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2018-05-22 21:43:36 +02:00
// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
pbempty "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty"
pulumirpc "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/proto/go"
// EvalRunInfo provides information required to execute and deploy resources within a package.
type EvalRunInfo struct {
Proj *workspace.Project `json:"proj" yaml:"proj"` // the package metadata.
Pwd string `json:"pwd" yaml:"pwd"` // the package's working directory.
Program string `json:"program" yaml:"program"` // the path to the program.
Args []string `json:"args,omitempty" yaml:"args,omitempty"` // any arguments to pass to the package.
Target *Target `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` // the target being deployed into.
// NewEvalSource returns a planning source that fetches resources by evaluating a package with a set of args and
// a confgiuration map. This evaluation is performed using the given plugin context and may optionally use the
// given plugin host (or the default, if this is nil). Note that closing the eval source also closes the host.
General prep work for refresh This change includes a bunch of refactorings I made in prep for doing refresh (first, the command, see pulumi/pulumi#1081): * The primary change is to change the way the engine's core update functionality works with respect to deploy.Source. This is the way we can plug in new sources of resource information during planning (and, soon, diffing). The way I intend to model refresh is by having a new kind of source, deploy.RefreshSource, which will let us do virtually everything about an update/diff the same way with refreshes, which avoid otherwise duplicative effort. This includes changing the planOptions (nee deployOptions) to take a new SourceFunc callback, which is responsible for creating a source specific to the kind of plan being requested. Preview, Update, and Destroy now are primarily differentiated by the kind of deploy.Source that they return, rather than sprinkling things like `if Destroying` throughout. This tidies up some logic and, more importantly, gives us precisely the refresh hook we need. * Originally, we used the deploy.NullSource for Destroy operations. This simply returns nothing, which is how Destroy works. For some reason, we were no longer doing this, and instead had some `if Destroying` cases sprinkled throughout the deploy.EvalSource. I think this is a vestige of some old way we did configuration, at least judging by a comment, which is apparently no longer relevant. * Move diff and diff-printing logic within the engine into its own pkg/engine/diff.go file, to prepare for upcoming work. * I keep noticing benign diffs anytime I regenerate protobufs. I suspect this is because we're also on different versions. I changed generate.sh to also dump the version into grpc_version.txt. At least we can understand where the diffs are coming from, decide whether to take them (i.e., a newer version), and ensure that as a team we are monotonically increasing, and not going backwards. * I also tidied up some tiny things I noticed while in there, like comments, incorrect types, lint suppressions, and so on.
2018-03-28 16:45:23 +02:00
func NewEvalSource(plugctx *plugin.Context, runinfo *EvalRunInfo, dryRun bool) Source {
return &evalSource{
plugctx: plugctx,
runinfo: runinfo,
dryRun: dryRun,
type evalSource struct {
plugctx *plugin.Context // the plugin context.
runinfo *EvalRunInfo // the directives to use when running the program.
dryRun bool // true if this is a dry-run operation only.
func (src *evalSource) Close() error {
return nil
// Project is the name of the project being run by this evaluation source.
func (src *evalSource) Project() tokens.PackageName {
return src.runinfo.Proj.Name
// Stack is the name of the stack being targeted by this evaluation source.
func (src *evalSource) Stack() tokens.QName {
return src.runinfo.Target.Name
func (src *evalSource) Info() interface{} { return src.runinfo }
func (src *evalSource) IsRefresh() bool { return false }
// Iterate will spawn an evaluator coroutine and prepare to interact with it on subsequent calls to Next.
func (src *evalSource) Iterate(opts Options) (SourceIterator, error) {
// First, fire up a resource monitor that will watch for and record resource creation.
regChan := make(chan *registerResourceEvent)
regOutChan := make(chan *registerResourceOutputsEvent)
mon, err := newResourceMonitor(src, regChan, regOutChan)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start resource monitor")
// Create a new iterator with appropriate channels, and gear up to go!
iter := &evalSourceIterator{
mon: mon,
src: src,
regChan: regChan,
regOutChan: regOutChan,
finChan: make(chan error),
// Now invoke Run in a goroutine. All subsequent resource creation events will come in over the gRPC channel,
// and we will pump them through the channel. If the Run call ultimately fails, we need to propagate the error.
