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package httpstate
import (
resourceanalyzer "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/resource/analyzer"
type cloudRequiredPolicy struct {
client *client.Client
orgName string
var _ engine.RequiredPolicy = (*cloudRequiredPolicy)(nil)
func newCloudRequiredPolicy(client *client.Client,
policy apitype.RequiredPolicy, orgName string) *cloudRequiredPolicy {
return &cloudRequiredPolicy{
client: client,
RequiredPolicy: policy,
orgName: orgName,
func (rp *cloudRequiredPolicy) Name() string { return rp.RequiredPolicy.Name }
func (rp *cloudRequiredPolicy) Version() string { return strconv.Itoa(rp.RequiredPolicy.Version) }
func (rp *cloudRequiredPolicy) OrgName() string { return rp.orgName }
func (rp *cloudRequiredPolicy) Install(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
policy := rp.RequiredPolicy
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
// If version tag is empty, we use the version tag. This is to support older version of
// pulumi/policy that do not have a version tag.
version := policy.VersionTag
if version == "" {
version = strconv.Itoa(policy.Version)
policyPackPath, installed, err := workspace.GetPolicyPath(rp.OrgName(),
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
strings.Replace(policy.Name, tokens.QNameDelimiter, "_", -1), version)
if err != nil {
// Failed to get a sensible PolicyPack path.
return "", err
} else if installed {
// We've already downloaded and installed the PolicyPack. Return.
return policyPackPath, nil
// PolicyPack has not been downloaded and installed. Do this now.
policyPackTarball, err := rp.client.DownloadPolicyPack(ctx, policy.PackLocation)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return policyPackPath, installRequiredPolicy(policyPackPath, policyPackTarball)
func (rp *cloudRequiredPolicy) Config() map[string]*json.RawMessage { return rp.RequiredPolicy.Config }
func newCloudBackendPolicyPackReference(
2020-02-26 18:45:39 +01:00
cloudConsoleURL, orgName string, name tokens.QName) *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference {
2020-02-26 18:45:39 +01:00
return &cloudBackendPolicyPackReference{
orgName: orgName,
name: name,
cloudConsoleURL: cloudConsoleURL,
// cloudBackendPolicyPackReference is a reference to a PolicyPack implemented by the Pulumi service.
type cloudBackendPolicyPackReference struct {
// name of the PolicyPack.
name tokens.QName
// orgName that administrates the PolicyPack.
orgName string
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
// versionTag of the Policy Pack. This is typically the version specified in
// a package.json, setup.py, or similar file.
versionTag string
2020-02-26 18:45:39 +01:00
// cloudConsoleURL is the root URL of where the Policy Pack can be found in the console. The
// version must be appended to the returned URL.
cloudConsoleURL string
var _ backend.PolicyPackReference = (*cloudBackendPolicyPackReference)(nil)
func (pr *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pr.orgName, pr.name)
func (pr *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference) OrgName() string {
return pr.orgName
func (pr *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference) Name() tokens.QName {
return pr.name
2020-02-26 18:45:39 +01:00
func (pr *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference) CloudConsoleURL() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/policypacks/%s", pr.cloudConsoleURL, pr.orgName, pr.Name())
// cloudPolicyPack is a the Pulumi service implementation of the PolicyPack interface.
type cloudPolicyPack struct {
// ref uniquely identifies the PolicyPack in the Pulumi service.
ref *cloudBackendPolicyPackReference
// b is a pointer to the backend that this PolicyPack belongs to.
b *cloudBackend
// cl is the client used to interact with the backend.
cl *client.Client
var _ backend.PolicyPack = (*cloudPolicyPack)(nil)
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Ref() backend.PolicyPackReference {
return pack.ref
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Backend() backend.Backend {
return pack.b
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Publish(
ctx context.Context, op backend.PublishOperation) result.Result {
// Get PolicyPack metadata from the plugin.
fmt.Println("Obtaining policy metadata from policy plugin")
abs, err := filepath.Abs(op.PlugCtx.Pwd)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
analyzer, err := op.PlugCtx.Host.PolicyAnalyzer(tokens.QName(abs), op.PlugCtx.Pwd, nil /*opts*/)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
analyzerInfo, err := analyzer.GetAnalyzerInfo()
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
// Update the name and version tag from the metadata.
pack.ref.name = tokens.QName(analyzerInfo.Name)
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
pack.ref.versionTag = analyzerInfo.Version
fmt.Println("Compressing policy pack")
if runtime := op.PolicyPack.Runtime.Name(); !strings.EqualFold(runtime, "nodejs") {
return result.Errorf(
"failed to publish policies because Pulumi.yaml requests unsupported runtime %s",
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#1307]: move to the language plugins so we don't have to hard code here.
packTarball, err := npm.Pack(op.PlugCtx.Pwd, os.Stderr)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(
errors.Wrapf(err, "could not publish policies because of error running npm pack"))
// Publish.
