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// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tests
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
ptesting "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/testing"
func TestStackCommands(t *testing.T) {
// stack init, stack ls, stack rm, stack ls
t.Run("SanityTest", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "foo")
stacks, current := integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stacks))
assert.NotNil(t, current)
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
if current == nil {
t.Logf("stacks: %v, current: %v", stacks, current)
t.Fatalf("No current stack?")
assert.Equal(t, "foo", *current)
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "foo")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "foo", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(stacks))
t.Run("StackSelect", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "majula")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "lothric")
// Last one created is always selected.
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
stacks, current := integration.GetStacks(e)
if current == nil {
t.Fatalf("No stack was labeled as current among: %v", stacks)
assert.Equal(t, "lothric", *current)
// Select works
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "select", "blighttown")
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
stacks, current = integration.GetStacks(e)
if current == nil {
t.Fatalf("No stack was labeled as current among: %v", stacks)
assert.Equal(t, "blighttown", *current)
// Error
out, err := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "select", "anor-londo")
assert.Empty(t, out)
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
// local: "no stack with name 'anor-londo' found"
// cloud: "Stack 'integration-test-59f645ba/pulumi-test/anor-londo' not found"
assert.Contains(t, err, "anor-londo")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "--yes")
t.Run("StackRm", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "majula")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "lothric")
stacks, _ := integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(stacks))
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "majula", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(stacks))
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "blighttown")
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "lothric")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "lothric", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stacks))
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "blighttown", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(stacks))
// Error
out, err := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "anor-londo", "--yes")
assert.Empty(t, out)
2017-10-31 02:33:03 +01:00
// local: .pulumi/stacks/pulumi-test/anor-londo.json: no such file or directory
// cloud: Stack 'integration-test-59f645ba/pulumi-test/anor-londo' not found
assert.Contains(t, err, "anor-londo")
// Test that stack import fails if the version of the deployment we give it is not
// one that the CLI supports.
t.Run("CheckpointVersioning", func(t *testing.T) {
versions := []int{
apitype.DeploymentSchemaVersionCurrent + 1,
stack.DeploymentSchemaVersionOldestSupported - 1,
for _, deploymentVersion := range versions {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Version%d", deploymentVersion), func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "the-abyss")
stacks, _ := integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stacks))
stackFile := path.Join(e.RootPath, "stack.json")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "export", "--file", "stack.json")
stackJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(stackFile)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
var deployment apitype.UntypedDeployment
err = json.Unmarshal(stackJSON, &deployment)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
deployment.Version = deploymentVersion
bytes, err := json.Marshal(deployment)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(stackFile, bytes, os.FileMode(os.O_CREATE))
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
stdout, stderr := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "import", "--file", "stack.json")
assert.Empty(t, stdout)
switch {
case deploymentVersion > apitype.DeploymentSchemaVersionCurrent:
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "the stack 'the-abyss' is newer than what this version of the Pulumi CLI understands")
case deploymentVersion < stack.DeploymentSchemaVersionOldestSupported:
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "the stack 'the-abyss' is too old")
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
t.Run("FixingInvalidResources", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
stackName := addRandomSuffix("invalid-resources")
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", stackName)
e.RunCommand("yarn", "install")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "link", "@pulumi/pulumi")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "up", "--non-interactive", "--yes", "--skip-preview")
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
// We're going to futz with the stack a little so that one of the resources we just created
// becomes invalid.
stackFile := path.Join(e.RootPath, "stack.json")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "export", "--file", "stack.json")
stackJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(stackFile)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
var deployment apitype.UntypedDeployment
err = json.Unmarshal(stackJSON, &deployment)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
os.Setenv("PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE", "correct horse battery staple")
snap, err := stack.DeserializeUntypedDeployment(&deployment, stack.DefaultSecretsProvider)
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
// Let's say that the the CLI crashed during the deletion of the last resource and we've now got
// invalid resources in the snapshot.
res := snap.Resources[len(snap.Resources)-1]
snap.PendingOperations = append(snap.PendingOperations, resource.Operation{
Resource: res,
Type: resource.OperationTypeDeleting,
v3deployment, err := stack.SerializeDeployment(snap, nil, false /* showSecrets */)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
data, err := json.Marshal(&v3deployment)
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
deployment.Deployment = data
bytes, err := json.Marshal(&deployment)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(stackFile, bytes, os.FileMode(os.O_CREATE))
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
_, stderr := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "import", "--file", "stack.json")
assert.Contains(t, stderr, fmt.Sprintf("removing pending operation 'deleting' on '%s'", res.URN))
// The engine should be happy now that there are no invalid resources.
