Emit more types

This change emits more types.  In particular:

* Previously, only primitive types got emitted, yielding "any" for any
  custom types.  Now we emit custom types, including fully qualified
  module names for type references resolving to imported modules.

* Prior to this change, we erroneously used the type node on the function
  declaration itself as an approximation for return type.  To get the
  true return type, we need to dig through a few nodes, including the
  Declaration and Signature.  This change now properly emits return types.

This doesn't close out marapongo/mu#46, however we are getting close.
This commit is contained in:
joeduffy 2017-01-17 09:34:38 -08:00
parent cca8619351
commit dbc17656f9
5 changed files with 118 additions and 67 deletions

View file

@ -271,7 +271,13 @@ export class Transformer {
// createModuleReference turns a ECMAScript import path into a MuIL module token.
private createModuleReference(path: string): ModuleReference {
private createModuleReference(sym: ts.Symbol): ModuleReference {
contract.assert(!!(sym.flags & (ts.SymbolFlags.ValueModule | ts.SymbolFlags.NamespaceModule)));
return this.createModuleReferenceFromPath(sym.name);
// createModuleReferenceFromPath turns a ECMAScript import path into a MuIL module token.
private createModuleReferenceFromPath(path: string): ModuleReference {
// Module paths can be enclosed in quotes; eliminate them.
if (path && path[0] === "\"") {
path = path.substring(1);
@ -291,18 +297,31 @@ export class Transformer {
return token;
// getResolvedModules returns the current SourceFile's known modules inside of a map.
private getResolvedModules(): ts.Map<ts.ResolvedModuleFull> {
// TODO[marapongo/mu#52]: we are grabbing the sourceContext's resolvedModules property directly, because
// TypeScript doesn't currently offer a convenient way of accessing this information. The (unexported)
// getResolvedModule function almost does this, but not quite, because it doesn't allow us to look up
// based on path. Ideally we can remove this as soon as the tsserverlibrary is consumable as a module.
let modules = <ts.Map<ts.ResolvedModuleFull>>(<any>this.currentSourceFile).resolvedModules;
contract.assert(!!modules, "Expected internal SourceFile.resolvedModules property to be non-null");
return modules;
// getResolvedModuleSymbol turns a TypeScript module descriptor into a real symbol.
private getResolvedModuleSymbol(mod: ts.ResolvedModuleFull): ts.Symbol {
let moduleFile: ts.SourceFile = this.script.tree!.getSourceFile(mod.resolvedFileName);
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.checker().getSymbolAtLocation(moduleFile);
contract.assert(!!moduleSymbol, `Expected '${mod.resolvedFileName}' module to resolve to a symbol`);
return moduleSymbol;
// resolveModuleSymbol binds either a name or a path to an associated module symbol.
private resolveModuleSymbol(node: ts.Node, name?: string, path?: string): ts.Symbol {
private resolveModuleSymbol(name?: string, path?: string): ts.Symbol {
// Resolve the module name to a real symbol.
// TODO(joe): ensure that this dependency exists, to avoid "accidentally" satisfyied name resolution in the
// TypeScript compiler; for example, if the package just happens to exist in `node_modules`, etc.
let sourceContext: ts.SourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
// TODO[marapongo/mu#52]: we are grabbing the sourceContext's resolvedModules property directly, because
// TypeScript doesn't currently offer a convenient way of accessing this information. The (unexported)
// getResolvedModule function almost does this, but not quite, because it doesn't allow us to perform a lookup
// based on path. Ideally we can remove this as soon as the tsserverlibrary is consumable as a module.
let candidates = <ts.Map<ts.ResolvedModuleFull>>(<any>sourceContext).resolvedModules;
contract.assert(!!candidates, "Expected internal SourceFile.resolvedModules property to be non-null");
let candidates: ts.Map<ts.ResolvedModuleFull> = this.getResolvedModules();
let resolvedModule: ts.ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
for (let candidateName of Object.keys(candidates)) {
let candidate: ts.ResolvedModuleFull = candidates[candidateName];
@ -312,44 +331,47 @@ export class Transformer {
contract.assert(!!resolvedModule, `Expected '${name}' to resolve to a module`);
let moduleSource: ts.SourceFile = this.script.tree!.getSourceFile(resolvedModule!.resolvedFileName);
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.checker().getSymbolAtLocation(moduleSource);
contract.assert(!!moduleSymbol, `Expected '${name}' module to resolve to a symbol`);
return moduleSymbol;
contract.assert(!!resolvedModule, `Expected '${name}|${path}' to resolve to a module`);
return this.getResolvedModuleSymbol(resolvedModule!);
// resolveModuleSymbolByName binds a string-based module path to the associated symbol.
