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2018-05-22 21:43:36 +02:00
// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resource
import (
Support lists and maps in config (#3342) This change adds support for lists and maps in config. We now allow lists/maps (and nested structures) in `Pulumi.<stack>.yaml` (or `Pulumi.<stack>.json`; yes, we currently support that). For example: ```yaml config: proj:blah: - a - b - c proj:hello: world proj:outer: inner: value proj:servers: - port: 80 ``` While such structures could be specified in the `.yaml` file manually, we support setting values in maps/lists from the command line. As always, you can specify single values with: ```shell $ pulumi config set hello world ``` Which results in the following YAML: ```yaml proj:hello world ``` And single value secrets via: ```shell $ pulumi config set --secret token shhh ``` Which results in the following YAML: ```yaml proj:token: secure: v1:VZAhuroR69FkEPTk:isKafsoZVMWA9pQayGzbWNynww== ``` Values in a list can be set from the command line using the new `--path` flag, which indicates the config key contains a path to a property in a map or list: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path names[0] a $ pulumi config set --path names[1] b $ pulumi config set --path names[2] c ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:names - a - b - c ``` Values can be obtained similarly: ```shell $ pulumi config get --path names[1] b ``` Or setting values in a map: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path outer.inner value ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:outer: inner: value ``` Of course, setting values in nested structures is supported: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path servers[0].port 80 ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:servers: - port: 80 ``` If you want to include a period in the name of a property, it can be specified as: ``` $ pulumi config set --path 'nested["foo.bar"]' baz ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:nested: foo.bar: baz ``` Examples of valid paths: - root - root.nested - 'root["nested"]' - root.double.nest - 'root["double"].nest' - 'root["double"]["nest"]' - root.array[0] - root.array[100] - root.array[0].nested - root.array[0][1].nested - root.nested.array[0].double[1] - 'root["key with \"escaped\" quotes"]' - 'root["key with a ."]' - '["root key with \"escaped\" quotes"].nested' - '["root key with a ."][100]' Note: paths that contain quotes can be surrounded by single quotes. When setting values with `--path`, if the value is `"false"` or `"true"`, it will be saved as the boolean value, and if it is convertible to an integer, it will be saved as an integer. Secure values are supported in lists/maps as well: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path --secret tokens[0] shh ``` Will result in: ```yaml proj:tokens: - secure: v1:wpZRCe36sFg1RxwG:WzPeQrCn4n+m4Ks8ps15MxvFXg== ``` Note: maps of length 1 with a key of “secure” and string value are reserved for storing secret values. Attempting to create such a value manually will result in an error: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path parent.secure foo error: "secure" key in maps of length 1 are reserved ``` **Accessing config values from the command line with JSON** ```shell $ pulumi config --json ``` Will output: ```json { "proj:hello": { "value": "world", "secret": false, "object": false }, "proj:names": { "value": "[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": [ "a", "b", "c" ] }, "proj:nested": { "value": "{\"foo.bar\":\"baz\"}", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": { "foo.bar": "baz" } }, "proj:outer": { "value": "{\"inner\":\"value\"}", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": { "inner": "value" } }, "proj:servers": { "value": "[{\"port\":80}]", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": [ { "port": 80 } ] }, "proj:token": { "secret": true, "object": false }, "proj:tokens": { "secret": true, "object": true } } ``` If the value is a map or list, `"object"` will be `true`. `"value"` will contain the object as serialized JSON and a new `"objectValue"` property will be available containing the value of the object. If the object contains any secret values, `"secret"` will be `true`, and just like with scalar values, the value will not be outputted unless `--show-secrets` is specified. **Accessing config values from Pulumi programs** Map/list values are available to Pulumi programs as serialized JSON, so the existing `getObject`/`requireObject`/`getSecretObject`/`requireSecretObject` functions can be used to retrieve such values, e.g.: ```typescript import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; interface Server { port: number; } const config = new pulumi.Config(); const names = config.requireObject<string[]>("names"); for (const n of names) { console.log(n); } const servers = config.requireObject<Server[]>("servers"); for (const s of servers) { console.log(s.port); } ```
2019-11-01 21:41:27 +01:00
const (
// BookkeepingDir is the name of our bookkeeping folder, we store state here (like .git for git).
// Copied from workspace.BookkeepingDir to break import cycle.
BookkeepingDir = ".pulumi"
// Asset is a serialized asset reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several helper
// routines exist as members in order to easily interact with the assets referenced by an instance of this type.
type Asset struct {
// Sig is the unique asset type signature (see properties.go).
Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"`
// Hash is the SHA256 hash of the asset's contents.
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"`
// Text is set to a non-empty value for textual assets.
Text string `json:"text,omitempty" yaml:"text,omitempty"`
// Path will contain a non-empty path to the file on the current filesystem for file assets.
Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
// URI will contain a non-empty URI (file://, http://, https://, or custom) for URI-backed assets.
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"`
const (
AssetSig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17" // a randomly assigned type hash for assets.
AssetHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an asset's hash.
AssetTextProperty = "text" // the dynamic property for an asset's text.
AssetPathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an asset's path.
AssetURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an asset's URI.
// NewTextAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given text.
func NewTextAsset(text string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Text: text}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
// NewPathAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given filesystem path.
func NewPathAsset(path string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Path: path}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
// NewURIAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given network URI.
func NewURIAsset(uri string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, URI: uri}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func (a *Asset) IsText() bool { return !a.IsPath() && !a.IsURI() }
func (a *Asset) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" }
func (a *Asset) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" }
func (a *Asset) GetText() (string, bool) {
if a.IsText() {
return a.Text, true
return "", false
func (a *Asset) GetPath() (string, bool) {
if a.IsPath() {
return a.Path, true
return "", false
func (a *Asset) GetURI() (string, bool) {
if a.IsURI() {
return a.URI, true
return "", false
var (
functionRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`function __.*`)
withRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(` with\({ .* }\) {`)
environmentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(` }\).apply\(.*\).apply\(this, arguments\);`)
preambleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
`function __.*\(\) {\n return \(function\(\) {\n with \(__closure\) {\n\nreturn `)
postambleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
`;\n\n }\n }\).apply\(__environment\).apply\(this, arguments\);\n}`)
// IsUserProgramCode checks to see if this is the special asset containing the users's code
func (a *Asset) IsUserProgramCode() bool {
if !a.IsText() {
return false
text := a.Text
return functionRegexp.MatchString(text) &&
withRegexp.MatchString(text) &&
// MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset takes the text for a function and cleans it up a bit to make the
// user visible diffs less noisy. Specifically:
// 1. it tries to condense things by changling multiple blank lines into a single blank line.
// 2. it normalizs the sha hashes we emit so that changes to them don't appear in the diff.
// 3. it elides the with-capture headers, as changes there are not generally meaningful.
// TODO(https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/592) this is baking in a lot of knowledge about
// pulumi serialized functions. We should try to move to an alternative mode that isn't so brittle.
// Options include:
// 1. Have a documented delimeter format that plan.go will look for. Have the function serializer
// emit those delimeters around code that should be ignored.
// 2. Have our resource generation code supply not just the resource, but the "user presentable"
// resource that cuts out a lot of cruft. We could then just diff that content here.
func MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(asset *Asset, debug bool) *Asset {
if debug {
return asset
// Only do this for strings that match our serialized function pattern.
if !asset.IsUserProgramCode() {
return asset
text := asset.Text
replaceNewlines := func() {
for {
newText := strings.Replace(text, "\n\n\n", "\n\n", -1)
if len(newText) == len(text) {
text = newText
firstFunc := functionRegexp.FindStringIndex(text)
text = text[firstFunc[0]:]
text = withRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, " with (__closure) {")
text = environmentRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, " }).apply(__environment).apply(this, arguments);")
text = preambleRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, "")
text = postambleRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, "")
return &Asset{Text: text}
// GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it
// will be returned as a non-nil error object.
func (a *Asset) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) {
if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri {
url, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
return url, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
// Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other. In this case, value equality is determined only by the hash: even
// if the contents of two assets come from different sources, they are treated as equal if their hashes match.
// Similarly, if the contents of two assets come from the same source but the assets have different hashes, the assets
// are not equal.
func (a *Asset) Equals(other *Asset) bool {
if a == nil {
return other == nil
} else if other == nil {
return false
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
// If we can't get a hash for both assets, treat them as differing.
if err := a.EnsureHash(); err != nil {
return false
if err := other.EnsureHash(); err != nil {
return false
return a.Hash == other.Hash
2017-07-17 21:11:15 +02:00
// Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes.
func (a *Asset) Serialize() map[string]interface{} {
result := map[string]interface{}{
Implement more precise delete-before-replace semantics. (#2369) This implements the new algorithm for deciding which resources must be deleted due to a delete-before-replace operation. We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a change to the resource under consideration. We do this by taking the complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under consideration and removing any resources that would not be replaced by changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not a resource may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may change due to deletion of the resources their value depends on and calling the resource provider's Diff method. This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the following dependency graph: A __|__ B C | _|_ D E F In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may be the case, however, that changes to the specific properties of any of those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were deleted and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the edge from B to A may be a simple dependsOn edge such that a change to B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. In that case, neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted. In order to make the above algorithm a reality, the resource monitor interface has been updated to include a map that associates an input property key with the list of resources that input property depends on. Older clients of the resource monitor will leave this map empty, in which case all input properties will be treated as depending on all dependencies of the resource. This is probably overly conservative, but it is less conservative than what we currently implement, and is certainly correct.
2019-01-28 18:46:30 +01:00
SigKey: AssetSig,
if a.Hash != "" {
result[AssetHashProperty] = a.Hash
if a.Text != "" {
result[AssetTextProperty] = a.Text
if a.Path != "" {
result[AssetPathProperty] = a.Path
if a.URI != "" {
result[AssetURIProperty] = a.URI
return result
// DeserializeAsset checks to see if the map contains an asset, using its signature, and if so deserializes it.
2017-10-23 00:54:44 +02:00
func DeserializeAsset(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Asset, bool, error) {
// If not an asset, return false immediately.
Implement more precise delete-before-replace semantics. (#2369) This implements the new algorithm for deciding which resources must be deleted due to a delete-before-replace operation. We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a change to the resource under consideration. We do this by taking the complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under consideration and removing any resources that would not be replaced by changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not a resource may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may change due to deletion of the resources their value depends on and calling the resource provider's Diff method. This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the following dependency graph: A __|__ B C | _|_ D E F In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may be the case, however, that changes to the specific properties of any of those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were deleted and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the edge from B to A may be a simple dependsOn edge such that a change to B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. In that case, neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted. In order to make the above algorithm a reality, the resource monitor interface has been updated to include a map that associates an input property key with the list of resources that input property depends on. Older clients of the resource monitor will leave this map empty, in which case all input properties will be treated as depending on all dependencies of the resource. This is probably overly conservative, but it is less conservative than what we currently implement, and is certainly correct.