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "up", "--non-interactive", "--yes", "--skip-preview")
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "--yes", "--force")
func TestStackBackups(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("StackBackupCreatedSanityTest", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// We're testing that backups are created so ensure backups aren't disabled.
2018-09-05 16:53:31 +02:00
if env := os.Getenv(filestate.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar); env != "" {
defer os.Setenv(filestate.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar, env)
Remove the need to `pulumi init` for the local backend This change removes the need to `pulumi init` when targeting the local backend. A fair amount of the change lays the foundation that the next set of changes to stop having `pulumi init` be used for cloud stacks as well. Previously, `pulumi init` logically did two things: 1. It created the bookkeeping directory for local stacks, this was stored in `<repository-root>/.pulumi`, where `<repository-root>` was the path to what we belived the "root" of your project was. In the case of git repositories, this was the directory that contained your `.git` folder. 2. It recorded repository information in `<repository-root>/.pulumi/repository.json`. This was used by the cloud backend when computing what project to interact with on Pulumi.com The new identity model will remove the need for (2), since we only need an owner and stack name to fully qualify a stack on pulumi.com, so it's easy enough to stop creating a folder just for that. However, for the local backend, we need to continue to retain some information about stacks (e.g. checkpoints, history, etc). In addition, we need to store our workspace settings (which today just contains the selected stack) somehere. For state stored by the local backend, we change the URL scheme from `local://` to `local://<optional-root-path>`. When `<optional-root-path>` is unset, it defaults to `$HOME`. We create our `.pulumi` folder in that directory. This is important because stack names now must be unique within the backend, but we have some tests using local stacks which use fixed stack names, so each integration test really wants its own "view" of the world. For the workspace settings, we introduce a new `workspaces` directory in `~/.pulumi`. In this folder we write the workspace settings file for each project. The file name is the name of the project, combined with the SHA1 of the path of the project file on disk, to ensure that multiple pulumi programs with the same project name have different workspace settings. This does mean that moving a project's location on disk will cause the CLI to "forget" what the selected stack was, which is unfortunate, but not the end of the world. If this ends up being a big pain point, we can certianly try to play games in the future (for example, if we saw a .git folder in a parent folder, we could store data in there). With respect to compatibility, we don't attempt to migrate older files to their newer locations. For long lived stacks managed using the local backend, we can provide information on where to move things to. For all stacks (regardless of backend) we'll require the user to `pulumi stack select` their stack again, but that seems like the correct trade-off vs writing complicated upgrade code.
2018-04-17 01:15:10 +02:00
const stackName = "imulup"
// Get the path to the backup directory for this project.
Remove the need to `pulumi init` for the local backend This change removes the need to `pulumi init` when targeting the local backend. A fair amount of the change lays the foundation that the next set of changes to stop having `pulumi init` be used for cloud stacks as well. Previously, `pulumi init` logically did two things: 1. It created the bookkeeping directory for local stacks, this was stored in `<repository-root>/.pulumi`, where `<repository-root>` was the path to what we belived the "root" of your project was. In the case of git repositories, this was the directory that contained your `.git` folder. 2. It recorded repository information in `<repository-root>/.pulumi/repository.json`. This was used by the cloud backend when computing what project to interact with on Pulumi.com The new identity model will remove the need for (2), since we only need an owner and stack name to fully qualify a stack on pulumi.com, so it's easy enough to stop creating a folder just for that. However, for the local backend, we need to continue to retain some information about stacks (e.g. checkpoints, history, etc). In addition, we need to store our workspace settings (which today just contains the selected stack) somehere. For state stored by the local backend, we change the URL scheme from `local://` to `local://<optional-root-path>`. When `<optional-root-path>` is unset, it defaults to `$HOME`. We create our `.pulumi` folder in that directory. This is important because stack names now must be unique within the backend, but we have some tests using local stacks which use fixed stack names, so each integration test really wants its own "view" of the world. For the workspace settings, we introduce a new `workspaces` directory in `~/.pulumi`. In this folder we write the workspace settings file for each project. The file name is the name of the project, combined with the SHA1 of the path of the project file on disk, to ensure that multiple pulumi programs with the same project name have different workspace settings. This does mean that moving a project's location on disk will cause the CLI to "forget" what the selected stack was, which is unfortunate, but not the end of the world. If this ends up being a big pain point, we can certianly try to play games in the future (for example, if we saw a .git folder in a parent folder, we could store data in there). With respect to compatibility, we don't attempt to migrate older files to their newer locations. For long lived stacks managed using the local backend, we can provide information on where to move things to. For all stacks (regardless of backend) we'll require the user to `pulumi stack select` their stack again, but that seems like the correct trade-off vs writing complicated upgrade code.
