[sdk/nodejs] Unmarshal output values in component provider (#8205)

This adds support for unmarshaling output values in the Node.js provider.
This commit is contained in:
Justin Van Patten 2021-11-15 11:22:44 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent c4c1f3d449
commit 10ceee406e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 565 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
- [sdk/python] - Unmarshal output values in component provider.
- [sdk/nodejs] - Unmarshal output values in component provider.
### Bug Fixes
- [engine] - Compute dependents correctly during targeted deletes.

View file

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class Server implements grpc.UntypedServiceImplementation {
const resp = new provproto.ConfigureResponse();
callback(undefined, resp);
@ -481,33 +482,78 @@ function configureRuntime(req: any, engineAddr: string) {
runtime.setAllConfig(pulumiConfig, req.getConfigsecretkeysList());
// deserializeInputs deserializes the inputs struct and applies appropriate dependencies.
async function deserializeInputs(inputsStruct: any, inputDependencies: any): Promise<Inputs> {
* deserializeInputs deserializes the inputs struct and applies appropriate dependencies.
* @internal
export async function deserializeInputs(inputsStruct: any, inputDependencies: any): Promise<Inputs> {
const result: Inputs = {};
const deserializedInputs = runtime.deserializeProperties(inputsStruct);
for (const k of Object.keys(deserializedInputs)) {
const inputDeps = inputDependencies.get(k);
const depsUrns: resource.URN[] = inputDeps?.getUrnsList() ?? [];
const deps = depsUrns.map(depUrn => new resource.DependencyResource(depUrn));
const input = deserializedInputs[k];
const isSecret = runtime.isRpcSecret(input);
const isResourceReference = resource.Resource.isInstance(input)
&& depsUrns.length === 1
&& depsUrns[0] === await input.urn.promise();
if (isResourceReference || (!isSecret && deps.length === 0)) {
// If it's a prompt value, return it directly without wrapping it as an output.
const depsUrns: resource.URN[] = inputDependencies.get(k)?.getUrnsList() ?? [];
if (!isSecret && (depsUrns.length === 0 || containsOutputs(input) || await isResourceReference(input, depsUrns))) {
// If the input isn't a secret and either doesn't have any dependencies, already contains Outputs (from
// deserialized output values), or is a resource reference, then we can return it directly without
// wrapping it as an output.
result[k] = input;
} else {
// Otherwise, wrap it in an output so we can handle secrets and/or track dependencies.
// Note: If the value is or contains an unknown value, the Output will mark its value as
// unknown automatically, so we just pass true for isKnown here.
const deps = depsUrns.map(depUrn => new resource.DependencyResource(depUrn));
result[k] = new Output(deps, Promise.resolve(runtime.unwrapRpcSecret(input)), Promise.resolve(true),
Promise.resolve(isSecret), Promise.resolve([]));
return result;
* Returns true if the input is a resource reference.
async function isResourceReference(input: any, deps: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
return resource.Resource.isInstance(input)
&& deps.length === 1
&& deps[0] === await input.urn.promise();
* Returns true if the deserialized input contains Outputs (deeply), excluding properties of Resources.
* @internal
export function containsOutputs(input: any): boolean {
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
for (const e of input) {
if (containsOutputs(e)) {
return true;
else if (typeof input === "object") {
if (Output.isInstance(input)) {
return true;
else if (resource.Resource.isInstance(input)) {
// Do not drill into instances of Resource because they will have properties that are
// instances of Output (e.g. urn, id, etc.) and we're only looking for instances of
// Output that aren't associated with a Resource.
return false;
for (const k of Object.keys(input)) {
if (containsOutputs(input[k])) {
return true;
return false;
// grpcResponseFromError creates a gRPC response representing an error from a dynamic provider's
// resource. This is typically either a creation error, in which the API server has (virtually)
// rejected the resource, or an initialization error, where the API server has accepted the