2019-01-28 18:46:30 +01:00
if obj[SigKey] != AssetSig {
return &Asset{}, false, nil
// Else, deserialize the possible fields.
var hash string
if v, has := obj[AssetHashProperty]; has {
h, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset hash of type %T", v)
hash = h
var text string
if v, has := obj[AssetTextProperty]; has {
t, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset text of type %T", v)
text = t
var path string
if v, has := obj[AssetPathProperty]; has {
p, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset path of type %T", v)
path = p
var uri string
if v, has := obj[AssetURIProperty]; has {
u, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset URI of type %T", v)
uri = u
return &Asset{Hash: hash, Text: text, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
// HasContents indicates whether or not an asset's contents can be read.
func (a *Asset) HasContents() bool {
return a.IsText() || a.IsPath() || a.IsURI()
// Bytes returns the contents of the asset as a byte slice.
func (a *Asset) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
// If this is a text asset, just return its bytes directly.
if text, istext := a.GetText(); istext {
return []byte(text), nil
blob, err := a.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ioutil.ReadAll(blob)
// Read begins reading an asset.
func (a *Asset) Read() (*Blob, error) {
if a.IsText() {
return a.readText()
} else if a.IsPath() {
return a.readPath()
} else if a.IsURI() {
return a.readURI()
return nil, errors.New("unrecognized asset type")
func (a *Asset) readText() (*Blob, error) {
text, istext := a.GetText()
contract.Assertf(istext, "Expected a text-based asset")
return NewByteBlob([]byte(text)), nil
func (a *Asset) readPath() (*Blob, error) {
path, ispath := a.GetPath()
contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset")
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open asset file '%v'", path)
// Do a quick check to make sure it's a file, so we can fail gracefully if someone passes a directory.
info, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat asset file '%v'", path)
if info.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Errorf("asset path '%v' is a directory; try using an archive", path)
blob := &Blob{
rd: file,
sz: info.Size(),
return blob, nil
func (a *Asset) readURI() (*Blob, error) {
url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset")
switch s := url.Scheme; s {
case "http", "https":
resp, err := httputil.GetWithRetry(url.String(), http.DefaultClient)
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
return NewReadCloserBlob(resp.Body)
case "file":
contract.Assert(url.User == nil)
contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "")
contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "")
if url.Host != "" && url.Host != "localhost" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("file:// host '%v' not supported (only localhost)", url.Host)
f, err := os.Open(url.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewFileBlob(f)
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s)
// EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the asset's contents and stores it on the object.
func (a *Asset) EnsureHash() error {
if a.Hash == "" {
blob, err := a.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(blob)
hash := sha256.New()
_, err = io.Copy(hash, blob)
if err != nil {
return err
a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return nil
// Blob is a blob that implements ReadCloser and offers Len functionality.
type Blob struct {
rd io.ReadCloser // an underlying reader.
sz int64 // the size of the blob.
func (blob *Blob) Close() error { return blob.rd.Close() }
func (blob *Blob) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return blob.rd.Read(p) }
func (blob *Blob) Size() int64 { return blob.sz }
// NewByteBlob creates a new byte blob.
func NewByteBlob(data []byte) *Blob {
return &Blob{
rd: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)),
sz: int64(len(data)),
// NewFileBlob creates a new asset blob whose size is known thanks to stat.
func NewFileBlob(f *os.File) (*Blob, error) {
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
stat, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
return &Blob{
rd: f,
sz: stat.Size(),
}, nil
// NewReadCloserBlob turn any old ReadCloser into an Blob, usually by making a copy.
func NewReadCloserBlob(r io.ReadCloser) (*Blob, error) {
if f, isf := r.(*os.File); isf {
// If it's a file, we can "fast path" the asset creation without making a copy.
return NewFileBlob(f)
// Otherwise, read it all in, and create a blob out of that.
defer contract.IgnoreClose(r)
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
return NewByteBlob(data), nil
// Archive is a serialized archive reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several
// helper routines exist as members in order to easily interact with archives of different kinds.
type Archive struct {
// Sig is the unique archive type signature (see properties.go).
Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"`
// Hash contains the SHA256 hash of the archive's contents.
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"`
// Assets, when non-nil, is a collection of other assets/archives.
Assets map[string]interface{} `json:"assets,omitempty" yaml:"assets,omitempty"`
// Path is a non-empty string representing a path to a file on the current filesystem, for file archives.
Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
// URI is a non-empty URI (file://, http://, https://, etc), for URI-backed archives.
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"`
const (
ArchiveSig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7" // a randomly assigned archive type signature.
ArchiveHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an archive's hash.
ArchiveAssetsProperty = "assets" // the dynamic property for an archive's assets.
ArchivePathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an archive's path.
ArchiveURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an archive's URI.
func NewAssetArchive(assets map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, error) {
// Ensure all elements are either assets or archives.
for _, asset := range assets {
switch t := asset.(type) {
case *Asset, *Archive:
// ok
return &Archive{}, errors.Errorf("type %v is not a valid archive element", t)
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Assets: assets}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func NewPathArchive(path string) (*Archive, error) {
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Path: path}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func NewURIArchive(uri string) (*Archive, error) {
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, URI: uri}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func (a *Archive) IsAssets() bool { return a.Assets != nil }
func (a *Archive) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" }
func (a *Archive) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" }
func (a *Archive) GetAssets() (map[string]interface{}, bool) {
if a.IsAssets() {
return a.Assets, true
return nil, false
func (a *Archive) GetPath() (string, bool) {
if a.IsPath() {
return a.Path, true
return "", false
func (a *Archive) GetURI() (string, bool) {
if a.IsURI() {
return a.URI, true
return "", false
// GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it
// will be returned as a non-nil error object.
func (a *Archive) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) {
if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri {
url, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
return url, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
// Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other. In this case, value equality is determined only by the hash: even
// if the contents of two archives come from different sources, they are treated as equal if their hashes match.