2018-04-17 01:15:10 +02:00
backupDir, err := getStackProjectBackupDir(e, stackName)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting stack project backup path")
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// Cleanup the backup directory.
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", stackName)
// Build the project.
e.RunCommand("yarn", "install")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "link", "@pulumi/pulumi")
// Now run pulumi up.
before := time.Now().UnixNano()
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "up", "--non-interactive", "--yes", "--skip-preview")
after := time.Now().UnixNano()
// Verify the backup directory contains a single backup.
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(backupDir)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting the files in backup directory")
files = filterOutAttrsFiles(files)
fileNames := getFileNames(files)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(files), "Files: %s", strings.Join(fileNames, ", "))
fileName := files[0].Name()
// Verify the backup file.
assertBackupStackFile(t, stackName, files[0], before, after)
// Now run pulumi destroy.
before = time.Now().UnixNano()
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "destroy", "--non-interactive", "--yes", "--skip-preview")
after = time.Now().UnixNano()
// Verify the backup directory has been updated with 1 additional backups.
files, err = ioutil.ReadDir(backupDir)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting the files in backup directory")
files = filterOutAttrsFiles(files)
fileNames = getFileNames(files)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(files), "Files: %s", strings.Join(fileNames, ", "))
// Verify the new backup file.
for _, file := range files {
// Skip the file we previously verified.
if file.Name() == fileName {
assertBackupStackFile(t, stackName, file, before, after)
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "--yes")
func TestStackRenameAfterCreate(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
stackName := addRandomSuffix("stack-rename")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", stackName)
newName := addRandomSuffix("renamed-stack")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rename", newName)
Correctly rename stack files during a rename (#5812) * Correctly rename stack files during a rename This fixes pulumi/pulumi#4463, by renaming a stack's configuration file based on its stack-part, and ignoring the owner-part. Our workspace system doesn't recognize configuration files with fully qualified names. That, by the way, causes problems if we have multiple stacks in different organizations that share a stack-part. The fix here is simple: propagate the new StackReference from the Rename operation and rely on the backend's normalization to a simple name, and then use that the same way we are using a StackReference to determine the path for the origin stack. An alternative fix is to recognize fully qualified config files, however, there's a fair bit of cleanup we will be doing as part of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2522 and https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4605, so figured it is best to make this work the way the system expects first, and revisit it as part of those overall workstreams. I also suspect we may want to consider changing the default behavior here as part of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/5731. Tests TBD; need some advice on how best to test this since it only happens with our HTTP state backend -- all integration tests appear to use the local filestate backend at the moment. * Add a changelog entry for bug fix * Add some stack rename tests * Fix a typo * Address CR feedback * Make some logic clearer Use "parsedName" instead of "qn", add a comment explaining why we're doing this, and also explicitly ignore the error rather than implicitly doing so with _.
2020-12-02 01:55:48 +01:00
// TestStackRenameServiceAfterCreateBackend tests a few edge cases about renaming
// stacks owned by organizations in the service backend.
func TestStackRenameAfterCreateServiceBackend(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// Use the current username as the "organization" in certain operations.
username, _ := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "whoami")
orgName := strings.TrimSpace(username)
// Create a basic project.
stackName := addRandomSuffix("stack-rename-svcbe")
stackRenameBase := addRandomSuffix("renamed-stack-svcbe")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", stackName)
// Create some configuration so that a per-project YAML file is generated.
