the resource moniker, properties, etc.
printResource(b, step.Resource(), indent)
// Finally make sure to reset the color.
func printResource(b *bytes.Buffer, res resource.Resource, indent string) {
// First print out the resource type (since it is easy on the eyes).
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n", string(res.Type())))
// Now print out the moniker and, if present, the ID, as "pseudo-properties".
indent += " "
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[m=%s]\n", indent, string(res.Moniker())))
if id := res.ID(); id != "" {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[id=%s]\n", indent, string(id)))
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
// Print all of the properties associated with this resource.
printObject(b, res.Properties(), indent)
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
func printObject(b *bytes.Buffer, props resource.PropertyMap, indent string) {
// Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything.
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
keys := resource.StablePropertyKeys(props)
maxkey := 0
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
for _, k := range keys {
if len(k) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(k)
// Now print out the values intelligently based on the type.
for _, k := range keys {
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%-"+strconv.Itoa(maxkey)+"s: ", indent, k))
printProperty(b, props[k], indent)
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
func printProperty(b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, indent string) {
if v.IsBool() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%t", v.BoolValue()))
} else if v.IsNumber() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.NumberValue()))
} else if v.IsString() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", v.StringValue()))
} else if v.IsResource() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("-> *%s", v.ResourceValue()))
} else if v.IsArray() {
for i, elem := range v.ArrayValue() {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s [%d]: ", indent, i)
printProperty(b, elem, fmt.Sprintf("%-"+strconv.Itoa(len(prefix))+"s", ""))
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s]", indent))
} else {
printObject(b, v.ObjectValue(), indent+" ")
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}", indent))
Begin resource modeling and planning This change introduces a new package, pkg/resource, that will form the foundation for actually performing deployment plans and applications. It contains the following key abstractions: * resource.Provider is a wrapper around the CRUD operations exposed by underlying resource plugins. It will eventually defer to resource.Plugin, which itself defers -- over an RPC interface -- to the actual plugin, one per package exposing resources. The provider will also understand how to load, cache, and overall manage the lifetime of each plugin. * resource.Resource is the actual resource object. This is created from the overall evaluation object graph, but is simplified. It contains only serializable properties, for example. Inter-resource references are translated into serializable monikers as part of creating the resource. * resource.Moniker is a serializable string that uniquely identifies a resource in the Mu system. This is in contrast to resource IDs, which are generated by resource providers and generally opaque to the Mu system. See marapongo/mu#69 for more information about monikers and some of their challenges (namely, designing a stable algorithm). * resource.Snapshot is a "snapshot" taken from a graph of resources. This is a transitive closure of state representing one possible configuration of a given environment. This is what plans are created from. Eventually, two snapshots will be diffable, in order to perform incremental updates. One way of thinking about this is that a snapshot of the old world's state is advanced, one step at a time, until it reaches a desired snapshot of the new world's state. * resource.Plan is a plan for carrying out desired CRUD operations on a target environment. Each plan consists of zero-to-many Steps, each of which has a CRUD operation type, a resource target, and a next step. This is an enumerator because it is possible the plan will evolve -- and introduce new steps -- as it is carried out (hence, the Next() method). At the moment, this is linearized; eventually, we want to make this more "graph-like" so that we can exploit available parallelism within the dependencies. There are tons of TODOs remaining. However, the `mu plan` command is functioning with these new changes -- including colorization FTW -- so I'm landing it now. This is part of marapongo/mu#38 and marapongo/mu#41.
2017-02-17 21:31:48 +01:00
func isPrintableProperty(prop *rt.Pointer) bool {
_, isfunc := prop.Obj().Type().(*symbols.FunctionType)
return !isfunc