// Finally, return the fresh iterator that the caller can use to take things from here.
return iter, nil
type evalSourceIterator struct {
mon *resmon // the resource monitor, per iterator.
src *evalSource // the owning eval source object.
regChan chan *registerResourceEvent // the channel that contains resource registrations.
regOutChan chan *registerResourceOutputsEvent // the channel that contains resource completions.
finChan chan error // the channel that communicates completion.
done bool // set to true when the evaluation is done.
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) Close() error {
// Cancel the monitor and reclaim any associated resources.
return iter.mon.Cancel()
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) Next() (SourceEvent, error) {
// If we are done, quit.
if iter.done {
return nil, nil
Implement `get` functions on all resources This change implements the `get` function for resources. Per pulumi/lumi#83, this allows Lumi scripts to actually read from the target environment. For example, we can now look up a SecurityGroup from its ARN: let group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get( "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:153052954103:security-group:sg-02150d79"); The returned object is a fully functional resource object. So, we can then link it up with an EC2 instance, for example, in the usual ways: let instance = new aws.ec2.Instance(..., { securityGroups: [ group ], }); This didn't require any changes to the RPC or provider model, since we already implement the Get function. There are a few loose ends; two are short term: 1) URNs are not rehydrated. 2) Query is not yet implemented. One is mid-term: 3) We probably want a URN-based lookup function. But we will likely wait until we tackle pulumi/lumi#109 before adding this. And one is long term (and subtle): 4) These amount to I/O and are not repeatable! A change in the target environment may cause a script to generate a different plan intermittently. Most likely we want to apply a different kind of deployment "policy" for such scripts. These are inching towards the scripting model of pulumi/lumi#121, which is an entirely different beast than the repeatable immutable infrastructure deployments. Finally, it is worth noting that with this, we have some of the fundamental underpinnings required to finally tackle "inference" (pulumi/lumi#142).
2017-06-20 02:24:00 +02:00
// Await the program to compute some more state and then inspect what it has to say.
select {
case reg := <-iter.regChan:
contract.Assert(reg != nil)
goal := reg.Goal()
logging.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator produced a registration: t=%v,name=%v,#props=%v",
goal.Type, goal.Name, len(goal.Properties))
return reg, nil
case regOut := <-iter.regOutChan:
contract.Assert(regOut != nil)
logging.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator produced a completion: urn=%v,#outs=%v",
regOut.URN(), len(regOut.Outputs()))
return regOut, nil
case err := <-iter.finChan:
// If we are finished, we can safely exit. The contract with the language provider is that this implies
// that the language runtime has exited and so calling Close on the plugin is fine.
iter.done = true
if err != nil {
logging.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator ended with an error: %v", err)
Implement `get` functions on all resources This change implements the `get` function for resources. Per pulumi/lumi#83, this allows Lumi scripts to actually read from the target environment. For example, we can now look up a SecurityGroup from its ARN: let group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get( "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:153052954103:security-group:sg-02150d79"); The returned object is a fully functional resource object. So, we can then link it up with an EC2 instance, for example, in the usual ways: let instance = new aws.ec2.Instance(..., { securityGroups: [ group ], }); This didn't require any changes to the RPC or provider model, since we already implement the Get function. There are a few loose ends; two are short term: 1) URNs are not rehydrated. 2) Query is not yet implemented. One is mid-term: 3) We probably want a URN-based lookup function. But we will likely wait until we tackle pulumi/lumi#109 before adding this. And one is long term (and subtle): 4) These amount to I/O and are not repeatable! A change in the target environment may cause a script to generate a different plan intermittently. Most likely we want to apply a different kind of deployment "policy" for such scripts. These are inching towards the scripting model of pulumi/lumi#121, which is an entirely different beast than the repeatable immutable infrastructure deployments. Finally, it is worth noting that with this, we have some of the fundamental underpinnings required to finally tackle "inference" (pulumi/lumi#142).