private resolveModuleSymbolByName(node: ts.Node, name: string): ts.Symbol {
return this.resolveModuleSymbol(node, name);
private resolveModuleSymbolByName(name: string): ts.Symbol {
return this.resolveModuleSymbol(name);
// resolveModuleSymbolByPath binds a string-based module path to the associated symbol.
private resolveModuleSymbolByPath(node: ts.Node, path: string): ts.Symbol {
return this.resolveModuleSymbol(node, undefined, path);
private resolveModuleSymbolByPath(path: string): ts.Symbol {
return this.resolveModuleSymbol(undefined, path);
// resolveModuleReferenceByName binds a string-based module name to the associated token that references it.
private resolveModuleReferenceByName(node: ts.Node, name: string): ModuleReference {
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbol(node, name);
return this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol.name);
private resolveModuleReferenceByName(name: string): ModuleReference {
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbol(name);
return this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol);
// resolveModuleReferenceByPath binds a string-based module path to the associated token that references it.
private resolveModuleReferenceByPath(node: ts.Node, path: string): ModuleReference {
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbol(node, undefined, path);
return this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol.name);
private resolveModuleReferenceByPath(path: string): ModuleReference {
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbol(undefined, path);
return this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol);
// resolveModuleReferenceByFile binds a TypeScript SourceFile path to the associated token that references it.
private resolveModuleReferenceByFile(file: ts.SourceFile): ModuleReference {
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbol(undefined, file.fileName);
return this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol);
// resolveModuleExportNames binds a module token to the set of tokens that it exports.
private resolveModuleExportNames(node: ts.Node, mod: ModuleReference): symbols.Token[] {
private resolveModuleExportNames(mod: ModuleReference): symbols.Token[] {
let exports: symbols.Token[] = [];
// Resolve the module name to a real symbol.
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbolByPath(node, mod);
let moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol = this.resolveModuleSymbolByPath(mod);
mod === this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol.name),
`Expected discovered module '${this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol.name)}' to equal '${mod}'`,
mod === this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol),
`Expected discovered module '${this.createModuleReference(moduleSymbol)}' to equal '${mod}'`,
for (let expsym of this.checker().getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol)) {
exports.push(this.createModuleMemberToken(mod, expsym.name));
@ -358,13 +380,8 @@ export class Transformer {
return exports;
// resolveTypeToken takes a TypeScript AST node that carries possible typing information and resolves it to a fully
// qualified MuIL type token name.
private resolveTypeToken(node: TypeLike): symbols.TypeToken | undefined {
if (node) {
let ty: ts.Type = this.checker().getTypeAtLocation(node);
// resolveTypeToken takes a concrete TypeScript Type resolves it to a fully qualified MuIL type token name.
private resolveTypeToken(ty: ts.Type): symbols.TypeToken | undefined {
if (ty.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Any) {
return symbols.anyType;
@ -378,16 +395,47 @@ export class Transformer {
return symbols.boolType;
else if (ty.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Void) {
// void is represented as the absence of a type.
return undefined;
// TODO[marapongo/mu#36]: detect more cases (including complex types).
else if (ty.symbol) {
return this.resolveTypeTokenFromSymbol(ty.symbol);
// If none of those matched, simply default to the weakly typed "any" type.
// TODO[marapongo/mu#36]: detect more cases: unions, literals, complex types, generics, more.
return symbols.anyType;
// resolveTypeTokenFromSymbol resolves a symbol to a fully qualified TypeToken that can be used to reference it.
private resolveTypeTokenFromSymbol(sym: ts.Symbol): symbols.TypeToken {
// By default, just the type symbol's naked name.
let token: symbols.TypeToken = sym.name;
// It's possible this type came from another module; in that case, fully qualify it.
let decls: ts.Declaration[] = sym.getDeclarations();
if (decls.length > 0) {
let file: ts.SourceFile = decls[0].getSourceFile();
if (file !== this.currentSourceFile) {
let modref: ModuleReference = this.createModuleReferenceFromPath(file.fileName);
