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// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
// configured is set to true once configuration has been set.
let configured: boolean;
// monitor is a live connection to the resource monitor connection.
// IDEA: it would be nice to mirror the Protobuf structures as TypeScript interfaces.
let monitor: Object | undefined;
// engine is an optional live connection to the engine. This can be used for logging, etc.
let engine: Object | undefined;
// dryRun tells us whether we're performing a plan (true) versus a real deployment (false).
export let dryRun: boolean;
// hasMonitor returns true if we are currently connected to a resource monitoring service.
export function hasMonitor(): boolean {
return !!monitor;
// isDryRun returns true if we are planning.
export function isDryRun(): boolean {
return dryRun;
// getMonitor returns the current resource monitoring service client for RPC communications.
export function getMonitor(): Object | undefined {
if (!configured) {
configured = true;
console.warn("warning: Pulumi Fabric monitor is missing; no resources will be created");
return monitor;
// getEngine returns the current engine, if any, for RPC communications back to the resource engine.
export function getEngine(): Object | undefined {
return engine;
// configure initializes the current resource monitor and engine RPC connections, and whether we are performing a "dry
// run" (plan), versus a real deployment. It may only be called once.
export function configure(m: Object | undefined, e: Object | undefined, dr: boolean): void {
if (configured) {
throw new Error("Cannot configure runtime settings more than once");
monitor = m;
engine = e;
dryRun = dr;
configured = true;
// disconnect permanently disconnects from the server, closing the connections.
export function disconnect(): void {
if (monitor) {
monitor = undefined;
if (engine) {
engine = undefined;