2017-06-20 02:24:00 +02:00
return nil, err
Implement `get` functions on all resources This change implements the `get` function for resources. Per pulumi/lumi#83, this allows Lumi scripts to actually read from the target environment. For example, we can now look up a SecurityGroup from its ARN: let group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get( "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:153052954103:security-group:sg-02150d79"); The returned object is a fully functional resource object. So, we can then link it up with an EC2 instance, for example, in the usual ways: let instance = new aws.ec2.Instance(..., { securityGroups: [ group ], }); This didn't require any changes to the RPC or provider model, since we already implement the Get function. There are a few loose ends; two are short term: 1) URNs are not rehydrated. 2) Query is not yet implemented. One is mid-term: 3) We probably want a URN-based lookup function. But we will likely wait until we tackle pulumi/lumi#109 before adding this. And one is long term (and subtle): 4) These amount to I/O and are not repeatable! A change in the target environment may cause a script to generate a different plan intermittently. Most likely we want to apply a different kind of deployment "policy" for such scripts. These are inching towards the scripting model of pulumi/lumi#121, which is an entirely different beast than the repeatable immutable infrastructure deployments. Finally, it is worth noting that with this, we have some of the fundamental underpinnings required to finally tackle "inference" (pulumi/lumi#142).
2017-06-20 02:24:00 +02:00
// forkRun performs the evaluation from a distinct goroutine. This function blocks until it's our turn to go.
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) forkRun(opts Options) {
General prep work for refresh This change includes a bunch of refactorings I made in prep for doing refresh (first, the command, see pulumi/pulumi#1081): * The primary change is to change the way the engine's core update functionality works with respect to deploy.Source. This is the way we can plug in new sources of resource information during planning (and, soon, diffing). The way I intend to model refresh is by having a new kind of source, deploy.RefreshSource, which will let us do virtually everything about an update/diff the same way with refreshes, which avoid otherwise duplicative effort. This includes changing the planOptions (nee deployOptions) to take a new SourceFunc callback, which is responsible for creating a source specific to the kind of plan being requested. Preview, Update, and Destroy now are primarily differentiated by the kind of deploy.Source that they return, rather than sprinkling things like `if Destroying` throughout. This tidies up some logic and, more importantly, gives us precisely the refresh hook we need. * Originally, we used the deploy.NullSource for Destroy operations. This simply returns nothing, which is how Destroy works. For some reason, we were no longer doing this, and instead had some `if Destroying` cases sprinkled throughout the deploy.EvalSource. I think this is a vestige of some old way we did configuration, at least judging by a comment, which is apparently no longer relevant. * Move diff and diff-printing logic within the engine into its own pkg/engine/diff.go file, to prepare for upcoming work. * I keep noticing benign diffs anytime I regenerate protobufs. I suspect this is because we're also on different versions. I changed generate.sh to also dump the version into grpc_version.txt. At least we can understand where the diffs are coming from, decide whether to take them (i.e., a newer version), and ensure that as a team we are monotonically increasing, and not going backwards. * I also tidied up some tiny things I noticed while in there, like comments, incorrect types, lint suppressions, and so on.
2018-03-28 16:45:23 +02:00
// Fire up the goroutine to make the RPC invocation against the language runtime. As this executes, calls
// to queue things up in the resource channel will occur, and we will serve them concurrently.
go func() {
// Next, launch the language plugin.
run := func() error {
rt := iter.src.runinfo.Proj.Runtime
langhost, err := iter.src.plugctx.Host.LanguageRuntime(rt)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to launch language host %s", rt)
contract.Assertf(langhost != nil, "expected non-nil language host %s", rt)
// Make sure to clean up before exiting.
defer contract.IgnoreClose(langhost)
// Decrypt the configuration.