View file

@ -15,8 +15,41 @@
import * as assert from "assert";
import { asyncTest } from "./util";
import * as pulumi from "..";
import * as internals from "../provider/internals";
const gstruct = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js");
class TestResource extends pulumi.CustomResource {
constructor(name: string, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
super("test:index:TestResource", name, {}, opts);
class TestModule implements pulumi.runtime.ResourceModule {
construct(name: string, type: string, urn: string): pulumi.Resource {
switch (type) {
case "test:index:TestResource":
return new TestResource(name, { urn });
throw new Error(`unknown resource type ${type}`);
class TestMocks implements pulumi.runtime.Mocks {
call(args: pulumi.runtime.MockCallArgs): Record<string, any> {
throw new Error(`unknown function ${args.token}`);
newResource(args: pulumi.runtime.MockResourceArgs): { id: string | undefined; state: Record<string, any> } {
return {
id: args.name + "_id",
state: args.inputs,
describe("provider", () => {
it("parses arguments generated by --logflow", asyncTest(async () => {
const parsedArgs = internals.parseArgs(["--logtostderr", "-v=9", "--tracing", "", ""]);
@ -26,4 +59,477 @@ describe("provider", () => {
assert.fail("failed to parse");
describe("deserializeInputs", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
async function assertOutputEqual(
actual: any, value: ((v: any) => Promise<void>) | any, known: boolean, secret: boolean, deps?: pulumi.URN[]) {
if (typeof value === "function") {
await value(await actual.promise());
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.promise(), value);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.isKnown, known);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.isSecret, secret);
const actualDeps = new Set<pulumi.URN>();
const resources = await actual.allResources!();
for (const r of resources) {
const urn = await r.urn.promise();
assert.deepStrictEqual(actualDeps, new Set<pulumi.URN>(deps ?? []));
function createSecret(value: any) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialSecretSig,
function createResourceRef(urn: pulumi.URN, id?: pulumi.ID) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialResourceSig,
...(id && { id }),
function createOutputValue(value?: any, secret?: boolean, dependencies?: pulumi.URN[]) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialOutputValueSig,
...(value !== undefined && { value }),
...(secret && { secret }),
...(dependencies && { dependencies }),
const testURN = "urn:pulumi:stack::project::test:index:TestResource::name";
const testID = "name_id";
const tests: {
name: string;
input: any;
deps?: string[];
expected?: any;
assert?: (actual: any) => Promise<void>;
}[] = [
name: "unknown",
input: pulumi.runtime.unknownValue,
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested unknown",
input: [pulumi.runtime.unknownValue],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown",
input: { foo: pulumi.runtime.unknownValue },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "unknown output value",
input: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]),
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "unknown output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue(),
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false);
name: "array nested unknown output value",
input: [createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"])],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested unknown output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"])],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]) },
assert: async(actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string value (no deps)",
input: "hi",
expected: "hi",
name: "array nested string value (no deps)",
input: ["hi"],
expected: ["hi"],
name: "object nested string value (no deps)",
input: { foo: "hi" },
expected: { foo: "hi" },
name: "string output value",
input: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]),
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("hi"),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "hi", true, false);
name: "array nested string output value",
input: [createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"])],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested string output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"])],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested string output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested string output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string secret (no deps)",
input: createSecret("shh"),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true);
name: "array nested string secret (no deps)",
input: [createSecret("shh")],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, ["shh"], true, true);
name: "object nested string secret (no deps)",
input: { foo: createSecret("shh") },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, { foo: "shh" }, true, true);
name: "string secret output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true);
name: "array nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true)],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true);
name: "object nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true);
name: "string secret output value",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]),
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "string secret output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "array nested string secret output value",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"])],
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "array nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"])],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "object nested string secret output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "object nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "resource ref",
input: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.id.promise(), testID);
name: "resource ref (no deps)",
input: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.id.promise(), testID);
name: "array nested resource ref",
input: [createResourceRef(testURN, testID)],
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v[0] instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v[0].urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v[0].id.promise(), testID);
}, true, false, [testURN]);
name: "array nested resource ref (no deps)",
input: [createResourceRef(testURN, testID)],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual[0] instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual[0].urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual[0].id.promise(), testID);
name: "object nested resource ref",
input: { foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID) },
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.id.promise(), testID);
}, true, false, [testURN]);
name: "object nested resource ref (no deps)",
input: { foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID) },
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
name: "object nested resource ref and secret",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createSecret("shh"),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
// Because there's a nested secret, the top-level property is an output.
await assertOutputEqual(actual, async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.id.promise(), testID);
assert.deepStrictEqual(v.bar, "shh");
}, true, true, [testURN]);
name: "object nested resource ref and secret output value",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createOutputValue("shh", true),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
await assertOutputEqual(actual.bar, "shh", true, true);
name: "object nested resource ref and secret output value (no deps)",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createOutputValue("shh", true),
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
await assertOutputEqual(actual.bar, "shh", true, true);
for (const test of tests) {
it(`deserializes '${test.name}' correctly`, asyncTest(async () => {
pulumi.runtime.setMocks(new TestMocks(), "project", "stack", true);
pulumi.runtime.registerResourceModule("test", "index", new TestModule());
new TestResource("name"); // Create an instance so it can be deserialized.
const inputs = { value: test.input };
const inputsStruct = gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(inputs);
const inputDependencies = {
get: () => ({
getUrnsList: () => test.deps,
const result = await pulumi.provider.deserializeInputs(inputsStruct, inputDependencies);
const actual = result["value"];
if (test.assert) {
await test.assert(actual);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, test.expected);
describe("containsOutputs", () => {
const tests: {
name: string;
input: any;
expected: boolean;
}[] = [
name: "Output",
input: pulumi.Output.create("hi"),
expected: true,
name: "[Output]",
input: [pulumi.Output.create("hi")],
expected: true,
name: "{ foo: Output }",
input: { foo: pulumi.Output.create("hi") },
expected: true,
name: "Resource",
input: new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN"),
expected: false,
name: "[Resource]",
input: [new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN")],
expected: false,
name: "{ foo: Resource }",
input: { foo: new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN") },
expected: false,
for (const test of tests) {
it(`${test.name} should return ${test.expected}`, () => {
const actual = pulumi.provider.containsOutputs(test.input);
assert.strictEqual(actual, test.expected);