Sketch out the Metadata spec; start on the AWS IaaS

This sketches out some more details in the Metadata format, in addition to
starting to articulate what the AWS IaaS provider looks like.  Sadly, more
questions than answers, but it's good to have the placeholders...
This commit is contained in:
joeduffy 2016-11-03 15:12:22 -07:00
parent 969294aad6
commit 1742d0ecf1

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@ -7,11 +7,89 @@ targets.
This section includes the specification for Mu's metadata plus its core platform primitives.
### Platform
The essential artifact a developer uses to create Stacks and Services is something we call a Mufile. It is
conventionally named `Mu.yaml`, usually checked into the Workspace, and each single file describes a Stack. (Note that
Stacks may internally contain other Stacks, however this is purely an implementation detail of how the Stack works.)
A Stack is comprised of many Services, instantiated from other Stacks. This of course eventually bottoms out on a core
set of "primitive" constructs, offered by the Mu platform. In addition to those primitives, a rich ecosystem exists on
top, so that, for the most part, end-user Stacks seldom need to interact directly even with the primitives.
TODO(joe): declarative specification format for Clusters.
Although all examples are in YAML, it is perfectly valid to use JSON instead if that is more desirable.
### Package Managament
Each Mufile begins with some standard "package manager"-like metadata, like name, version, description, and so on. As
with most package managers, most of these elements are optional:
name: elk
version: 1.0.1
description: A fully functioning ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).
author: Joe Smith <>
TODO(joe): finish this section.
### APIs
Every Stack may choose to export one or more APIs. These APIs can be standard "unconstrained" network interfaces, such
as "HTTP over port 80", or can take on a more structured form, like leveraging OpenAPI to declare a protocol interface.
The benefits of declaring the full interfaces are that the RPC semantics are known to the system, facilitating advanced
management capabilities such as diagnostics, monitoring, fuzzing, and self-documentation, in addition to RPC code-
generation. This also adds a sort of "strong typing" to the connections between Services.
TODO(joe): articulate this section further; e.g., the metadata format, precise advantages, etc.
### Services
After that comes the section that describes what Services make up this Stack:
In this section is zero-to-many Services that are co-created with one another. Each Service has:
* A name, both for dynamic and static use.
* A type, which is just the name of a Stack to instantiate.
* A visibility governing whether consumers of this Stack have access to it or not.
* One or more named arguments, mapping to the Stack's constructor parameters.
Although these Services are co-created, they may reference one another. The references between each other forms a DAG
and the system topologically sorts that DAG in order to determine the order in which to create and destroy Services.
Notable there may be no cycles. By default, the system understands liveness and health (TODO(joe): how); as a result,
the developer need not explicitly worry about races, liveness, or retries during Service creation.
#### Names
A Service's name can be set in one of two ways. The simplest is to use the "default", derived from the Stack type. For
example, in the following metadata, the single Service has type `nginx/nginx`, gets a default name of `nginx`:
port: 80
Note that this is the latter part of the name; something called `elasticsearch/kibana` would get a name of `kibana`.
If we wish instead to give this an explicit name, say `www`, we can do so using the `type` property:
type: nginx/nginx
port: 80
A Service's name is visible at runtime (e.g., in logs, diagnostics commands, and so on), in addition to controlling how
metadata cross-referenes that Service. All Services live within a Stack, which of course has a name. Inside of a
Stack, this outer name becomes its Namespace. For instance, inside of a Stack named `marapongo/mu`, a Service named `x`
has a fully qualified name (FQN) of `marapongo/mu/x`. Although we seldom need the FQN for references within a single
Stack, they are sometimes needed for inter-Stack references, in addition to management activities.
#### Types
Each Service has a type, which is merely the name of another Stack. Most of the time this is the FQN, although for
references to other Stacks defined within the same Mufile (more on that later), this can just be a simple name. During
instantiation of that Service, a fresh instance of that Stack is created and bound to in place of this Service name.
Although there are obviously many opportunities for ecosystems of user-defined Stacks, and indeed a rich library offered
by the Mu platofrm itself, we eventually bottom out on a core set of "primitive" constructs.
The primitive types available include:
@ -25,32 +103,11 @@ The primitive types available include:
TODO(joe): link to exhaustive details on each of these.
TODO(joe): is there an extensibility model, whereby the set of primitive constructs can be extended?
Although these may look like "magic", each primitive Stack simply leverages an open extensibility API in the platform.
Most interesting tasks may be achieved by composing existing Stacks, however, this extensibility API may be used to
define new, custom primitive Stacks for even richer functionality. TODO(joe): more on this.
### Metadata
The essential artifact a developer uses to create Stacks and Services is something we call a Mufile. It is
conventionally named `Mu.yaml`, usually checked into the Workspace, and each single file describes a Stack. Note that
Stacks may internally contain other Stacks, however this is purely an implementation detail of how the Stack works.
#### Package Managament
Each Mufile begins with some standard "package manager"-like metadata, like name, version, description, and so on. As
with most package managers, most of these elements are optional:
name: elk
version: 1.0.1
description: A fully functioning ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).
author: Joe Smith <>
TODO(joe): finish this section.