config, err := iter.src.runinfo.Target.Config.Decrypt(iter.src.runinfo.Target.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return err
General prep work for refresh This change includes a bunch of refactorings I made in prep for doing refresh (first, the command, see pulumi/pulumi#1081): * The primary change is to change the way the engine's core update functionality works with respect to deploy.Source. This is the way we can plug in new sources of resource information during planning (and, soon, diffing). The way I intend to model refresh is by having a new kind of source, deploy.RefreshSource, which will let us do virtually everything about an update/diff the same way with refreshes, which avoid otherwise duplicative effort. This includes changing the planOptions (nee deployOptions) to take a new SourceFunc callback, which is responsible for creating a source specific to the kind of plan being requested. Preview, Update, and Destroy now are primarily differentiated by the kind of deploy.Source that they return, rather than sprinkling things like `if Destroying` throughout. This tidies up some logic and, more importantly, gives us precisely the refresh hook we need. * Originally, we used the deploy.NullSource for Destroy operations. This simply returns nothing, which is how Destroy works. For some reason, we were no longer doing this, and instead had some `if Destroying` cases sprinkled throughout the deploy.EvalSource. I think this is a vestige of some old way we did configuration, at least judging by a comment, which is apparently no longer relevant. * Move diff and diff-printing logic within the engine into its own pkg/engine/diff.go file, to prepare for upcoming work. * I keep noticing benign diffs anytime I regenerate protobufs. I suspect this is because we're also on different versions. I changed generate.sh to also dump the version into grpc_version.txt. At least we can understand where the diffs are coming from, decide whether to take them (i.e., a newer version), and ensure that as a team we are monotonically increasing, and not going backwards. * I also tidied up some tiny things I noticed while in there, like comments, incorrect types, lint suppressions, and so on.
2018-03-28 16:45:23 +02:00
// Now run the actual program.
var progerr string
progerr, err = langhost.Run(plugin.RunInfo{
MonitorAddress: iter.mon.Address(),
Stack: string(iter.src.runinfo.Target.Name),
Project: string(iter.src.runinfo.Proj.Name),
Pwd: iter.src.runinfo.Pwd,
Program: iter.src.runinfo.Program,
Args: iter.src.runinfo.Args,
Config: config,
DryRun: iter.src.dryRun,
Parallel: opts.Parallel,
if err == nil && progerr != "" {
// If the program had an unhandled error; propagate it to the caller.
err = errors.Errorf("an unhandled error occurred: %v", progerr)
return err
// Communicate the error, if it exists, or nil if the program exited cleanly.
iter.finChan <- run()
// resmon implements the pulumirpc.ResourceMonitor interface and acts as the gateway between a language runtime's
// evaluation of a program and the internal resource planning and deployment logic.
type resmon struct {
src *evalSource // the evaluation source.
regChan chan *registerResourceEvent // the channel to send resource registrations to.
regOutChan chan *registerResourceOutputsEvent // the channel to send resource output registrations to.
addr string // the address the host is listening on.
cancel chan bool // a channel that can cancel the server.
done chan error // a channel that resolves when the server completes.
// newResourceMonitor creates a new resource monitor RPC server.
func newResourceMonitor(src *evalSource, regChan chan *registerResourceEvent,
regOutChan chan *registerResourceOutputsEvent) (*resmon, error) {
// New up an engine RPC server.
resmon := &resmon{
src: src,
regChan: regChan,
regOutChan: regOutChan,
cancel: make(chan bool),
// Fire up a gRPC server and start listening for incomings.
port, done, err := rpcutil.Serve(0, resmon.cancel, []func(*grpc.Server) error{
func(srv *grpc.Server) error {
pulumirpc.RegisterResourceMonitorServer(srv, resmon)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resmon.addr = fmt.Sprintf("", port)
resmon.done = done
return resmon, nil
// Address returns the address at which the monitor's RPC server may be reached.