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "set", "xyz", "abc")
// Try to rename the stack to itself. This should fail.
e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "rename", stackName)
// Try to rename this stack to a name outside of the current "organization".
// This should fail since it is not currently legal to do so.
e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "rename", "fakeorg/"+stackRenameBase)
// Next perform a legal rename. This should work.
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rename", stackRenameBase)
stdoutXyz1, _ := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "get", "xyz")
assert.Equal(t, "abc", strings.Trim(stdoutXyz1, "\r\n"))
// Now perform another legal rename, this time explicitly specifying the
// "organization" for the stack (which should match the default).
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rename", orgName+"/"+stackRenameBase+"2")
stdoutXyz2, _ := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "get", "xyz")
assert.Equal(t, "abc", strings.Trim(stdoutXyz2, "\r\n"))
func TestLocalStateLocking(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "foo")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "install")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "link", "@pulumi/pulumi")
// Enable self-managed backend locking
e.SetEnvVars([]string{fmt.Sprintf("%s=1", filestate.PulumiFilestateLockingEnvVar)})
// Run 10 concurrent updates
count := 10
stderrs := make(chan string, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
go func() {
_, stderr, _ := e.GetCommandResults("pulumi", "up", "--non-interactive", "--skip-preview", "--yes")
stderrs <- stderr
// Ensure that only one of the concurrent updates succeeded, and that failures
// were due to locking (and not state file corruption)
numsuccess := 0
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
stderr := <-stderrs
if stderr == "" {
assert.Equal(t, 0, numsuccess, "more than one concurrent update succeeded")
} else {
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "the stack is currently locked by 1 lock(s)")
func getFileNames(infos []os.FileInfo) []string {
var result []string
for _, i := range infos {
result = append(result, i.Name())
return result
func filterOutAttrsFiles(files []os.FileInfo) []os.FileInfo {
var result []os.FileInfo
for _, f := range files {
if filepath.Ext(f.Name()) != ".attrs" {
result = append(result, f)
return result
func assertBackupStackFile(t *testing.T, stackName string, file os.FileInfo, before int64, after int64) {
assert.False(t, file.IsDir())
assert.True(t, file.Size() > 0)
split := strings.Split(file.Name(), ".")
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(split), "Split: %s", strings.Join(split, ", "))
assert.Equal(t, stackName, split[0])
parsedTime, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[1], 10, 64)
assert.NoError(t, err, "parsing the time in the stack backup filename")
assert.True(t, parsedTime > before, "False: %v > %v", parsedTime, before)
assert.True(t, parsedTime < after, "False: %v < %v", parsedTime, after)
Remove the need to `pulumi init` for the local backend This change removes the need to `pulumi init` when targeting the local backend. A fair amount of the change lays the foundation that the next set of changes to stop having `pulumi init` be used for cloud stacks as well. Previously, `pulumi init` logically did two things: 1. It created the bookkeeping directory for local stacks, this was stored in `<repository-root>/.pulumi`, where `<repository-root>` was the path to what we belived the "root" of your project was. In the case of git repositories, this was the directory that contained your `.git` folder. 2. It recorded repository information in `<repository-root>/.pulumi/repository.json`. This was used by the cloud backend when computing what project to interact with on Pulumi.com The new identity model will remove the need for (2), since we only need an owner and stack name to fully qualify a stack on pulumi.com, so it's easy enough to stop creating a folder just for that. However, for the local backend, we need to continue to retain some information about stacks (e.g. checkpoints, history, etc). In addition, we need to store our workspace settings (which today just contains the selected stack) somehere. For state stored by the local backend, we change the URL scheme from `local://` to `local://<optional-root-path>`. When `<optional-root-path>` is unset, it defaults to `$HOME`. We create our `.pulumi` folder in that directory. This is important because stack names now must be unique within the backend, but we have some tests using local stacks which use fixed stack names, so each integration test really wants its own "view" of the world. For the workspace settings, we introduce a new `workspaces` directory in `~/.pulumi`. In this folder we write the workspace settings file for each project. The file name is the name of the project, combined with the SHA1 of the path of the project file on disk, to ensure that multiple pulumi programs with the same project name have different workspace settings. This does mean that moving a project's location on disk will cause the CLI to "forget" what the selected stack was, which is unfortunate, but not the end of the world. If this ends up being a big pain point, we can certianly try to play games in the future (for example, if we saw a .git folder in a parent folder, we could store data in there). With respect to compatibility, we don't attempt to migrate older files to their newer locations. For long lived stacks managed using the local backend, we can provide information on where to move things to. For all stacks (regardless of backend) we'll require the user to `pulumi stack select` their stack again, but that seems like the correct trade-off vs writing complicated upgrade code.