let modtok: symbols.ModuleToken = this.createModuleToken(modref);
token = `${modtok}${symbols.moduleSep}${token}`;
return token;
// resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike takes a TypeScript AST node that carries possible typing information and resolves
// it to fully qualified MuIL type token name.
private resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike(node: TypeLike): symbols.TypeToken | undefined {
// Note that we use the getTypeAtLocation API, rather than node's type AST information, so that we can get the
// fully bound type. The compiler may have arranged for this to be there through various means, e.g. inference.
let ty: ts.Type = this.checker().getTypeAtLocation(node);
return this.resolveTypeToken(ty);
// transformIdentifier takes a TypeScript identifier node and yields a true MuIL identifier.
private transformIdentifier(node: ts.Identifier): ast.Identifier {
return this.withLocation(node, ident(node.text));
@ -456,7 +504,7 @@ export class Transformer {
this.currentModuleMembers[initializer.name.ident] = initializer;
let modref: ModuleReference = this.createModuleReference(node.fileName);
let modref: ModuleReference = this.createModuleReferenceFromPath(node.fileName);
let modtok: symbols.ModuleToken = this.createModuleToken(modref);
return this.withLocation(node, <ast.Module>{
kind: ast.moduleKind,
@ -536,7 +584,7 @@ export class Transformer {
contract.assert(node.moduleSpecifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral);
let spec: ts.StringLiteral = <ts.StringLiteral>node.moduleSpecifier;
let source: string = this.transformStringLiteral(spec).value;
sourceModule = this.resolveModuleReferenceByName(node, source);
sourceModule = this.resolveModuleReferenceByName(source);
if (node.exportClause) {
@ -608,7 +656,7 @@ export class Transformer {
// For this to work, we simply enumerate all known exports from "module".
for (let name of this.resolveModuleExportNames(node, sourceModule!)) {
for (let name of this.resolveModuleExportNames(sourceModule!)) {
kind: ast.exportKind,
name: <ast.Identifier>{
@ -632,7 +680,7 @@ export class Transformer {
// current file's module table in order to find its fully resolved path.
contract.assert(node.moduleSpecifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral);
let importModule: ModuleReference =
this.resolveModuleReferenceByName(node, (<ts.StringLiteral>node.moduleSpecifier).text);
// Figure out what kind of import statement this is (there are many, see below).
let name: ts.Identifier | undefined;
@ -958,12 +1006,19 @@ export class Transformer {
// Get the signature so that we can fetch the return type.
let returnType: symbols.TypeToken | undefined;
if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor) {
let signature: ts.Signature = this.checker().getSignatureFromDeclaration(node);
returnType = this.resolveTypeToken(signature.getReturnType());
// Delegate to the factory method to turn this into a real function object.
return {
name: name,
parameters: parameters.map((p: VariableDeclaration<ast.LocalVariable>) => p.variable),
body: body,
returnType: this.resolveTypeToken(node),
returnType: returnType,
@ -1036,7 +1091,7 @@ export class Transformer {
variable: {
kind: ast.localVariableKind,
name: name,
type: this.resolveTypeToken(node),
type: this.resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike(node),
initializer: initializer,
@ -1049,7 +1104,7 @@ export class Transformer {
kind: ast.classKind,
name: this.transformIdentifier(node.name),
access: access,
extends: this.resolveTypeToken(node),
extends: this.resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike(node),
@ -1157,7 +1212,7 @@ export class Transformer {
return {
name: name,
type: this.resolveTypeToken(node),
type: this.resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike(node),
initializer: initializer,
@ -1255,7 +1310,7 @@ export class Transformer {
access: this.getClassAccessibility(node),
readonly: !!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Readonly),
static: !!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Static),
type: this.resolveTypeToken(node),
type: this.resolveTypeTokenFromTypeLike(node),

View file

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
"returnType": "any",
"loc": {
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {

View file

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
"returnType": "any",
"loc": {
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {

View file

@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"returnType": "any",
"loc": {
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {

View file

@ -300,7 +300,6 @@
"returnType": "any",
"static": false,
"abstract": false,
"loc": {
@ -351,7 +350,7 @@
"type": "any"
"type": "Point"
"body": {
@ -655,7 +654,7 @@
"returnType": "any",
"returnType": "Point",
"static": false,
"abstract": false,
"loc": {