// Similarly, if the contents of two archives come from the same source but the archives have different hashes, the
// archives are not equal.
func (a *Archive) Equals(other *Archive) bool {
if a == nil {
return other == nil
} else if other == nil {
return false
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
// If we can't get a hash for both archives, treat them as differing.
if err := a.EnsureHash(); err != nil {
return false
if err := other.EnsureHash(); err != nil {
2017-07-17 21:11:15 +02:00
return false
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
return a.Hash == other.Hash
2017-07-17 21:11:15 +02:00
// Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes.
func (a *Archive) Serialize() map[string]interface{} {
result := map[string]interface{}{
Implement more precise delete-before-replace semantics. (#2369) This implements the new algorithm for deciding which resources must be deleted due to a delete-before-replace operation. We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a change to the resource under consideration. We do this by taking the complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under consideration and removing any resources that would not be replaced by changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not a resource may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may change due to deletion of the resources their value depends on and calling the resource provider's Diff method. This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the following dependency graph: A __|__ B C | _|_ D E F In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may be the case, however, that changes to the specific properties of any of those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were deleted and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the edge from B to A may be a simple dependsOn edge such that a change to B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. In that case, neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted. In order to make the above algorithm a reality, the resource monitor interface has been updated to include a map that associates an input property key with the list of resources that input property depends on. Older clients of the resource monitor will leave this map empty, in which case all input properties will be treated as depending on all dependencies of the resource. This is probably overly conservative, but it is less conservative than what we currently implement, and is certainly correct.
2019-01-28 18:46:30 +01:00
SigKey: ArchiveSig,
if a.Hash != "" {
result[ArchiveHashProperty] = a.Hash
if a.Assets != nil {
assets := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range a.Assets {
switch t := v.(type) {
case *Asset:
assets[k] = t.Serialize()
case *Archive:
assets[k] = t.Serialize()
contract.Failf("Unrecognized asset map type %v", reflect.TypeOf(t))
result[ArchiveAssetsProperty] = assets
if a.Path != "" {
result[ArchivePathProperty] = a.Path
if a.URI != "" {
result[ArchiveURIProperty] = a.URI
return result
// DeserializeArchive checks to see if the map contains an archive, using its signature, and if so deserializes it.
2017-10-23 00:54:44 +02:00
func DeserializeArchive(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, bool, error) {
// If not an archive, return false immediately.
Implement more precise delete-before-replace semantics. (#2369) This implements the new algorithm for deciding which resources must be deleted due to a delete-before-replace operation. We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a change to the resource under consideration. We do this by taking the complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under consideration and removing any resources that would not be replaced by changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not a resource may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may change due to deletion of the resources their value depends on and calling the resource provider's Diff method. This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the following dependency graph: A __|__ B C | _|_ D E F In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may be the case, however, that changes to the specific properties of any of those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were deleted and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the edge from B to A may be a simple dependsOn edge such that a change to B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. In that case, neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted. In order to make the above algorithm a reality, the resource monitor interface has been updated to include a map that associates an input property key with the list of resources that input property depends on. Older clients of the resource monitor will leave this map empty, in which case all input properties will be treated as depending on all dependencies of the resource. This is probably overly conservative, but it is less conservative than what we currently implement, and is certainly correct.
2019-01-28 18:46:30 +01:00
if obj[SigKey] != ArchiveSig {
return &Archive{}, false, nil
var hash string
if v, has := obj[ArchiveHashProperty]; has {
h, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive hash of type %T", v)
hash = h
var assets map[string]interface{}
if v, has := obj[ArchiveAssetsProperty]; has {
assets = make(map[string]interface{})
if v != nil {
m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive contents of type %T", v)
for k, elem := range m {
switch t := elem.(type) {
case *Asset:
assets[k] = t
case *Archive:
assets[k] = t
case map[string]interface{}:
2017-10-23 00:54:44 +02:00
a, isa, err := DeserializeAsset(t)
if err != nil {
return &Archive{}, false, err
} else if isa {
assets[k] = a
} else {
2017-10-23 00:54:44 +02:00
arch, isarch, err := DeserializeArchive(t)
if err != nil {
return &Archive{}, false, err
} else if !isarch {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("archive member '%v' is not an asset or archive", k)
assets[k] = arch
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("archive member '%v' is not an asset or archive", k)
var path string
if v, has := obj[ArchivePathProperty]; has {
p, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive path of type %T", v)
path = p
var uri string
if v, has := obj[ArchiveURIProperty]; has {
u, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive URI of type %T", v)
uri = u
return &Archive{Hash: hash, Assets: assets, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
// HasContents indicates whether or not an archive's contents can be read.
func (a *Archive) HasContents() bool {
return a.IsAssets() || a.IsPath() || a.IsURI()
// ArchiveReader presents the contents of an archive as a stream of named blobs.
type ArchiveReader interface {
// Next returns the name and contents of the next member of the archive. If there are no more members in the
// archive, this function returns ("", nil, io.EOF). The blob returned by a call to Next() must be read in full
// before the next call to Next().