func (rm *resmon) Address() string {
return rm.addr
Implement `get` functions on all resources This change implements the `get` function for resources. Per pulumi/lumi#83, this allows Lumi scripts to actually read from the target environment. For example, we can now look up a SecurityGroup from its ARN: let group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get( "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:153052954103:security-group:sg-02150d79"); The returned object is a fully functional resource object. So, we can then link it up with an EC2 instance, for example, in the usual ways: let instance = new aws.ec2.Instance(..., { securityGroups: [ group ], }); This didn't require any changes to the RPC or provider model, since we already implement the Get function. There are a few loose ends; two are short term: 1) URNs are not rehydrated. 2) Query is not yet implemented. One is mid-term: 3) We probably want a URN-based lookup function. But we will likely wait until we tackle pulumi/lumi#109 before adding this. And one is long term (and subtle): 4) These amount to I/O and are not repeatable! A change in the target environment may cause a script to generate a different plan intermittently. Most likely we want to apply a different kind of deployment "policy" for such scripts. These are inching towards the scripting model of pulumi/lumi#121, which is an entirely different beast than the repeatable immutable infrastructure deployments. Finally, it is worth noting that with this, we have some of the fundamental underpinnings required to finally tackle "inference" (pulumi/lumi#142).
2017-06-20 02:24:00 +02:00
// Cancel signals that the engine should be terminated, awaits its termination, and returns any errors that result.
func (rm *resmon) Cancel() error {
return <-rm.done
// Invoke performs an invocation of a member located in a resource provider.
func (rm *resmon) Invoke(ctx context.Context, req *pulumirpc.InvokeRequest) (*pulumirpc.InvokeResponse, error) {
// Fetch the token and load up the resource provider.
// TODO: we should be flowing version information about this request, but instead, we'll bind to the latest.
tok := tokens.ModuleMember(req.GetTok())
prov, err := rm.src.plugctx.Host.Provider(tok.Package(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if prov == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not load resource provider for package '%v' from $PATH", tok.Package())
// Now unpack all of the arguments and prepare to perform the invocation.
label := fmt.Sprintf("ResourceMonitor.Invoke(%s)", tok)
args, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetArgs(), plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal %v args", tok)
// Do the invoke and then return the arguments.
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.Invoke received: tok=%v #args=%v", tok, len(args))
ret, failures, err := prov.Invoke(tok, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invocation of %v returned an error", tok)
mret, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(ret, plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal %v return", tok)
var chkfails []*pulumirpc.CheckFailure
for _, failure := range failures {
chkfails = append(chkfails, &pulumirpc.CheckFailure{
Property: string(failure.Property),
Reason: failure.Reason,
return &pulumirpc.InvokeResponse{Return: mret, Failures: chkfails}, nil
// ReadResource reads the current state associated with a resource from its provider plugin.
func (rm *resmon) ReadResource(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.ReadResourceRequest) (*pulumirpc.ReadResourceResponse, error) {
// Read the basic inputs necessary to identify the plugin.
t := tokens.Type(req.GetType())
name := tokens.QName(req.GetName())
parent := resource.URN(req.GetParent())
prov, err := rm.src.plugctx.Host.Provider(t.Package(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if prov == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not load resource provider for package '%v' from $PATH", t.Package())
// Manufacture a URN that is based on the program evaluation context.
var pt tokens.Type
if parent != "" {
pt = parent.Type()
urn := resource.NewURN(rm.src.Stack(), rm.src.Project(), pt, t, name)
// Now get the ID. If it is an unknown value -- as might happen during planning when, for example, reading
// the output of another resource's output property -- then we can skip the RPC as it can't possibly do anything.
id := resource.ID(req.GetId())
label := fmt.Sprintf("ResourceMonitor.ReadResource(%s, %s, %s)", id, t, name)
resp := &pulumirpc.ReadResourceResponse{Urn: string(urn)}
if id != plugin.UnknownStringValue {
// Unmarshal any additional state that came with the message.
props, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetProperties(), plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal read properties for resource %s", id)
// Now actually call the plugin to read the state and then return the results.