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
fmt.Println("Uploading Policy Pack to Pulumi service")
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
publishedVersion, err := pack.cl.PublishPolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, analyzerInfo, bytes.NewReader(packTarball))
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
2020-02-26 18:45:39 +01:00
fmt.Printf("\nPermalink: %s/%s\n", pack.ref.CloudConsoleURL(), publishedVersion)
return nil
2019-06-28 19:07:49 +02:00
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Enable(ctx context.Context, policyGroup string, op backend.PolicyPackOperation) error {
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
if op.VersionTag == nil {
return pack.cl.ApplyPolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, policyGroup, string(pack.ref.name),
"" /* versionTag */, op.Config)
return pack.cl.ApplyPolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, policyGroup, string(pack.ref.name), *op.VersionTag, op.Config)
2020-01-03 23:16:39 +01:00
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Validate(ctx context.Context, op backend.PolicyPackOperation) error {
schema, err := pack.cl.GetPolicyPackSchema(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, string(pack.ref.name), *op.VersionTag)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resourceanalyzer.ValidatePolicyPackConfig(schema.ConfigSchema, op.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
2020-01-03 23:16:39 +01:00
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Disable(ctx context.Context, policyGroup string, op backend.PolicyPackOperation) error {
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
if op.VersionTag == nil {
return pack.cl.DisablePolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, policyGroup, string(pack.ref.name), "" /* versionTag */)
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
return pack.cl.DisablePolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, policyGroup, string(pack.ref.name), *op.VersionTag)
2020-01-03 23:16:39 +01:00
func (pack *cloudPolicyPack) Remove(ctx context.Context, op backend.PolicyPackOperation) error {
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
if op.VersionTag == nil {
2020-01-27 19:35:34 +01:00
return pack.cl.RemovePolicyPack(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, string(pack.ref.name))
2020-02-25 02:11:56 +01:00
return pack.cl.RemovePolicyPackByVersion(ctx, pack.ref.orgName, string(pack.ref.name), *op.VersionTag)
2019-06-28 19:07:49 +02:00
const npmPackageDir = "package"
func installRequiredPolicy(finalDir string, tarball []byte) error {
// If part of the directory tree is missing, ioutil.TempDir will return an error, so make sure
// the path we're going to create the temporary folder in actually exists.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(finalDir), 0700); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating plugin root")
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(filepath.Dir(finalDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s.tmp", filepath.Base(finalDir)))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "creating plugin directory %s", tempDir)
// npm unpacks into a directory called `package`.
tempNPMPkgDir := path.Join(tempDir, npmPackageDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(tempNPMPkgDir, 0700); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating plugin root")
// If we early out of this function, try to remove the temp folder we created.
defer func() {
// Uncompress the policy pack.
err = archive.Untgz(tarball, tempDir)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Unpacking policy zip %q %q\n", tempDir, finalDir)
// If two calls to `plugin install` for the same plugin are racing, the second one will be
// unable to rename the directory. That's OK, just ignore the error. The temp directory created
// as part of the install will be cleaned up when we exit by the defer above.
if err := os.Rename(tempNPMPkgDir, finalDir); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "moving plugin")
proj, err := workspace.LoadPolicyPack(path.Join(finalDir, "PulumiPolicy.yaml"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to load policy project at %s", finalDir)
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#1307]: move to the language plugins so we don't have to hard code here.
if !strings.EqualFold(proj.Runtime.Name(), "nodejs") {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported policy runtime %s", proj.Runtime.Name())
fmt.Println("Installing dependencies...")
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#1307]: move to the language plugins so we don't have to hard code here.
if bin, err := npm.Install(finalDir, nil, os.Stderr); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(
"failed to install dependencies of policy pack; you may need to re-run `%s install` "+
"in %q before this policy pack works", bin, finalDir)
fmt.Println("Finished installing dependencies")
return nil