Next() (string, *Blob, error)
// Close terminates the stream.
Close() error
// Open returns an ArchiveReader that can be used to iterate over the named blobs that comprise the archive.
func (a *Archive) Open() (ArchiveReader, error) {
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548) Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful. Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update). This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers. Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents. This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes. This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 20:45:13 +01:00
contract.Assertf(a.HasContents(), "cannot read an archive that has no contents")
if a.IsAssets() {
return a.readAssets()
} else if a.IsPath() {
return a.readPath()
} else if a.IsURI() {
return a.readURI()
return nil, errors.New("unrecognized archive type")
// assetsArchiveReader is used to read an Assets archive.
type assetsArchiveReader struct {
assets map[string]interface{}
keys []string
archive ArchiveReader
archiveRoot string
func (r *assetsArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) {
for {
// If we're currently flattening out a subarchive, first check to see if it has any more members. If it does,
// return the next member.
if r.archive != nil {
name, blob, err := r.archive.Next()
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
// The subarchive is complete. Nil it out and continue on.
r.archive = nil
case err != nil:
// The subarchive produced a legitimate error; return it.
return "", nil, err
// The subarchive produced a valid blob. Return it.
return filepath.Join(r.archiveRoot, name), blob, nil
// If there are no more members in this archive, return io.EOF.
if len(r.keys) == 0 {
return "", nil, io.EOF
// Fetch the next key in the archive and slice it off of the list.
name := r.keys[0]
r.keys = r.keys[1:]
asset := r.assets[name]
switch t := asset.(type) {
case *Asset:
// An asset can be produced directly.
blob, err := t.Read()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand archive asset '%v'", name)
return name, blob, nil
case *Archive:
// An archive must be flattened into its constituent blobs. Open the archive for reading and loop.
archive, err := t.Open()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand sub-archive '%v'", name)
r.archive = archive
r.archiveRoot = name
func (r *assetsArchiveReader) Close() error {
if r.archive != nil {
return r.archive.Close()
return nil
func (a *Archive) readAssets() (ArchiveReader, error) {
// To read a map-based archive, just produce a map from each asset to its associated reader.
m, isassets := a.GetAssets()
contract.Assertf(isassets, "Expected an asset map-based archive")
// Calculate and sort the list of member names s.t. it is deterministically orderered.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
r := &assetsArchiveReader{
assets: m,
keys: keys,
return r, nil
// directoryArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is represented by a directory in the host filesystem.
type directoryArchiveReader struct {
directoryPath string
assetPaths []string
func (r *directoryArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) {
// If there are no more members in this archive, return io.EOF.
if len(r.assetPaths) == 0 {
return "", nil, io.EOF
// Fetch the next path in the archive and slice it off of the list.
assetPath := r.assetPaths[0]
r.assetPaths = r.assetPaths[1:]
// Crop the asset's path s.t. it is relative to the directory path.
name, err := filepath.Rel(r.directoryPath, assetPath)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
name = filepath.Clean(name)
// Replace Windows separators with Linux ones (ToSlash is a no-op on Linux)
name = filepath.ToSlash(name)
// Open and return the blob.
blob, err := (&Asset{Path: assetPath}).Read()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return name, blob, nil
func (r *directoryArchiveReader) Close() error {
return nil
func (a *Archive) readPath() (ArchiveReader, error) {
// To read a path-based archive, read that file and use its extension to ascertain what format to use.
path, ispath := a.GetPath()
contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset")
format := detectArchiveFormat(path)
if format == NotArchive {
// If not an archive, it could be a directory; if so, simply expand it out uncompressed as an archive.
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't read archive path '%v'", path)
} else if !info.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Errorf("'%v' is neither a recognized archive type nor a directory", path)
// Accumulate the list of asset paths. This list is ordered deterministically by filepath.Walk.
assetPaths := []string{}
if walkerr := filepath.Walk(path, func(filePath string, f os.FileInfo, fileerr error) error {
// If there was an error, exit.
if fileerr != nil {
return fileerr
// If this is a .pulumi directory, we will skip this by default.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#122]: when we support .pulumiignore, this will be customizable.