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.ReadResource received: %s #props=%d", label, len(props))
result, err := prov.Read(urn, id, props)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "reading resource %s state", urn)
marshaled, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(result, plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal %s return state", urn)
resp.Properties = marshaled
return resp, nil
// RegisterResource is invoked by a language process when a new resource has been allocated.
func (rm *resmon) RegisterResource(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.RegisterResourceRequest) (*pulumirpc.RegisterResourceResponse, error) {
// Communicate the type, name, and object information to the iterator that is awaiting us.
t := tokens.Type(req.GetType())
name := tokens.QName(req.GetName())
label := fmt.Sprintf("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource(%s,%s)", t, name)
custom := req.GetCustom()
parent := resource.URN(req.GetParent())
protect := req.GetProtect()
dependencies := []resource.URN{}
for _, dependingURN := range req.GetDependencies() {
dependencies = append(dependencies, resource.URN(dependingURN))
props, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetObject(), plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true, ComputeAssetHashes: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Implement components This change implements core support for "components" in the Pulumi Fabric. This work is described further in pulumi/pulumi#340, where we are still discussing some of the finer points. In a nutshell, resources no longer imply external providers. It's entirely possible to have a resource that logically represents something but without having a physical manifestation that needs to be tracked and managed by our typical CRUD operations. For example, the aws/serverless/Function helper is one such type. It aggregates Lambda-related resources and exposes a nice interface. All of the Pulumi Cloud Framework resources are also examples. To indicate that a resource does participate in the usual CRUD resource provider, it simply derives from ExternalResource instead of Resource. All resources now have the ability to adopt children. This is purely a metadata/tagging thing, and will help us roll up displays, provide attribution to the developer, and even hide aspects of the resource graph as appropriate (e.g., when they are implementation details). Our use of this capability is ultra limited right now; in fact, the only place we display children is in the CLI output. For instance: + aws:serverless:Function: (create) [urn=urn:pulumi:demo::serverless::aws:serverless:Function::mylambda] => urn:pulumi:demo::serverless::aws:iam/role:Role::mylambda-iamrole => urn:pulumi:demo::serverless::aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::mylambda-iampolicy-0 => urn:pulumi:demo::serverless::aws:lambda/function:Function::mylambda The bit indicating whether a resource is external or not is tracked in the resulting checkpoint file, along with any of its children.
2017-10-14 23:18:43 +02:00
"ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource received: t=%v, name=%v, custom=%v, #props=%v, parent=%v, protect=%v, deps=%v",
t, name, custom, len(props), parent, protect, dependencies)
// Send the goal state to the engine.
step := &registerResourceEvent{
goal: resource.NewGoal(t, name, custom, props, parent, protect, dependencies),
done: make(chan *RegisterResult),
select {
case rm.regChan <- step:
case <-rm.cancel:
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource operation canceled, name=%s", name)
return nil, rpcerror.New(codes.Unavailable, "resource monitor shut down while sending resource registration")
// Now block waiting for the operation to finish.
var result *RegisterResult
select {
case result = <-step.done:
case <-rm.cancel:
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource operation canceled, name=%s", name)
return nil, rpcerror.New(codes.Unavailable, "resource monitor shut down while waiting on step's done channel")
state := result.State
props = state.All()
stable := result.Stable
var stables []string
for _, sta := range result.Stables {
stables = append(stables, string(sta))
"ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource operation finished: t=%v, urn=%v, stable=%v, #stables=%v #outs=%v",
state.Type, state.URN, stable, len(stables), len(props))
// Finally, unpack the response into properties that we can return to the language runtime. This mostly includes
// an ID, URN, and defaults and output properties that will all be blitted back onto the runtime object.
obj, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(props, plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pulumirpc.RegisterResourceResponse{
Urn: string(state.URN),
Id: string(state.ID),
Object: obj,
Stable: stable,
Stables: stables,
}, nil
// RegisterResourceOutputs records some new output properties for a resource that have arrived after its initial
// provisioning. These will make their way into the eventual checkpoint state file for that resource.