2018-04-17 01:15:10 +02:00
func getStackProjectBackupDir(e *ptesting.Environment, stackName string) (string, error) {
return filepath.Join(e.RootPath,
Remove the need to `pulumi init` for the local backend This change removes the need to `pulumi init` when targeting the local backend. A fair amount of the change lays the foundation that the next set of changes to stop having `pulumi init` be used for cloud stacks as well. Previously, `pulumi init` logically did two things: 1. It created the bookkeeping directory for local stacks, this was stored in `<repository-root>/.pulumi`, where `<repository-root>` was the path to what we belived the "root" of your project was. In the case of git repositories, this was the directory that contained your `.git` folder. 2. It recorded repository information in `<repository-root>/.pulumi/repository.json`. This was used by the cloud backend when computing what project to interact with on Pulumi.com The new identity model will remove the need for (2), since we only need an owner and stack name to fully qualify a stack on pulumi.com, so it's easy enough to stop creating a folder just for that. However, for the local backend, we need to continue to retain some information about stacks (e.g. checkpoints, history, etc). In addition, we need to store our workspace settings (which today just contains the selected stack) somehere. For state stored by the local backend, we change the URL scheme from `local://` to `local://<optional-root-path>`. When `<optional-root-path>` is unset, it defaults to `$HOME`. We create our `.pulumi` folder in that directory. This is important because stack names now must be unique within the backend, but we have some tests using local stacks which use fixed stack names, so each integration test really wants its own "view" of the world. For the workspace settings, we introduce a new `workspaces` directory in `~/.pulumi`. In this folder we write the workspace settings file for each project. The file name is the name of the project, combined with the SHA1 of the path of the project file on disk, to ensure that multiple pulumi programs with the same project name have different workspace settings. This does mean that moving a project's location on disk will cause the CLI to "forget" what the selected stack was, which is unfortunate, but not the end of the world. If this ends up being a big pain point, we can certianly try to play games in the future (for example, if we saw a .git folder in a parent folder, we could store data in there). With respect to compatibility, we don't attempt to migrate older files to their newer locations. For long lived stacks managed using the local backend, we can provide information on where to move things to. For all stacks (regardless of backend) we'll require the user to `pulumi stack select` their stack again, but that seems like the correct trade-off vs writing complicated upgrade code.
2018-04-17 01:15:10 +02:00
), nil
Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment (#1759) * Add a list of in-flight operations to the deployment This commit augments 'DeploymentV2' with a list of operations that are currently in flight. This information is used by the engine to keep track of whether or not a particular deployment is in a valid state. The SnapshotManager is responsible for inserting and removing operations from the in-flight operation list. When the engine registers an intent to perform an operation, SnapshotManager inserts an Operation into this list and saves it to the snapshot. When an operation completes, the SnapshotManager removes it from the snapshot. From this, the engine can infer that if it ever sees a deployment with pending operations, the Pulumi CLI must have crashed or otherwise abnormally terminated before seeing whether or not an operation completed successfully. To remedy this state, this commit also adds code to 'pulumi stack import' that clears all pending operations from a deployment, as well as code to plan generation that will reject any deployments that have pending operations present. At the CLI level, if we see that we are in a state where pending operations were in-flight when the engine died, we'll issue a human-friendly error message that indicates which resources are in a bad state and how to recover their stack. * CR: Multi-line string literals, renaming in-flight -> pending * CR: Add enum to apitype for operation type, also name status -> type for clarity * Fix the yaml type * Fix missed renames * Add implementation for lifecycle_test.go * Rebase against master
2018-08-11 06:39:59 +02:00
func addRandomSuffix(s string) string {
b := make([]byte, 4)
_, err := cryptorand.Read(b)
return s + "-" + hex.EncodeToString(b)