Support lists and maps in config (#3342) This change adds support for lists and maps in config. We now allow lists/maps (and nested structures) in `Pulumi.<stack>.yaml` (or `Pulumi.<stack>.json`; yes, we currently support that). For example: ```yaml config: proj:blah: - a - b - c proj:hello: world proj:outer: inner: value proj:servers: - port: 80 ``` While such structures could be specified in the `.yaml` file manually, we support setting values in maps/lists from the command line. As always, you can specify single values with: ```shell $ pulumi config set hello world ``` Which results in the following YAML: ```yaml proj:hello world ``` And single value secrets via: ```shell $ pulumi config set --secret token shhh ``` Which results in the following YAML: ```yaml proj:token: secure: v1:VZAhuroR69FkEPTk:isKafsoZVMWA9pQayGzbWNynww== ``` Values in a list can be set from the command line using the new `--path` flag, which indicates the config key contains a path to a property in a map or list: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path names[0] a $ pulumi config set --path names[1] b $ pulumi config set --path names[2] c ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:names - a - b - c ``` Values can be obtained similarly: ```shell $ pulumi config get --path names[1] b ``` Or setting values in a map: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path outer.inner value ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:outer: inner: value ``` Of course, setting values in nested structures is supported: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path servers[0].port 80 ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:servers: - port: 80 ``` If you want to include a period in the name of a property, it can be specified as: ``` $ pulumi config set --path 'nested["foo.bar"]' baz ``` Which results in: ```yaml proj:nested: foo.bar: baz ``` Examples of valid paths: - root - root.nested - 'root["nested"]' - root.double.nest - 'root["double"].nest' - 'root["double"]["nest"]' - root.array[0] - root.array[100] - root.array[0].nested - root.array[0][1].nested - root.nested.array[0].double[1] - 'root["key with \"escaped\" quotes"]' - 'root["key with a ."]' - '["root key with \"escaped\" quotes"].nested' - '["root key with a ."][100]' Note: paths that contain quotes can be surrounded by single quotes. When setting values with `--path`, if the value is `"false"` or `"true"`, it will be saved as the boolean value, and if it is convertible to an integer, it will be saved as an integer. Secure values are supported in lists/maps as well: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path --secret tokens[0] shh ``` Will result in: ```yaml proj:tokens: - secure: v1:wpZRCe36sFg1RxwG:WzPeQrCn4n+m4Ks8ps15MxvFXg== ``` Note: maps of length 1 with a key of “secure” and string value are reserved for storing secret values. Attempting to create such a value manually will result in an error: ```shell $ pulumi config set --path parent.secure foo error: "secure" key in maps of length 1 are reserved ``` **Accessing config values from the command line with JSON** ```shell $ pulumi config --json ``` Will output: ```json { "proj:hello": { "value": "world", "secret": false, "object": false }, "proj:names": { "value": "[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": [ "a", "b", "c" ] }, "proj:nested": { "value": "{\"foo.bar\":\"baz\"}", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": { "foo.bar": "baz" } }, "proj:outer": { "value": "{\"inner\":\"value\"}", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": { "inner": "value" } }, "proj:servers": { "value": "[{\"port\":80}]", "secret": false, "object": true, "objectValue": [ { "port": 80 } ] }, "proj:token": { "secret": true, "object": false }, "proj:tokens": { "secret": true, "object": true } } ``` If the value is a map or list, `"object"` will be `true`. `"value"` will contain the object as serialized JSON and a new `"objectValue"` property will be available containing the value of the object. If the object contains any secret values, `"secret"` will be `true`, and just like with scalar values, the value will not be outputted unless `--show-secrets` is specified. **Accessing config values from Pulumi programs** Map/list values are available to Pulumi programs as serialized JSON, so the existing `getObject`/`requireObject`/`getSecretObject`/`requireSecretObject` functions can be used to retrieve such values, e.g.: ```typescript import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; interface Server { port: number; } const config = new pulumi.Config(); const names = config.requireObject<string[]>("names"); for (const n of names) { console.log(n); } const servers = config.requireObject<Server[]>("servers"); for (const s of servers) { console.log(s.port); } ```
2019-11-01 21:41:27 +01:00
if f.Name() == BookkeepingDir {
if f.IsDir() {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
Include symlink'd regular files in directory archives When constructing an Archive based off a directory path, we would ignore any symlinks that we saw while walking the file system collecting files to include in the archive. A user reported an issue where they were unable to use the [sharp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) library from NPM with a lambda deployed via Pulumi. The problem was that the library includes native components, and these native components include a bunch of `*.so` files. As is common, there's a regular file with a name like `foo.so.1.2.3` and then symlinks to that file with the names `foo.so.1.2`, `foo.so.1` and `foo.so`. Consumers of these SOs will try to load the shorter names, i.e. `foo.so` and expect the symlink to resolve to the actual library. When these links are not present, upstack code fails to load. This changes modifies our logic such that if we have a symlink and it points to a regular file, we include it in the archive. At this time, we don't try to add it to the archive as a symlink, instead we just add it as another copy of the regular file. We could explore trying to include these things as symlinks in archive formats that allow them (While zip does support this, I'm less sure doing this for zip files will be a great idea, given the set of tricks we already play to ensure our zip files are usable across many cloud vendors serverless offerings, it feels like throwing symlinks into the mix may end up causing even more downstream weirdness). We continue to ignore symlinks which point at directories. In practice, these seem fairly uncommon and doing so lets us not worry about trying to deal with ensuring we don't end up chasing our tail in cases where there are circular references. While this change is in pulumi/pulumi, the downstream resource providers will need to update their vendored dependencies in order to pick this up and have it work end to end. Fixes #2077
2019-01-17 20:15:24 +01:00
// If this was a directory, skip it.
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
Include symlink'd regular files in directory archives When constructing an Archive based off a directory path, we would ignore any symlinks that we saw while walking the file system collecting files to include in the archive. A user reported an issue where they were unable to use the [sharp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) library from NPM with a lambda deployed via Pulumi. The problem was that the library includes native components, and these native components include a bunch of `*.so` files. As is common, there's a regular file with a name like `foo.so.1.2.3` and then symlinks to that file with the names `foo.so.1.2`, `foo.so.1` and `foo.so`. Consumers of these SOs will try to load the shorter names, i.e. `foo.so` and expect the symlink to resolve to the actual library. When these links are not present, upstack code fails to load. This changes modifies our logic such that if we have a symlink and it points to a regular file, we include it in the archive. At this time, we don't try to add it to the archive as a symlink, instead we just add it as another copy of the regular file. We could explore trying to include these things as symlinks in archive formats that allow them (While zip does support this, I'm less sure doing this for zip files will be a great idea, given the set of tricks we already play to ensure our zip files are usable across many cloud vendors serverless offerings, it feels like throwing symlinks into the mix may end up causing even more downstream weirdness). We continue to ignore symlinks which point at directories. In practice, these seem fairly uncommon and doing so lets us not worry about trying to deal with ensuring we don't end up chasing our tail in cases where there are circular references. While this change is in pulumi/pulumi, the downstream resource providers will need to update their vendored dependencies in order to pick this up and have it work end to end. Fixes #2077
2019-01-17 20:15:24 +01:00
// If this is a symlink and it points at a directory, skip it. Otherwise continue along. This will mean
// that the file will be added to the list of files to archive. When you go to read this archive, you'll
// get a copy of the file (instead of a symlink) to some other file in the archive.