func (rm *resmon) RegisterResourceOutputs(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.RegisterResourceOutputsRequest) (*pbempty.Empty, error) {
// Obtain and validate the message's inputs (a URN plus the output property map).
urn := resource.URN(req.GetUrn())
if urn == "" {
return nil, errors.New("missing required URN")
label := fmt.Sprintf("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResourceOutputs(%s)", urn)
outs, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetOutputs(), plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true, ComputeAssetHashes: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot unmarshal output properties")
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResourceOutputs received: urn=%v, #outs=%v", urn, len(outs))
// Now send the step over to the engine to perform.
step := &registerResourceOutputsEvent{
urn: urn,
outputs: outs,
done: make(chan bool),
select {
case rm.regOutChan <- step:
case <-rm.cancel:
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResourceOutputs operation canceled, urn=%s", urn)
return nil, rpcerror.New(codes.Unavailable, "resource monitor shut down while sending resource outputs")
// Now block waiting for the operation to finish.
select {
case <-step.done:
case <-rm.cancel:
logging.V(5).Infof("ResourceMonitor.RegisterResourceOutputs operation canceled, urn=%s", urn)
return nil, rpcerror.New(codes.Unavailable, "resource monitor shut down while waiting on output step's done channel")
"ResourceMonitor.RegisterResourceOutputs operation finished: urn=%v, #outs=%v", urn, len(outs))
return &pbempty.Empty{}, nil
type registerResourceEvent struct {
goal *resource.Goal // the resource goal state produced by the iterator.
done chan *RegisterResult // the channel to communicate with after the resource state is available.
var _ RegisterResourceEvent = (*registerResourceEvent)(nil)
func (g *registerResourceEvent) event() {}
func (g *registerResourceEvent) Goal() *resource.Goal {
return g.goal
Implement `get` functions on all resources This change implements the `get` function for resources. Per pulumi/lumi#83, this allows Lumi scripts to actually read from the target environment. For example, we can now look up a SecurityGroup from its ARN: let group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get( "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:153052954103:security-group:sg-02150d79"); The returned object is a fully functional resource object. So, we can then link it up with an EC2 instance, for example, in the usual ways: let instance = new aws.ec2.Instance(..., { securityGroups: [ group ], }); This didn't require any changes to the RPC or provider model, since we already implement the Get function. There are a few loose ends; two are short term: 1) URNs are not rehydrated. 2) Query is not yet implemented. One is mid-term: 3) We probably want a URN-based lookup function. But we will likely wait until we tackle pulumi/lumi#109 before adding this. And one is long term (and subtle): 4) These amount to I/O and are not repeatable! A change in the target environment may cause a script to generate a different plan intermittently. Most likely we want to apply a different kind of deployment "policy" for such scripts. These are inching towards the scripting model of pulumi/lumi#121, which is an entirely different beast than the repeatable immutable infrastructure deployments. Finally, it is worth noting that with this, we have some of the fundamental underpinnings required to finally tackle "inference" (pulumi/lumi#142).
2017-06-20 02:24:00 +02:00
func (g *registerResourceEvent) Done(result *RegisterResult) {
// Communicate the resulting state back to the RPC thread, which is parked awaiting our reply.
g.done <- result
type registerResourceOutputsEvent struct {
urn resource.URN // the URN to which this completion applies.
outputs resource.PropertyMap // an optional property bag for output properties.
done chan bool // the channel to communicate with after the operation completes.
var _ RegisterResourceOutputsEvent = (*registerResourceOutputsEvent)(nil)
func (g *registerResourceOutputsEvent) event() {}
func (g *registerResourceOutputsEvent) URN() resource.URN {
return g.urn
func (g *registerResourceOutputsEvent) Outputs() resource.PropertyMap {
return g.outputs
func (g *registerResourceOutputsEvent) Done() {
// Communicate the resulting state back to the RPC thread, which is parked awaiting our reply.
g.done <- true