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// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package ast
import (
// NameDelimiter is what delimits Namespace and Name parts.
const NameDelimiter = "/"
// Simple extracts the name portion of a Name (dropping any Namespace).
func (nm Name) Simple() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), NameDelimiter)
if ix == -1 {
return nm
return nm[ix+1:]
// Namespace extracts the namespace portion of a Name (dropping the Name); this may be empty.
func (nm Name) Namespace() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), NameDelimiter)
if ix == -1 {
return ""
return nm[:ix]
// DefaultRefBase is the base part used if a Ref doesn't specify one explicitly.
const DefaultRefBase = "hub.mu.com/"
// Base extracts the base portion of a Ref.
func (r Ref) Base() string {
return r.parse().Base
// Name extracts the name portion of a Ref (including the Namespace).
func (r Ref) Name() Name {
return r.parse().Name
type refParts struct {
Proto string // the protocol (e.g., "https://").
Base string // the base part of the URL (e.g., "mu.hub.com/").
Name Name // the name part of the URL (e.g., "mu/container").
func (r Ref) parse() refParts {
s := string(r)
parts := refParts{}
// Look for the leading protocol, if any.
pix := strings.Index(s, "://")
if pix != -1 {
// Remember it and then strip it off for subsequent parsing.
parts.Proto = s[:pix]
s = s[pix+1:]
// Now look to see if there is a dot, indicating a base part.
bix := strings.Index(s, ".")
if bix == -1 {
// No base seems to be here; populate it with the default ref base.
// TODO(joe): this might be questionable; e.g., domain-less hosts will require a trailing period.
parts.Base = DefaultRefBase
} else {
// A base exists; look for a slash (indicating the name), and capture everything up to it.
six := strings.Index(s[bix+1:], NameDelimiter)
if six == -1 {
parts.Base = s
s = ""
} else {
rest := bix + 1 + six
parts.Base = s[:rest]
s = s[rest+1:]
// Anything remaining at this point represents the name.
parts.Name = Name(s)
return parts