if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
fileInfo, statErr := os.Stat(filePath)
if statErr != nil {
return statErr
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
return nil
// Otherwise, add this asset to the list of paths and keep going.
assetPaths = append(assetPaths, filePath)
return nil
}); walkerr != nil {
return nil, walkerr
r := &directoryArchiveReader{
directoryPath: path,
assetPaths: assetPaths,
return r, nil
// Otherwise, it's an archive file, and we will go ahead and open it up and read it.
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return readArchive(file, format)
func (a *Archive) readURI() (ArchiveReader, error) {
// To read a URI-based archive, fetch the contents remotely and use the extension to pick the format to use.
url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset")
format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path)
if format == NotArchive {
// IDEA: support (a) hints and (b) custom providers that default to certain formats.
return nil, errors.Errorf("file at URL '%v' is not a recognized archive format", url)
ar, err := a.openURLStream(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return readArchive(ar, format)
func (a *Archive) openURLStream(url *url.URL) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
switch s := url.Scheme; s {
case "http", "https":
resp, err := httputil.GetWithRetry(url.String(), http.DefaultClient)
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
return resp.Body, nil
case "file":
contract.Assert(url.Host == "")
contract.Assert(url.User == nil)
contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "")
contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "")
return os.Open(url.Path)
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s)
// Bytes fetches the archive contents as a byte slices. This is almost certainly the least efficient way to deal with
// the underlying streaming capabilities offered by assets and archives, but can be used in a pinch to interact with
// APIs that demand []bytes.
func (a *Archive) Bytes(format ArchiveFormat) ([]byte, error) {
var data bytes.Buffer
if err := a.Archive(format, &data); err != nil {
return nil, err
return data.Bytes(), nil
// Archive produces a single archive stream in the desired format. It prefers to return the archive with as little
// copying as is feasible, however if the desired format is different from the source, it will need to translate.
func (a *Archive) Archive(format ArchiveFormat, w io.Writer) error {
// If the source format is the same, just return that.
if sf, ss, err := a.ReadSourceArchive(); sf != NotArchive && sf == format {
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := io.Copy(w, ss)
return err
switch format {
case TarArchive:
return a.archiveTar(w)
case TarGZIPArchive:
return a.archiveTarGZIP(w)
case ZIPArchive:
return a.archiveZIP(w)
contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format)
return nil
// addNextFileToTar adds the next file in the given archive to the given tar file. Returns io.EOF if the archive
// contains no more files.
func addNextFileToTar(r ArchiveReader, tw *tar.Writer, seenFiles map[string]bool) error {
file, data, err := r.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(data)
// It's possible to run into the same file multiple times in the list of archives we're passed.
// For example, if there is an archive pointing to foo/bar and an archive pointing to
// foo/bar/baz/quux. Because of this only include the file the first time we see it.
if _, has := seenFiles[file]; has {
return nil
seenFiles[file] = true
sz := data.Size()
if err = tw.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
Name: file,
Mode: 0600,
Size: sz,
}); err != nil {
return err
n, err := io.Copy(tw, data)
if err == tar.ErrWriteTooLong {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("incorrect blob size for %v: expected %v, got %v", file, sz, n))
return err
func (a *Archive) archiveTar(w io.Writer) error {
// Open the archive.
reader, err := a.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(reader)
// Now actually emit the contents, file by file.
tw := tar.NewWriter(w)
seenFiles := make(map[string]bool)
for err == nil {
err = addNextFileToTar(reader, tw, seenFiles)
if err != io.EOF {
return err
return tw.Close()
func (a *Archive) archiveTarGZIP(w io.Writer) error {
z := gzip.NewWriter(w)
return a.archiveTar(z)
// addNextFileToZIP adds the next file in the given archive to the given ZIP file. Returns io.EOF if the archive
// contains no more files.
func addNextFileToZIP(r ArchiveReader, zw *zip.Writer, seenFiles map[string]bool) error {
file, data, err := r.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(data)
// It's possible to run into the same file multiple times in the list of archives we're passed.
// For example, if there is an archive pointing to foo/bar and an archive pointing to
// foo/bar/baz/quux. Because of this only include the file the first time we see it.
if _, has := seenFiles[file]; has {
return nil
seenFiles[file] = true
fh := &zip.FileHeader{
// These are the two fields set by zw.Create()
Name: file,
Method: zip.Deflate,
// Set a nonzero -- but constant -- modification time. Otherwise, some agents (e.g. Azure
// websites) can't extract the resulting archive. The date is comfortably after 1980 because
// the ZIP format includes a date representation that starts at 1980. Use `SetModTime` to
// remain compatible with Go 1.9.