#### Services
After that comes the section that describes what Services make up this Stack:
#### Visibility
At this point, a new concept is introduced: *visibility*. Visibility works much like your favorite programming
language, in that a Stack may declare that any of its Services are `public` or `private`. This impacts the
@ -71,11 +128,11 @@ shouldn't be of interest to consumers of our Stack. So, we split things accordi
In this example, S3 buckets are volumes; we create a private one and mount it in our public Nginx container.
#### Constructor Arguments
TODO(joe): more examples.
TODO(joe): a section on names, scoping, etc.
#### Nested Stacks
### Nested Stacks
Another feature that comes in handy sometimes is the ability to create nested Stacks:
@ -92,6 +149,17 @@ TODO(joe): examples of the above.
TODO(joe): we need to decide whether you can export public Stacks for public consumption. At this point, my stance is
that you must create an entirely different Stack to do that. This keeps things simple for the time being.
### Target-Specific Metadata
Although for the most part, metadata strives to be cloud provider-agnostic, there are two ways in which it may not be.
First, some Stack types are available only on a particular cloud, like `aws/s3/bucket` (and any that transitively
reference this). Attempting to cross-deploy Stacks referencing such things will fail at compile-time, for obvious
reasons. Second, some metadata can be cloud provider-specific. For example, even if we are creating a Service that is
logically independent from any given cloud, like a Load Balancer, we may wish to provider cloud-specific settings.
Those appear in a special metadata section and are marked in such a way that erroneous deployments fail at compile-time.
More details on target-specific Stacks and metadata settings are provided below in the relevant sections.
### An Illustrative Example
Before breaking down the implementation of these concepts, let's first look at an illustrative example.
@ -134,7 +202,7 @@ AWS will leverage CloudFormation as the target metadata. In certain cases, we a
Refer to [marapongo/mu#2]( for an up-to-date prioritization of platforms.
## Clusters
### Clusters
A Stack is deployed to a Cluster. Any given Cluster is a fixed combination of IaaS and CaaS provider. Developers may
choose to manage Clusters and multiplex many Stacks onto any given Cluster, or they may choose to simply deploy a
@ -144,6 +212,13 @@ it will likely take more time to provision and modify entire Clusters than just
Because creating and managing Clusters is a discrete step, the translation process will articulate them independently.
The tools make both the complex and simple workflows possible.
### Commonalities
There are some common principles applied, no matter the target, which are worth calling out:
* DNS is the primary means of service discovery.
* TODO(joe): more...
### IaaS Targets
This section describes the translation for various IaaS targets. Recall that deploying to an IaaS *without* any CaaS is
@ -153,6 +228,59 @@ than leveraging a VM per Docker Container, the CaaS translation will choose to t
#### Amazon Web Services (AWS)
The output of a transformation is one or more AWS CloudFormation templates.
##### Clusters
Each Cluster is given a standard set of resources. If multiple Stacks are deployed into a shared Cluster, then those
Stacks will share all of these resources. Otherwise, each Stack is given a dedicated set of them just for itself.
TODO(joe): IAM.
TODO(joe): keys.
By default, all machines are placed into the XXX region and are given a size of YYY. The choice of region may be
specified at provisioning time (TODO(joe): how), and the size may be changed as a Cluster-wide default (TODO(joe): how),
or on an individual Node basis (TODO(joe): how).
TODO(joe): multi-region.
TODO(joe): high availability.
TODO(joe): see for reasonable defaults.
Each Cluster gets a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for network isolation. Along with this VPC comes the standard set of
sub-resources: a Subnet, Internet Gateway, and Route Table. By default, Ingress and Egress ports are left closed. As
Stacks are deployed, ports are managed automatically (although an administrator can lock them (TODO(joe): how)).
TODO(joe): open SSH by default?
TODO(joe): joining existing VPCs.
TODO(joe): how to override default settings.
TODO(joe): multiple Availability Zones (and a Subnet per AZ); required for ELB.
TODO(joe): HTTPS certs.
TODO(joe): describe how ports get opened or closed (e.g., top-level Stack exports).
TODO(joe): articulate how Route53 gets configured.
TODO(joe): articulate how ELBs do or do not get created for the cluster as a whole.
Next, each Cluster gets a key/value store. By default, this is Hashicorp Consul. This is used to manage Cluster
configuration, in addition to a discovery service should a true CaaS orchestration platform be used (i.e., not VMs).
TODO(joe): it's unfortunate that we need to do this. It's a "cliff" akin to setting up a Kube cluster.
TODO(joe): ideally we would use an AWS native key/value/discovery service (or our own, leveraging e.g. DynamoDB).
TODO(joe): this should be pluggable.
TODO(joe): figure out how to handle persistence.
All Nodes in the Cluster are configured uniformly:
1. DNS for service discovery.
2. Docker volume driver for EBS-based persistence (TODO: how does this interact with Mu volumes).
TODO(joe): describe whether this is done thanks to an AMI, post-install script, or something else.
TODO(joe): CloudWatch.
TODO(joe): CloudTrail.
##### Stacks/Services
##### AWS-Specific Metadata
#### Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
#### Microsoft Azure