// nolint: megacheck
fh.SetModTime(time.Date(1990, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
fw, err := zw.CreateHeader(fh)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(fw, data)
return err
func (a *Archive) archiveZIP(w io.Writer) error {
// Open the archive.
reader, err := a.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(reader)
// Now actually emit the contents, file by file.
zw := zip.NewWriter(w)
seenFiles := make(map[string]bool)
for err == nil {
err = addNextFileToZIP(reader, zw, seenFiles)
if err != io.EOF {
return err
return zw.Close()
// ReadSourceArchive returns a stream to the underlying archive, if there is one.
func (a *Archive) ReadSourceArchive() (ArchiveFormat, io.ReadCloser, error) {
if path, ispath := a.GetPath(); ispath {
if format := detectArchiveFormat(path); format != NotArchive {
f, err := os.Open(path)
return format, f, err
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} else if url, isurl, urlerr := a.GetURIURL(); urlerr == nil && isurl {
if format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path); format != NotArchive {
s, err := a.openURLStream(url)
return format, s, err
return NotArchive, nil, nil
// EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the archive's contents and stores it on the object.
func (a *Archive) EnsureHash() error {
if a.Hash == "" {
hash := sha256.New()
// Attempt to compute the hash in the most efficient way. First try to open the archive directly and copy it
// to the hash. This avoids traversing any of the contents and just treats it as a byte stream.
f, r, err := a.ReadSourceArchive()
if err != nil {
return err
if f != NotArchive && r != nil {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(r)
_, err = io.Copy(hash, r)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Otherwise, it's not an archive; we'll need to transform it into one. Pick tar since it avoids
// any superfluous compression which doesn't actually help us in this situation.
err := a.Archive(TarArchive, hash)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally, encode the resulting hash as a string and we're done.
a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return nil
// ArchiveFormat indicates what archive and/or compression format an archive uses.
type ArchiveFormat int
const (
NotArchive = iota // not an archive.
TarArchive // a POSIX tar archive.
TarGZIPArchive // a POSIX tar archive that has been subsequently compressed using GZip.
ZIPArchive // a multi-file ZIP archive.
// ArchiveExts maps from a file extension and its associated archive and/or compression format.
var ArchiveExts = map[string]ArchiveFormat{
".tar": TarArchive,
".tgz": TarGZIPArchive,
".tar.gz": TarGZIPArchive,
".zip": ZIPArchive,
// detectArchiveFormat takes a path and infers its archive format based on the file extension.
func detectArchiveFormat(path string) ArchiveFormat {
for ext, typ := range ArchiveExts {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ext) {
return typ
return NotArchive
// readArchive takes a stream to an existing archive and returns a map of names to readers for the inner assets.
// The routine returns an error if something goes wrong and, no matter what, closes the stream before returning.
func readArchive(ar io.ReadCloser, format ArchiveFormat) (ArchiveReader, error) {
switch format {
case TarArchive:
return readTarArchive(ar)
case TarGZIPArchive:
return readTarGZIPArchive(ar)
case ZIPArchive:
// Unfortunately, the ZIP archive reader requires ReaderAt functionality. If it's a file, we can recover this
// with a simple stat. Otherwise, we will need to go ahead and make a copy in memory.
var ra io.ReaderAt
var sz int64
if f, isf := ar.(*os.File); isf {
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
stat, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2017-05-14 02:04:35 +02:00
ra = f
sz = stat.Size()
} else if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(ar); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
ra = bytes.NewReader(data)
sz = int64(len(data))
return readZIPArchive(ra, sz)
contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format)
return nil, nil
// tarArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is stored in tar format.
type tarArchiveReader struct {
ar io.ReadCloser
tr *tar.Reader
func (r *tarArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) {
for {
file, err := r.tr.Next()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
switch file.Typeflag {
case tar.TypeDir:
continue // skip directories
case tar.TypeReg:
// Return the tar reader for this file's contents.
data := &Blob{
rd: ioutil.NopCloser(r.tr),
sz: file.Size,
name := filepath.Clean(file.Name)
return name, data, nil
contract.Failf("Unrecognized tar header typeflag: %v", file.Typeflag)
func (r *tarArchiveReader) Close() error {
return r.ar.Close()
func readTarArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (ArchiveReader, error) {
r := &tarArchiveReader{
ar: ar,
tr: tar.NewReader(ar),
return r, nil
func readTarGZIPArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (ArchiveReader, error) {
// First decompress the GZIP stream.
gz, err := gzip.NewReader(ar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now read the tarfile.
return readTarArchive(gz)
// zipArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is stored in ZIP format.
type zipArchiveReader struct {
ar io.ReaderAt
zr *zip.Reader
index int
func (r *zipArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) {
for r.index < len(r.zr.File) {
file := r.zr.File[r.index]
// Skip directories, since they aren't included in TAR and other archives above.
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
// Open the next file and return its blob.
body, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read ZIP inner file %v", file.Name)
blob := &Blob{
rd: body,
sz: int64(file.UncompressedSize64),
name := filepath.Clean(file.Name)
return name, blob, nil
return "", nil, io.EOF
func (r *zipArchiveReader) Close() error {
if c, ok := r.ar.(io.Closer); ok {
return c.Close()
return nil
func readZIPArchive(ar io.ReaderAt, size int64) (ArchiveReader, error) {
zr, err := zip.NewReader(ar, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read ZIP")
r := &zipArchiveReader{
ar: ar,
zr: zr,
return r, nil